Tip always follow template script structures

The scripts used for handling the events in class and representation classes MUST follow the template described here:

# This first label is called for every global event# Including events such as AUPDATE, AREAD, AINSERT_CONTROL_AFTER... defined by ACTION variable# If multiple levels of documents exist, CURPTH will give you the scope and you have also to test it# In the example above:# - we manage global events on the class# - we have a collection of children instances called MYCOL, on which we manage some other events# - we manage rules on several properties (PROP1, PROP2, PROP3) and on a property in a collection line# - every event tested is managed in a separate section called by Gosub#**#* Label for coding event of CRUD#* @param CURPTH Local Char(250), contains the class path#* @param EVENT Local Char(20), contains the event code#* @return ASTATUS Local Integer#*!$EVENTSCase [L]CURPTHWhen ""Case [L]EVENTWhen "AREAD" : Gosub AREADWhen "AINSERT" : Gosub AINSERTWhen "AUPDATE" : Gosub AUPDATEWhen "ADELETE" : Gosub ADELETEEndcaseWhen "MYCOL"Case [L]EVENTWhen "AREAD_AFTER" : Gosub MYCOL_AREAD_AFTERWhen "ADDLINE_AFTER" : Gosub MYCOL_ADDLINE_AFTEREndcaseEndcaseReturn#**#* Label for coding your application methods#* @param AMETHOD Local Char(20), contains the operation code#* @return ARET_VALUE (the type of the return value is declared in the method)#*!$METHODSCase [L]AMETHODEndcaseReturn#**#* Label for coding your application operations#* @param AOPERATION Local Char(20), contains the operation code#* @return ARET_VALUE (the type of the return value is declared in the method)#*!$OPERATIONSCase [L]AOPERATIONEndcaseReturn#**#* Label for coding rules properties#* @param CURPRO, contains the property code#* @param ARULE, contains the rule code#* @return ASTATUS Local Integer#*!$PROPERTIESCase [L]CURPROWhen "PROP1" : Gosub PROP1When "PROP2" : Gosub PROP2When "PROP3" : Gosub PROP3When "MYCOL.PROP4" : Gosub MYCOL_PROP4EndcaseReturn# Rules associated to the PROP1 property$PROP1Case [L]ARULEWhen "CONTROL" : Gosub PROP1_CONTROLWhen "PROPAGATE" : Gosub PROP1_PROPAGATEEndcaseReturn....