Payroll > Payslips > Payroll preparation > Premium entry 

This function is used to enter the values of the premium variables into the payroll. The PRM entry screen contains these variables.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The first screen is used to select:

  •  The employees
  •  The period which must include the last pay date

The second screen is used to enter/view/update the values of the premium variables in the payslip.

Entry screen


Values can be populated in three different ways:

  • The standard entry According to the standard method, values are simply entered in the table.
  • The entry by duplication This is a very useful method when the same value should be assigned to several employees. To do so, enter the value once and then select the option "Apply below". This value will be copied onto all the lines below the current one.
  • The entry by operation This is a very useful method when the same operation should be carried out for several employees (for example, salary increase). To do so, specify the operation to carry out using the option "Increase". This operation will then be carried out for all the lines below the current one.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Values

The ID number is the employee's unique identifier. It contains 1 to 15 characters.
It can be entered manually or left blank on creation. In which case it will be automatically incremented by a sequence number.

  • Family name-first name (field DES)


  • Contract (field CTR)

The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, it is necessary to select the following elements:

  • The employee's ID number
  • The requested document type
  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)


  • Pay date (field DAT)


  • field VRI1

No help available for this field.

  • field VRI2


  • field VRI3


  • field VRI4


  • field VRI5


  • field VRI6


  • field VRI7


  • field VRI8


  • field VRI9


  • field VRI10


  • field VRI11


  • field VRI12


  • field VRI13


  • field VRI14


  • field VRI15


  • Payslip (field BUL)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid

Sort by number/name




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No undergoing payroll for this employee

The entered employee has no undergoing payroll. This payroll is either non-existent, being posted, or posted.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

"Raise" right-click button

Used to assign a value to the variable or to pass an increase/decrease in percentage or value on to the variable. This operation will impact all employees in the grid whose names are displayed on the lines below.

If the text of the payslip of at least one heading is associated with this variable, this text can be entered in this window. It will be copied onto all the payslips of the employees in the grid whose names are displayed on the lines below.

"Text of the slip lines" right-click button