General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter AUZFCT (Model of authorized profiles) 

This parameter is used to define (by means of a template) the function profiles of the user records modifiable by a given user.

In fact, it is possible, since version 140, to delegate to users other than the administrators the right to create or modify the new user accounts. This is carried out according to the right to creation and/or modification with respect to the GESAUS function (user management). In order to guarantee a certain level of security and to prevent the user creating users having a higher administration level, it is possible, using this parameter to give functional profiles by a name template. This introduces both a filter on the users (only the users having the authorized profiles will be visible), and also on their creation (the creation of a new user can only take place with a profile corresponding to the template in question).

Warning, in order that this parameter makes sense, it is necessary to deny those users who have this right the possibility to modify user profiles (if not, it will suffice to modify the privileges associated with the profiles used to disregard other restrictions made elsewhere).

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group AUZ (Authorizations),in which the following parameters can also be found :

No global variable is associated to it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are concerned by this parameter :

 Setup > Users > Users
