General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter TIMEHGUP1 (Time limited for disconnection) 

This parameter is used to define a time delay, expressed in seconds, before which a message is displayed, indicating that a user disconnection is imminent, the user not having used the keyboard while the user interface had been waiting for an entry. If nothing has been entered after a second time delay defined by the TIMEHGUP2 parameter, the user is disconnected.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group SES (Session Management),in which the following parameters can also be found :

No global variable is associated to it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter TIMEHGUP1  :


 NBRCON (defined at level Folder) : Max connection attempts

 PASLNG (defined at level Folder) : Length of password

 PASSWD (defined at level Folder) : Require password

 TIMEHGUP2 (defined at level User) : Disconnection delay

 TIMEHGUP3 (defined at level User) : Secondary session time out

Functions concerned

This parameter is a parameter that is used to improve the security by avoiding active connections on workstations where the users are not present. It therefore concerns all the functions in the software.


The time-out for a session is de-activated on a primary session once a secondary session has been opened from this session. This is then the TIMEHGUP2 parameter that takes control over the secondary session. Once no secondary session is open, the time-out restarts on the primary session.