Best Practices - Naming Conventions

The purpose of this document is to provide best practices to avoid naming conflicts.

Use meaningful names

Tables, classes, and representations names

Use the same code throughout the development process. A data class and a representation class should have the same code as the main data table.
For example, if the data table code is "MYCODE", use "MYCODE" for the data class code and the representation class code.

Property names

For each property, assign the same code in the data table, the data class, and the representation class. While this is not mandatory, it makes it easier to understand and maintain.

Make sure you follow the naming conventions.

Process names

When adding a process to a data class or a representation class, Sage X3 displays the default value for the code. This code starts with the class/representation code. It is recommended to use the default value for codes, and to follow the same naming conventions as for any other process files. This will make it easier to find all processes for a particular data class or representation class.

Method and operation names

Follow the naming conventions when creating a method or an operation.