How to upgrade a version 6 folder
When Sage X3 upgrades from version 6 to version 7, several steps must be completed. They are described as follows.
The corresponding steps are described in the Sage X3 Installation procedure. They must be done on the different servers, and end with the supervisor installation.
For every folder that needs to be connected, you must go to the folder management on the Sage X3 server (the Sage X3 endpoint previously defined), and validate your folder. The description of the validation steps, as defined in the corresponding version 6 supervisor documentation, remain valid.
To do this, you must declare the corresponding Endpoints and associate a dedicated Version 7 user with administration rights to an application user who is granted administration rights in the application folder. Though temporary, this step is necessary if you want to perform the next steps when connected as the user.
The principles and the administrative data defined to establish the connection between the version 7 web server and Sage X3 folders are described in the Connection parameters document.
This step is not mandatory. It enables you to create users in the administration platform from the user list as defined in the AUTILIS table in your folder. The tool to use is the user creation tool.
In the administration platform, a menu item refers to the web pages. For every standard Sage X3 function (as defined in the function dictionary), a menu item is already present in the administration repository. You may have specific, vertical, or bespoke functions that have not been shipped in this repository. A tool is available to create these menu items. If you want to avoid creating these menu items manually, you can use the dedicated menu profile import tool.
This step can be useful, but it is not critical because the dashboards are an entity only used for mobile applications. It has been used in an intermediate step for early adopters, but has been replaced in the final version 7 release by home pages and navigation pages.
If you use the Portal generation tool, it enables you to create default dashboards, vignettes, and menu items from version 6 portal and user menus.
In most cases, building manually home pages and navigation pages will be easier than running the tool and then making manual adjustments.
If you use visual processes in your folders, and especially if you copied them from other folders, it is recommended to launch the visual process recodification tool that updates the visual process and adds additional meta data. This tool generates additional meta data in dictionaries to handle version 6 visual processes in version 7.