Development > Utilities > Patches > Setup copy 

This function is used to copy some setup from a SAFE X3 folder to another SAFE X3 folder.

Two cases are possible:

  • If the folders are located in the same SAFE X3 solution, the copy takes place directly.
  • If the folders are located in different SAFE X3 solutions, this function generates a patch-type file only. This file will need to be subsequently reintegrated to the destination folder using the Patch integration function.

SEEINFO In case of direct copy, it is not possible to specify a file path, but only the folders of origin and destination.
These two folders will have to be located in the same solution.

SEEREFERTTO To make the setup copy easier, the notion of setup model has been introduced. The creation of a model makes it unnecessary to enter the whole setup each time a copy needs to be made.
This field is mandatory and makes it possible to pre-enter the data grid to copy. However, this grid can be modified and entered before its copy.

Screen management

The entry screen is used to define not only the required processing type (direct copy or creation of a patch file) but also a setup model code. Once this model is entered, it is possible to modify or complete the displayed lines: each line defines the lines to extract or to copy from the concerned setup tables via a data model and additional selection criteria.

Entry screen


Once the entry is validated, the copy is carried out if it was the operation requested. If the creation of a patch was requested, the patch creation function is automatically accessed and all the lines corresponding to the entry are displayed. It is then possible to complete the patch file whose creation was proposed.

Please note that the proposed patch integrates the data model lines (type=AAA) but also the patch of the setup model (type=APH), which creation is not mandatory in the patch in order to view the transferred setups.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Copy type

  • Copy type (field TYPTRS)


  • Source folder (field DOSORG)
  • Destination folder (field DOSDES)


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)
  • File name (field VOLFIL)


Setup templates

Table Data models

  • Selection (field EXPSEL)



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation