
Memos are used to store a set of frequently used input values as a so called memo.
These memos can be applied to a page later instead of entering the stored values manually.

A good example for using memos is the creation of expenses for frequent trips.
The total amount for a travel to the same place usually does not change to often.

Create a new memo

To create a new memo, the values to be stored in the memo have to be entered in the desired page:

After having entered all values, use the My memos item in the action panel to open the memos management panel:

The panel will show up:

In the memo panel, enter a title for the new memo in field (1).
Click the Create button to create a new memo.

Apply existing memo

To apply values from an existing memo to the current page, open the memos management panel by using the action menu.
The panel will show up:

The panel offeres the following options:

  1. Endpoint
    Show only memos for selected endpoint
  2. Title
    Title of memo
  3. Apply
    Will set all input fields of the underlying page according to the values stored in the memo
  4. Update memo
    Will update the memo with the current values of the underlying page
  5. Delete memo
    Will delete the memo

To apply a memo to the current page, click on Apply of the memo to transfer the values into the current page.