Functions > Expense claims 

The Expense claims page contains functions linked to the refund requests for expenses made by an employee as part of their business activity (accommodation expenses, mileage, meals, etc.).

The data entered in this page is exported to the Sage X3 accounting via the Expense posting function of Sage X3 People.

Functions dedicated to employees

  • Saving expense claims
  • Automatic calculation of expenses to refund
  • Validation request to the manager with automatic notification by email
  • Inquiry of the expense claim history and tracking of the approval circuit
Functions dedicated to the manager and the human resources officer

  • Saving and display of expense claims for employees under their responsibility
  • Approval or rejection of the expense claim (with possible justification)
  • Automatic e-mail notification of the answer to the employee
  • Saving and display of expense claims for employees having managers
  • Analysis and inquiry of expenses by period, type, employee, team
  • Direct export of data to the X3 accounting

SEEINFO These functions are defined by your administrator.Your portal may not include all the functions described in this document.

General principles


The principle of the expense claim entry is to exempt employees from completing a paper entry. It also enables them to quickly save their expense claims while away on business trips.

Expense claim entry ergonomics
  • Press the Tab key to move from one field to another in the grid.
  • Use the up or down arrows above the grid to display or hide the entry help. The entry help provides a calendar when entering dates, and numbers you can click when entering amounts.
  • ecran.jpg Click this icon to choose the window display size.
  • Click the Parameters icon to define display parameters for the expense claim:
    • You can choose to display the whole grid or only a few columns.
    • You can select you default graphical page.
    • You can select the default display of the expense claim entry (standard entry or graphical entry).
  • In the Number of lines field, select the number of lines displayed by page.
Save draft

If you want to enter an expense claim and modify or validate it later, click Save as draft.

Save as template

Because expense claims are often the same, you can save them as templates. Saving in this way creates a copy of the template when opening it.
When you open the template, enter the data specific to each refund request.
SEEREFERTTO Saving and calling a template are operations that are detailed in the Available buttons and links paragraph.

Saving a bookmark

Create bookmarks to immediately access those options that you use most often.

To save a bookmark, proceed as follows:

1. Use the up or down arrows above the grid to display or hide the entry help.

2. In the grayed-out bubble above the first column in the grid, do a right-click.

3. Click Add bookmark.

3. Select a value from the Value drop-down list.The label of the chosen value is automatically displayed. You can modify it manually.

4. Click Ok.

Deleting a bookmark

1. Right-click on the name of a bookmark.

2. To remove the current bookmark, click Remove whole line.
To remove a bookmark from the list of bookmarks, click Remove bookmark.

Enter an expense claim via standard entry.

Header data

1. Click New expense claim or directly enter a line if no claim has been previously entered.

2. In the Title field, enter a name for the refund request.

3. Select the employee for whom you wish to enter an expense claim. By default, the program selects the logged-on user.

4. For employees having several contracts, select the contract that will be impacted by the refund request.

Based on this data, the dimension types linked to the company are preloaded into the grid (one column for each dimension type). Default dimension types are specified in the Default dimension types function (GESCDI).

In the Administration > Personalization menu, you can set up the number of dimension types you want to display in the expense claim grid:

"NDF": {
            "ACCESS": "ALL",
            "AVAIL": true,
            "BOOKMARK": false,
            "OPTIONS": {
                  "GESDRAFT": "ALL",
                  "GRAPH": true,
                  "GRID": {
                        "DISPAXE": true,
                        "NBAXES": 3
                  "NOCONTRAT": true

Entering lines in the grid

1. In the Code column, enter or select the expense type.

2. In the other columns, enter the following information:

  • the date,
  • Quantity
  • Paid amount
  • VAT type
  • Currency, if it is different from the currency mentioned as the default currency (you cannot enter a currency that is different from the currencies set up in Sage X3 People.
  • Company
  • Comment (for example, the project impacted by the expense)
  • Company
  • Customer name
  • Number of miles/kilometers driven or tax-included amount of your fuel expense, or both (the tax excluded amount or the VAT amount can be calculated automatically). The fiscal horsepower must have been specified in the personal files.
Entry end

After completing the entry, click Calculate or Save as draft or Validate.

The system populates the grid with the following values:

  • The amount to refund to the employee is automatically calculated, based on the nature of each expense and the preset refund terms (actual costs, fixed amount, actual costs with threshold). The amount to reimburse is displayed in the Refunded total column.
  • The VAT amount is automatically calculated. It is displayed in the VAT amount column.
  • Analytical dimensions are initialized automatically for each column representing a dimension type, based on the date and company.

