Tip new supervisor library functions to use

In Sage X3 version 6, many supervisor libraries were available to handle resources such as screen access, log files, and parameter access. You must forget these libraries as they have been replaced by methods that are associated either with dedicated classes or with different libraries.

The list of the scripts that should no longer be used is provided in the following table:

Script sourceCall or FuncStatusReplaced by
GESECRANABANDON, AVERTIR, ERREUR, MESSAGEIncompatible with the Version 7 native UIASETERROR methods to handle errors, warning, and information messages
ECR_TRACEMethods associated with the ALOG class
All other subprogramsNone
LECFICOUVRE_TRACE, FERME_TRACE, LEC-TRACE, SUPP_TRACEIncompatible with the new log file management.Methods associated with the ALOG class
AFNCPARAM, PARAMUTILDeprecatedMethods associated with the APARAM class
MES1, MES2, MES3, MES4, MES5Used for messages including variable elements.Still usable but the corresponding library is now ASYRFNC
GSAISIE, GTRAITEAll subprogramsIncompatible with the new UI.None