General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter VTMEN (Connection menu VT) 

In case of connection via the Radio Frequency Terminal server (RFT type), it is possible to mention, by means of this parameter, the code of a function of menu type, on which the user will be positioned by default.

In the absence of parameter values, the menu called RFT will be called by default if it exists.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group SES (Session Management),in which the following parameters can also be found :

Its values are defined by function User menu profile.

No global variable is associated to it.

Functions concerned


This menu is used to give access to functions dedicated to this connection mode.

Let us namely underline that a function using windows must, in order to properly operate in RFT mode, used windows with the RFT box checked.