The miscellaneous tables are related tables used in all contexts of the software for storing codes and some restrictions for attached information. For example, stored here are the tax rules, payment methods, non-payment reasons...

These common tables, identified by a number, allow the storing of the following elements :

* codes serving as identifiers, and that are stored in the fields using the data type ADI. These codes are stored with a maximum number of characters equal to the parameter MAXADI, a parameter that cannot be updated except at the revalidation of the folder (it is entered in the first tab of the folder definition). In version 130, this length is equal to 3 characters, the number of characters associated with codes of this type can not be parameterized. In version 140, it is possible to change this value, and moreover a maximum number of characters can be given for the code entry (providing that this number is inferior to MAXADI). This number can be made available for parameterization by the user in certain miscellaneous tables, in the table definition. The user can define the length of these codes by means of a dedicated function.

* the corresponding long and short titles. These labels can be translated. The texts are stored in the table ATEXTRA.

* a possible dependence link toward the key of another miscellaneous table (to manage, for example, the fact that a sub-group cannot be attached to a given group).

* 1 to 4 user-defined fields.

The significance of a certain number of these tables is predefined in the software, but it is possible to add tables for use in vertical or custom developments. The ranges reserved are defined in an appendix to this documentation.

These miscellaneous tables are, for technical reasons, stored in a single table in the database. The entry of values in these miscellaneous tables is assured by this function.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Once the table number is entered, the grid with the existing table codes is loaded and then the following can be entered line by line, the codes, the corresponding long and short titles, additional associated values if necessary, and the code of the linked group (these columns only appear if the additional fields and/or a dependence link have been defined). These additional values can be selected and controlled.

When this function is called directly by tunnel from the entry of a code value, the table number is imposed. It is not possible to change it.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This number identifies the miscellaneous table. A certain number of numbers are predefined in the software, but it is possible to add to them, by specific/custom development, using number ranges reserved for this purpose.

  • Title (field ZINTIT)

Destined notably to figure in the reports and the screens in which the record code can be entered or selected. This text is used to give a clear description to the record concerned.

Indicate here the number of the miscellaneous table that serves as a reference to enter the Dependence column. During the use of the miscellaneous table, it imposes a dependence between two fields entered by the linked miscellaneous tables.

Table List of values

  • No. (field NUMLIG)


List of the codes belonging to each number of the table. These codes serve as an identifier within each table.

  • Title (field LNGDES)

This title, associated with the table code is entered by default in the connection language, but it can be translated into other languages. In fact, by a right click on the field, it is possible to open a window that is used to enter a list of language codes and associated titles. If not, the function text translation is used, by selecting the chapter Miscellaneous tables, to carryout a translation in all the languages of the texts that have been selected.

  • Short title (field SHODES)


  • field A1

The entry values in the additional columns depending on the parameterization of the miscellaneous table (up to four additional values can be used and also a value for the depending code).

  • field A2


  • field A3


  • field A4


  • field A5


  • field A6


  • field A7


  • field A8


  • field A9


  • field A10


  • field A11


  • field A12


  • field A13


  • field A14


  • field A15


  • field N1


  • field N2


  • field N3


  • field N4


  • field N5


  • field N6


  • field N7


  • field N8


  • field N9


  • field N10


  • field N11


  • field N12


  • field N13


  • field N14


  • field N15



  • field INTSOC
  • field INTLEG
  • field ENAFLG



This value, chosen from amongst the codes available in the table, is proposed by default during the entry of a field controlled by this miscellaneous table.




By default, the following reports are associated to the function :

 ATABDIV : Miscellaneous tables

This can be changed by a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

This field is used to define the folder from which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

This option is used to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table from the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

This field used to define the folder in which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.


This button allows the recopying of both the miscellaneous table parameterization structure and its contents (the contents of the previous miscellaneous table are lost) to another folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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Appendix: number ranges used

There are several ranges to be noted :

Number ranges



Supervisor tables copied to the folder validation


Functional tables copied to the folder validation


Tables reserved for vertical developments


Tables reserved for custom developments