Development > Business intelligence > BO tools > Universe generation 

This function is used to create or recreate (in case of modification) a universe that can be reused by the Business Intelligence functions. Launching it automatically creates all the objects in the Business Objects dictionary.

The update of an already existing universe entails a report "remapping" stage for those reports that are already created in the universe to operate again. Launching this stage is optional.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The screen associated to the function is used to define the parameters associated to the universe creation or update.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Used to specify the datawarehouse code from which the universe is generated.

Used to specify the datamart code from which the universe is generated.

  • Universe (field UNIVERS)

This field is display only ; its contents is determined in the following fashion :

  • It starts with the abbreviation defined in the datamart (for example XXX).
  • Universe XXX001 is created if it does not already exist, otherwise, XXX002, XXX003... are created.

The creation of the universe is made in a systematic fashion without deleting the previous universes that exist, for obvious security reasons.



  • Authorizations by site (field AUTSIT)

This box present for information purposes is not entered, it is checked if, in the definition of the datamart, the box Authorization by site is checked.  In this case, the generation automatically adds the standard filters on the objects concerned.

  • Access code management (field AUTACC)

This box is used to define if the management of authorizations by access code in the universe is required. In this case the generation automatically adds the standard filters on the objects concerned.

  • Test mode (field TEST)

When this box is checked, the universe is not actually created, but a detailed log file gives all the operations that will be carried out by creation function.

  • Development mode (field MODDEV)


  • Variable modification (field MODVAR)


  • Universe export (field EXPORT)

If this box is checked, the universe generated in the universe designer is exported to the business objects server. The common reference is then up to date. If the box is not checked, the universe remains confined to the designer ; the designer can then be used to view the universe on the server and potentially modified before exporting it. The fact of un-checking this box is only of interest when ready to carryout tests.

  • Report mapping (field TRAD)

If box is checked, a copy is made of the standard shipped reports in the reference database of the newly created universe.



Batch task

This function can be executed in batch mode. The standard task ABICREUNV can execute it.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Impossible to determine the BO machine

There is server access problem (probably at network level).

Datamart not present in the datawarehouse

The entered datamart does not exist in the selected datawarehouse.

Error messages in the log file

The universe generation process generates a log file. The following messages thus appear in the log file.

The remote directory could not be created

Upon creation of a universe, directories must exist on the server where Business Objects is installed, so that the appropriate creation scripts can be placed there. This message means that the directories in question could not be created, namely because the user was not authorized to create them of for any other reason (for instance, no disk space available anymore).

Non existent object: xxx

During the coherence control of all the elements of the universe, an inconsistency was detected: for instance, a hierarchy described in the universe refers to an element that no longer exists, a nonexistent predefined condition (prompt), etc.

No active field on the table

A table cannot be created because all the fields in this table are deactivated via inactive activity codes.

Inactive dimension

A link between tables refers to a dimension bearing an inactive activity code.

xxx: Field not present in the yyy aggregate

The field controlling the access to a table is not present in the aggregate. This can be the case if a control by access code has been activated.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Annex: definition of the directories used in the reports

Upon installation of the software, a set of standard reports is shipped in a directory named as follows:

SAGE / Product~Version / Name_of_the _root_directory / ALL

In the case of Sage X3, the following path is obtained: Sage/X3~V5/X3/ALL

The directory in which the reports are named as follows:

SAGE / Solution / Datawarehouse / language

Solution corresponds to the solution code as it is defined in the installation via the console, Datawarehouse is the datawarehouse code involved and the language the corresponding language code. Thus for a solution named ERP, a datawarehouse named ENTREPOT, and the language, the path SAGE / ERP / ENTREPOT / FRA is obtained.