Certain characteristics in the software objects are modifiable using the parameterisation. These characteristics, stored in the objects table, are never updated when changing the version (they remain unchanged in the case of version evolution).

The object personalisation function is used to define these characteristics, which are essentially those of the selection windows and the left lists, as well the presence of the associated functions (print, list, statistics) and the automatic links for the link explorer.


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Screen management



The modification of the object characteristics is carried out by entering the following information in 2 tabs.




The following fields are present on this tab :

The object code is comprised of 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters. The Adonix reserved words are prohibited.

  • Title (field ZLIBEL)

Title associated to the previous code.



Tab Selection


The route order of the left list and the selection window.

Specified here is the key for the principal file for the object that is used like a route index in the left list. If this key is made up of several sections, there is the possibility to present it in the form of a list hierarchy by ticking the corresponding box : This list is made by firstly presenting the first part of the key only, a little like a directory entry in the Windows explorer(TM). It is possible by double clicking on one of the values of the key, explore the sub-values of the key and through the number of levels of existing sub-keys. When all the key levels are explored, a record can be selected.

The Number of characters (N) in used to define the manner by which the positioning is made in the left list when using a rapid selection by having entered a field value (which will be called field in this example). When opening the selection window :

*    the request used to extract the data that must appear in the selection window is a request of the type key=value, where the value of the key is composed of the first N characters of the field.

*    the positioning of the selection is made in the window on the first key such that key=field.

Definition of the contents of the left list

The left list contains as a minimum a list of the records selected from the principal table, the selection windows or the secondary picking list depending on the object (and potentially two other optional windows described in the second tab).

A list of fields is defined in the grid at the bottom of the first tab. These fields are those appearing in the last read left list and in the standard list and also in the standard selection window for the type of data linked to the object. These fields can be:

*    any fields from the principal table managed by the object.

*    any field coming from one of the tables that are declared as linked (with a link expression) in the object.

*    any expressions in the fields coming from the principal table principle and/or the linked tables. A data type is defined in this case in order to allow the formatting of the field, and a "silent" variable name that is used internally in the generated code (this should be started with a Z, for example, in order to avoid a clash with a variable that exists already. A small but important note in this case : the concatenation of several fields in one column can be carried out, but only by using the function sum and not with the operator +. Thus, if the country code and the postal code from the customer table should be displayed, the following expression will be used :
     sum([F:BPA]CRY,' ',[F:BPA]POSCOD)
and not the expression :

It is possible to define up to 15 columns in the left list.

The standard function from the File menu

In object management, there are two functions available that are used to directly launch the chosen reports : these functions are called by File / Print and File / List. By convention, a Print is linked to the current record (the function is greyed out if there is no current function), whilst that of a List is more general. The two report codes associated with the object can be defined at this level.

It is also possible to have access to the statistics enquiries linked to an object by the use of the File / Statistics. This function is only active if the corresponding tick box has been activated in the first tab of the parameterisation.





The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection screen

  • Index (field SELCLE)

This field is used to define an index for the principal file for the display in the left list and in the selection windows. If this field is empty, it is the first index in the table that is used.

  • Sign (field SELORD)

This field is used to define the direction from moving through the principal table for the display in the left list and the selection windows for the object.

  • Hierarchical list (field SELTREE)

When the key chosen for the let list is composed of several parts, the list presents only the first part of the key initially. By double clicking on one of the values of the key there is the possibility to explore the sub-values of the key and thus through the number of levels of existing sub-keys. When all the key levels are explored, a record can be selected from the table.

An example of this functioning can be seen in the site management object : each site being attached to a company, the initial display is the list of companies and there is then the possibility to expand a company by double clicking it : the list of sites then appears and it is possible to select one of these.

if the box is not checked, it is a simple list.

  • No. characters (field SELCAR)

Any field in a screen where the type is linked to a object has available a selection field accessible by right click or by.

This value is used to define the number of characters used to specify where the selection should start, as a function of what has been entered in the field before the selection. If this value is N, the selections starts from the first key where the first N characters are greater than or equal to the string entered. Indeed :

  • If the value 2 is entered and if the string DEF is entered before opening the selection, the selection window will start the search from the first value of the key greater than or equal to DE (if keys starting with DEA exist, it is these that appear first in the window). If H has been entered, the selection will start with the first key greater than or equal to H.
  • If this field has the value 0 and a string UVW is entered before opening the selection, the selection starts at A and is not limited.

Table Selection fields

The table in which the field to be displayed is located is entered here. This table is either the principal table or one of the tables defined as linked to the principal table in the object definition.

This field can be empty if a calculated expression is displayed.

  • Field (field SELZON)

The fields present in the left list are entered here. They come from the table previously defined.

  • Expression (field SELEXP)

When a column from the left list is evaluated, a calculated expression is defined here whose result is placed in the column. A data type is then required to format the field.

  • Title (field ZSELINT)

This label is used as a column title both in the left list and in the selection windows for the object.

By default, the field label is used. It should be noted that this title can be translated. Thus if an unknown title is entered, the window that is used to create a new text in the dictionary opens automatically.

This data type is used to forma the previous expression in the left list.

  • Options (field SELSAI)


  • Length (field SELLNG)



  • Report (field RPT1)

This print code defines the report(s) launched when the File / Print menu option. It should be noted that the report ranges can be entered from the current record : in fact, the File / Print choice is only accessible if a current record is displayed on the screen.

By default, when using these button, the software will attempt to print the reports whose names are given here. But a non-direction table exists that is used to redefine, from the internal code given here, one or more reports (e.g. the printing of the picking lists, and delivery advice notes in the shipments object).

  • List (field RPT2)

This print code defines the report(s) launched when the File / List menu option. The File / Listchoice is always accessible and it is designed to be used to print general lists linked to the online tables.

