According to the concerned business module, the processing can also take into account the value of certain parameters. Their list is given in a separate document.
If the user wants to view specific movements, some of which are located in the live folder and others in the archive folder, union-type SQL queries will have to be defined in both tables concerned, via specific SQL queries or views, for example.
It is necessary that the archiving folder associated with the current folder has been created previously.
On starting this function, a grid is displayed containing the archiving and purging parameters associated with a group of tables identified by a code (for example, ASUPER for certain supervisor tables). At the application level, a group of tables is defined by a dedicated function in development. A group of tables contains the tables linked to each other in a coherent fashion, and therefore the purging or archiving only has a global sense (for example, tables with data organized in a header and in lines ought to be in the same group).
A group of characteristics parameters for the archiving and purging tables is associated with each group of tables.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This code identifies a purging formula. |
| Enter the description of the relevant record. This long description is used as a title in screens and reports. |
| If this indicator is set to Yes, the purging function creates an archive table if it does not already exist, and transfers to it the data to be archived. |
| This field expressed in days, corresponds to the duration from which an item of data can be archived. |
| This frequency, expressed in days, makes it possible to only start the archive processing on a group where the last archiving operation was before this time period. |
| Last date on which an archiving actually took place. |
| If this indicator is set to Yes, the purging function deletes all the data that can be purged when it is started. |
| This field expressed in days, corresponds to the duration from which an item of data can be purged. |
| This frequency, expressed in days, makes it possible to only start the purge processing on a group where the last purging operation was before this time period. |
| Last date on which a purging actually took place |
It is important to note the following points :
The maximum duration before purging or archiving can be entered in 4 digits, this corresponds to 27 years (it is also possible to declare No to the archiving and purging).