Setup > Users > Access codes 

The access codes are the codes that are used to protect the information or the functions, in read, write and execution mode (when the context permits it). In this case, these codes act a bit like a lock placed on a field in a screen, in a transaction, in a report or in a database record. Following on from this, by defining for each user, it is possible to access protected information in this way (thus they have the key available allowing them to open the lock). This is defined in the user record: The rights to read, write and/or execution can then be assigned to a user. An All access codes check box makes it possible for certain users to have access to all information protected by access codes.

This function is used to enter or modify the list of access codes, defined by alphanumeric codes, maximum 10 characters, with an associated title.

The number of access codes and their codification is totally free, since what only matters is the assignment that is made in the different records, which can be controlled in this way .


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Screen management

Entry screen


This entry is made in a scrolling grid. Only the access codes are entered, whose coding is free.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This code identifies the created records in a unique manner.

  • Title (field DESACC)




Specific Buttons

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

This field is used to define the folder from which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

This option is used to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table from the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

This field used to define the folder in which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the totality of access codes to an other folder (only those not existing in the target folder are created; plus the other access codes existing in the target folder are of course not selected).

Use of access codes

The access codes can be entered in a certain number of functions (either in development, or in the management of database elements in the software).

The standard behaviour, managed by the object management, is the following: When a file contains an access code, the object management filters the rights to display and to modify each record, since an access code has been entered in the record, in considering the read and write rights accorded to the user in the corresponding access code.

This makes it possible to automatically manage simple access rights on standard records where the access code appears, but also facilitates the addition of specific filtering on all object management. In fact, the simple fact of adding an access code field in one of the screens for an object, in the table associated with an object, and to declare this field in the Access code field section of the object management is sufficient to put in place in the filtering.

The supervisor objects situated in the following table use the filters in read and write by access code. When a code for an object is present in bold, the access codes are also tested at execution, the detail of the rights controlled being given later in this document.

Object code



Parameter dictionary


Print destinations


System transactions


Report dictionary


Window management


Inquiry screens


Statistical parameters

It should be noted that the right to modify an access code associated with parameters controls not only gives the right to modify the parameter characteristics, but also and especially the right to modify its value (whether in the entry of parameters or in the personnel choice when the parameter is at user level).

Similarly, the right to display in the access code associated with statistical parameters controls not only the right to display the parameterization of the code, but also the right to display corresponding statistics.

The execution rights are managed in the objects in bold below, in the following way:

* The access codes present in the parameterized transactions are used to prohibit the use of these transaction if the execution right is not given to the user.

* The access codes present in requests are used to prohibit their use in execution mode if the execution right is not given to the user.

* The access codes present in system transactions prohibit their execution if the execution right is not given to the user.

* The access codes present in the enquiry screens make it possible to prohibit the use of these screens if the execution right is not given to the user.

There exists a specific case in the control of access codes. Indeed, it is possible to associate these access codes to fields on screens (the allocation of access codes function is used for this association). The read and write rights associated to a code for the user defines if the field can be displayed and/or modifiable by the user.

In addition, the read access rights in access codes present in statistics codes (PS2 object) are required not only to view the parameterization, but also to view the corresponding statistics.

Each software package based on X3 technology uses the access codes to control access to the database or movements in the software. The detail on use of the codes is given in an additional annex.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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