Microsoft® Windows - Microsoft® SQL Server 2016/2017

This document describes the minimum configuration requirements when installing the Sage X3 software package application and data servers on a Microsoft® Windows - SQL Server 2016/2017 server.

CategoryConfiguration requirements
Operating system
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials, Standard, and Datacenter.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Essentials, Standard, and Datacenter.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Essentials, Standard, and Datacenter.
  • Industry-standard server or virtual machine.
  • Processors:
    • Recommended: Intel® Xeon® E5 v3 or later, E7 v3 or later
    • Avoid low energy processors, best performance with a clock speed above 2.4 GHz
RAMMinimum configuration for a server hosting Microsoft SQL Server and Sage X3 Application/Main Runtime (not Syracuse presentation tier)
  • 2 GB for Windows Operating System
  • 4 GB per SQL Server instance (on production systems, you should provision much more memory for SQL Server, depending on the number of concurrent user sessions and the size of "active" data).
  • 100 MB per Sage X3 Classic user session.
Disk space
  • SQL Server 2016/2017: 6 GB minimum.
  • For Sage X3 (reference folder and software): 6 GB.
  • For the SEED demo folder: 8 GB.
  • For the production folder: Depends on the quantity of data managed. A sizing tool is available to compute the size requirements.
Database softwareMicrosoft SQL Server 2016/2017 x64 Standard or Enterprise Edition, installed with the following options:
  • A named instance is required. It will be used to create the product database.
  • SQL Server intance must have the following characteristics:
    • Sorting (collation) order should be Latin1_General_BIN
    • Mixed mode is mandatory to support both Windows and SQL Server authentication modes.
    • Access to the sa SQL account or to another account with sysadmin role is required.
  • By default, SQL Server communication by TCP/IP or Named Pipes is not activated at installation time. It must be enabled for these two modes if SQL Server and at least one SAFE X3 Runtime or SAFE X3 Print Server component are not hosted in the same server.
  • The SQL Server Browser service must be launched.
Mail server
  • The workflow engine used in "Classic" mode requires an SMTP server or gateway accessible from any machine hosting a SAFE X3 Runtime.
Publication server
User accounts
  • For the actual software users, it is recommended to define a user group and assign the access to the different software folders after the software component installation.
  • A JDK or Java Runtime Environment (version 8) must be present for running the IZpack-based components installers.
  • A SAFE X3 ADXADMIN administration runtime must be installed on the server prior to any Sage X3 core component .
  • With SQL Server 2016, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) version 16.5.3 or 17.9 or later must be installed.
  • With SQL Server 2017, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) version 17.9 or later must be installed.
  • SAFE X3 Management Console CFG.240 or later must be used to configure Sage X3.

SQL Server utility (for SQL Server 2016/2017)

From Sage X3 V12, the SAFE X3 Management Console and the SAFE X3 Supervisor use the SQLCMD.exe SQL Server utility to:

From SQL Server 2016, this component is installed by the separate SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) package.
The SSMS installation package is not delivered on the SQL Server 2016/2017 installation medium but a download link for this package is provided in the SQL Server setup function.

If the SAFE X3 Management Console cannot find SQLCMD.exe, it rejects the installation environment, or it may find and use an SQLCMD.exe from an SQL Server environment which might not be the proper one when multiple SQL Server versions are installed.

For this reason, you should ensure that an SQLCMD.exe consistent with your SQL Server database version is located on all machines where you install and configure a SAFE X3 Runtime component (Main, Additional or Test), and you select the proper path for SQLCMD.exe in SAFE X3 Console at configuration time.
If you are using the default SQL Server Management Studio installation directory tree, you should find SQLCMD.exe in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn with SSMS 16.x.
If you are using SSMS 17.x, 130 may be replaced with 140 in the paths above.

Be cautious with the version of SQL Server Management Studio you are using: