Payroll > Legal declarations > Monthly tax declaration 

This function is used to load and export the amounts to declare in montlhy taxes declaration


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Declaration number (field MTDNBR)

This field is automatically generated. It contains the sequential number of the declaration.

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique way .
Within a single company, it is possible to define one or several sites.
A company cannot be defined as a legal company (it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • Date (field DATDEB)

Insert the first date of the month.

  • field DATFIN


  • First declaration (field FIRDCL)

Field that indicates if declaration is being generated for the first time.

  • Replacement (field RPLDCL)

Field that indicates if declaration is being generated as a replacement declaration.

If this field is flagged, the declaration date is mandatory.

  • n.1 art.119 (field DCL119)
  • Declaration date (field DATDCL)



Tab Detail


The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Detail

Employee ID

  • Tax identification (field EMPTAXNBR)

Field updated with tax identification number stored on employee/employer.

  • Income (field INCAMT)

Amounts updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup. These headings are linked to a type of income.

  • Income type (field INCTYP)

Income type is defined on miscellaneous table 11551. Income type is linked to field INCAMT.

  • Income localization (field INCLOC)

Income localization is linked to the country associated to the site of the employee. The letter is C for "Continente", M for "Madeira" and A for "Açores".

  • Retention (field SRCAMT)

Amounts updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup. These headings are linked to a type of income.

  • Social Security (field SSCAMT)

Amounts of retention are updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup. These headings are linked to a type of income.

  • Identification no. (field SSCID1)

Social Security Tax Identification Number

  • Identification no. (field SSCID2)


  • Identification no. (field SSCID3)


  • Syndicate (field SYNAMT)

Syndicate amounts are updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup. These headings are linked to a type of income.

  • Extra withhold. tax (field EXTSRCAMT)

Extra amounts are updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup. These headings are linked to a type of income.



Tab Total


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field NBLIG


  • field INCNAM


  • Income (field TOTINCAMT)

Sum of all amounts updated by the headings defined on legal obligation setup.

These headings are divided by category.

  • Retention (field TOTSRCAMT)


  • Social Security (field TOTSSCAMT)


  • Syndicate (field TOTSYNAMT)


  • Extra withhold. tax (field TOTEXTSRCA)




Specific Buttons

This button is used to load the grid with the amounts from the payslips, based on the entered criteria.

This button is used to export a text file for the montlhy taxes declaration, based on the entered criteria.

SEEWARNINGTo export the file, the data has to be saved first.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation