Constants dictionary

Classic Functionfunction codeGESACSC

A constant code is the description of a constant used as a symbol (for example, the '[V]CST_xxx' code rather than a numeric constant value). This is used in Sage X3 scripts to make to code more readable.

For information about the use of constants, see the Developer Guide Constants document.

When creating or updating a constant, it is necessary to enter the following information:

Header informationMain informationDescriptionInitialization blockValidation operation

Header information

This section contains information to identify the constant:

Main information

This section defines the main characteristics of the constant:


This section contains a documentation text explaining the purpose of this constant.


This section describes the data type and the constant value assigned to the constant symbol:


The validation generates a script called 'WMACONSTANT' that is executed at the start of a session. When new constants are added, they will not be effective before the next connection.