Enter an expense claim via the graphical entry.

Header data

1. Click New expense claim or directly enter a line if no claim has been previously entered.

2. In the Title field, enter a name for the refund request.

3. Select the employee for whom you wish to enter an expense claim. By default, the program selects the logged-on user.

4. For employees having several contracts, select the contract that will be impacted by the refund request.

Graphical entry

1. To open the graphical entry window, click the Graphical entry button.

2. In the image at the center of the page, click on the requested expense type.
The expense type is added to the Code column in the My expense claim screen.
In the My expense claim screen, you can modify the quantity or the date: double-click in these fields to modify the values.
Repeat the operation for all the expenses that you wish to add.

3. To open the standard entry window, click OK.
The data specified in the graphical entry is transferred automatically.

4. Complete the grid like you did in standard entry mode and save the expense claim as a draft or validate the expense claim.
SEEREFERTTO See the paragraph entitled Enter an expense claim via standard entry.

Set up the graphical entry

Setting up the graphical entry is the task of the Sage X3 People Portal administrator.

Managing the graphical entry themes

Entering or modifying a theme

1. In the My expense claim screen, click Themes. The following theme is provided by Sage: Neons

2. Select a theme.

Create a new theme.

1. In the My expense claim screen, click Design mode.

2. Click Themes > Theme management > New.

3. In the Name field, enter the name of the new theme.

4. In the Background image field, select the image to be used as the theme.

5. Specify the color and size of the characters to be used for the text of the labels. Specify the color to fill the labels.

6. Click Ok.
SEEINFO After creating a new theme, you can view it and test labels. See the Test mode paragraph below.

Managing the labels of a theme

A label corresponds to the title of an expense type.

Adding a label

1. In the My expense claim screen, click Design mode > Labels.

2. Perform one of the following operations:

  • To add one or several preset labels, click Quick addition and select the labels to be added.
  • To add one or several labels specific to an expense, click Add a label for a given expense type and select the labels to add.
  • To add a label with a personalized text, click Add a 'free text' label and enter your text in the dedicated field.
  • To add the Others label (if it has not been added already), click Add label 'Other...'.

4. Click Ok.

Modifying a label

1. Right-click on the label to modify.

2. Click Modify.

3. Perform one of the following operations:

  • To modify the label with a preset expense type, select the That of the associated expense claim check box and select an expense type in the Associated expense type field.
  • To modify the label with a personalized text, select the Personalized check box and enter the requested text for the label in the field located below the check box.
  • Specify the default quantity to associate with the expense type.

3. Click Ok.

Deleting a label

1. Right-click on the label to modify.

2. Click Delete.

Add the equivalent label in another language.

1. Right-click on the label to modify.

2. Click Modify.

3. Select a language in the scroll-down list.

4. Enter the language in the selected language.

SEEINFO The equivalent label in another language does not replace the existing text of the label and is not displayed below the label. It is only displayed when changing the interface language.

Select all

In the My expense note screen, click Design mode > Labels > Select All.

Test mode

Use the test mode to display and test the new design that you have set up or the new theme that you have created.  
SEEWARNING In test mode, you cannot validate an expense claim. You can only simulate it.

1. In the My expense claim screen, click Design mode > Test mode.

2. To exit the test mode, click the closing symbol in the My expense claim screen.

Available buttons and links

Click New expense claim to add one or several expense lines.

Click Open draft... to open the expense claims saved as drafts. In the list which is displayed, select the line to modify. Click Open to display it. You can then modify, validate or cancel the refund request.

When the manager signs using the Add. info expected mention, the status of the request switches to Draft.

Click Templates to save refund lines as templates. These lines can be used later on as an input basis to enter similar expense claims.

To save a template, select a line and click Templates. In the Templates window, click the New button.

To use a template, select the line of the template in the template list and click Select > Close. The template record is displayed and you can modify it.

Click Graphical entry to open the graphical entry window of the expense claims.

Click Calculate to calculate the amount that will be refunded to you.

Click Save as draft to save the request without sending it to the validation circuit. The refund request can be either modified or canceled.

Once the entry is completed, click Validate to save the request and enable the transmission of an email to the manager for approval.

imprimante.jpg   Click the Printer icon to create a .pdf file and enable the transmission of an email.

To view previous expense claims, click the My requests link in the bookmark bar.

SEEINFO This display is defined by your administrator.Your portal may not include all the buttons described in this document.