By default, when using these button, the software will attempt to print the reports whose names are given here. But a non-direction table exists that is used to redefine, from the internal code given here, one or more reports (e.g. the printing of the picking lists, and delivery advice notes in the shipments object).


  • Statistics (field STA)

This tick box allows the activation of the "Statistics" button in the object. This button is used to call the statistics interrogations where the first criteria are defined by the data linked to the principal table or to the tables linked to the object.

  • Lock in modification (field MLOCK)

Used to trigger the logical lock when going to modify a record, where as standard it is set to the display of the record. In order to use modification mode, it is necessary to click on the key.


Archiving URL

  • field ARCURL



Tab Browser


The additional components in the left list

Other than the selection list for the records in the principal table, the selection windows or the secondary picking lists linked to the object, it can also contain two additions components :

*    The list of the last read records (this is present if the corresponding box is ticked). If however the box In first positionis present, this list is the one displayed by default (if not it is the standard left list that is presented).

*    The link explorer, present if the corresponding tick box is activated. In addition to the tick box, it is possible to define a short title that will be substituted, if it is entered, for the title of the object in the link description present in the link explorer. Thus, if there are links to an object whose title is long (Professional exhibitions in the case of CRM, for example), it is useful to give a short name (Trade shows, for example), in order to view in the link explorer a title such as Manage Trade show XXX rather than manage Professional XXX exhibitions that risks being too long to be displayed completely in the left list.

*   Automatic links

It is possible to create in an automatic fashion link data between the current record (when it is created and/or modified) and other records. This is carried out by loading the grid present in the second object personalisation tab. This grid contains the following information :

*    the link object. This object is the object from where the link starts (automatic links are always considered to be made from the link object to the current record). Thus for example, in order to create a link between the order (the SOH object currently being parameterised) and the sold-to customer (BPCORD field in the order header), an automatic link must be defined in the order object by giving BPC as the link object and [SOH]BPCORD as the link key : the result will be a link to the order in the link explorer for the customer.

*    the key is used to identify the link object, in the form of an expression (or a group of expressions separated by a semi-colon if the link key is composed of several parts). This is used to identify the record (of the link object) from which the link will start.

*    the link code (defined in miscellaneous table number 61). It should be noted that the chosen code contains the reciprocal link, the automatic link will be defined in two senses. For example, in the previous case, if the link code is O (order), and if a reciprocal list associated with O exists, named for example D (ordered by), both a link from the customer to the order and a reciprocal link from the order to the customer will be found.

*  a grid element that is used to define, when a field has a dimension, the "bottom of the grid" variable that is used to vary the current index to obtain several links (for example, if a link is required between the order header and different analytical dimensions). This supposes that an index variable is used in the link expression.

Warning there are limits to the definition of these automatic links. In fact, they can only be used in link expressions for fields in the principal table (the fields in the linked tables are excluded, this can exclude for example a link from an order to the ordered products). In view of the very simple structure of the link table, it is always possible to fill this table using a personalisation.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Link explorer

  • Active (field EXPLORE)

This field allows the entry of the current object links with the destination objects.

The current object records linked with these objects are found in the link left list of these objects if this left list is declared in the object and the user has the good link group.

  • Short title (field ZLIBSHO)

This field is used to define a short title that will be subsitute, if it is entered, to the title for the object in the link description present in the link explorer. Thus, if there are links to an object whose title is long (Currency exchange rate for example), it is useful to give a short name (rate for example), in order to view in the link explorer a title such as Use rate XXX rather than Use exchange rate XXX that risks being too long to be displayed completely in the left list.

Last read

  • Active (field DERLU)

This box is used to activate/de-activate the Last read left list.

  • In first position (field FIRLIS)

This field makes it possible to place the left list 'Last read' in first position.

Table Automatic links

This object is used to enter the object from where the link starts (automatic links are always considered to be made from a link object to the current record). Thus, for example, if wishing to make a link to another company (CPY object currently in parameterization) and a user (CREUSR field in the company record), an automatic link is defined in the company object by giving AUS as the link object and [CPY]CREUSR as the key for the link : the result will be a link to the company in the link explorer of the user record.

  • Link expression (field EXPLIEN)

The key is used to enter the link object, in the form of an expression (or a group of expressions separated by a semi-colon if the link key is composed of several parts). This is used to identify the record (of the link object) from which the link will start.

Warning there are limits to the definition of these automatic links. In fact, it can only be used on link expressions for fields in the principal fields. In view of the very simple structure of the link table, it is always possible to fill this table using a personalisation.

The like code is used to give a significance to the automatic link that has been defined. This code is defined in the miscellaneous table number 61.

  • Line field (field BASPAG)

This optional field is used to define, when a filed is sized, the variable "bottom of the grid" defines the number of occurrences entered in the grid. This is used to vary the current index to obtain several links. This supposes that an index variable is used in the link expression.



Other conditions

Important remark

It is important (in order to avoid execution errors in object management) that all the fields that make up the key used to move through the left list are defined in it.

The report codes

The report codes defined in the object management are the internal codes associated by default with a report of the same code, but this assignment is modifiable using a re-direction table. This table, accessible using the Print codes function (menu Development / Process dictionary / Reports), is used to associate an internal code with the code of another report or several reports as a function of the language used by the operator. In the case when several reports are given, a choice will be possible on execution. The Default values function (accessible from the same menu) is used to define, in the form of calculated expressions coming from the object context, the default values for the report launch parameters.

Menu Bar

This button is used to transfer the parameterised elements from one object to another folder accessible from the same server.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Table not defined

This message signifies that an attempt has been made to use a table to fill the left list that is not linked for the context of the object.

Tables used

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