Linux Oracle 12c

This document describes the minimum configuration requirements when installing the Software package application and data servers on a Linux - Oracle 12c server.

CategoryConfiguration requirements
Operating system
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Recommended version: 7.5 or later.
  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 7. Recommended version: 7.5 or later.
  • CentOS 7 can be used for non-production systems but this is not officialy supported by Sage.
  • Industry-standard server or virtual machine.
  • Processors:
    • Recommended: Intel® Xeon® E5 v3 or later, E7 v3 or later
    • Avoid low energy processors, best performance with a clock speed above 2.4 GHz
  • Recommended to manage up to 50 users simultaneously in a single-tier architecture.
  • 1 core per group of 40 sessions.
  • RAM
    • 2 GB minimum for Windows Operating System, 2 GB minimum (more is better) per Oracle database instance.
    MiscellaneousMake sure:
    • the X-windows components are correctly installed from the Unix server's Graphical console: xclock (a clock should be displayed on the console).
      Caution: Make sure the Graphical console works properly before installing Oracle 12c on the UNIX server.
    • you install "ksh", as it is required for the Apps server installation.
    • you set SELINUX to "Permissive" on the Apps server.
    Disk space
    • For Oracle 12c software: 5 GB for SE2. It can be more for and/or Enterprise Edition.
    • For Sage X3 (reference folder and software): 4 GB.
    • For the demo folder: 8 GB.
    • For the production folder: depends on the data managed. A sizing tool is available to calculate size requirements.
    Database software
    • Oracle 12c, versions and, editions SE2 (Standard Edition 2) or EE (Enterprise Edition).
    • It is necessary to set up a listener.
    • If a sqlnet.ora file has been defined for the listener, make sure that:
      • the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES parameter value is set to "BEQ". The "NTS" value is not supported.
      • The SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter must be set to "8". Create this parameter if it does not exist already.
    Mail server
    • The workflow engine used in "Classic" mode requires a SMTP server or gateway accessible from the server.
    Publication serverAn Apache server 2.4 must be installed on the application server:
    • The standard "httpd" Linux package that is based on Apache 2.4 source works perfectly with Sage X3 V12.Use yum install httpd to install
    • Modules "mod_proxy", "mod_proxy_http", "mod_proxy_connect" and "mod_proxy_ftp" must be available on Apache.
    • A SAFE X3 ADXADMIN administration runtime must be installed on the server.
    • A JDK or Java Runtime Environment (version 8) must be installed.
      OpenJDK is reported to work well on Linux with Sage X3 but may interfere on single-tier environments with embedded Java.