Ajuda p/o campo (PYHDSPLIN) 

- If the accounting amount has been allocated over several analytical dimensions, specify the analytical allocation to post the payment line to. The methods of allocation must be compatible with the accounting date of the payment, the site and the analytical nature of the payment line.

These methods are defined as follows:

Example: on a basis of 100, a coefficient of 10 will be read as 10%. But, on a basis of 50, a coefficient of 10 will be equivalent to 20%.

For these two later cases, it is possible to pre-initialize the allocation with an already existing key. The final display will be ' $ '. 

- If the accounting amount has not been allocated over several analytical dimensions, the 'allocation' field does not need to be assigned. The entry is achieved directly in the following columns, in the dimension concerned, for each of the dimension types.

The initialization of the dimensions is carried out by means of the default dimension codes and more particularly the default dimension code PAYMENTD.