Development > Script dictionary > Actions > Action parameters 

This function is used to define the parameters used in the actions dictionary. As a function of the context that calls the action, the value of the parameters will be entered in one of the following dictionaries :

 Function : action called from a menu

 Window : action linked to a button at the bottom of the screen or in the menu bar

 Screen : action linked to a field

 Screen (menu contextual to data type) : action linked to a data type

When two actions with an identical parameter are linked to a field, a single value will be requested on the entry of this parameter.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


Before creating this parameter code, verify that it doesn't exist already under another code in order to avoid redundancies.

  • Description (field ZINTITPAR)

The title serves as information in the entry of the parameter values for the action. Therefore it should be concise and precise.

  • Parameter type (field TYPPAR)

Indicate the nature of the parameter : char, integer, decimal etc. This information can only be entered during the creation of the parameter, in the parameter dictionary.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ACTCODPAR : Action parameter codes

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Indicate the folder from which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

This option is used to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table from the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Indicate the folder in which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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