The activity codes offer the following possibilities:

  • is used to render active or inactive the elements in the dictionary (example: tables, index, tabs, screen sections or fields...). For example, the fact of setting an activity code as active or not gives the possibility to deactivate, in the screens, certain optional fields.
  • to affect the sizing of fields in the tables.
  • to make the sizing of fields and screen section open to setup.
  • to identify the elements developed for standard localization: these elements are identifies by an activity code starting with K.
  • to identify the elements developed in specific and in vertical When the activity code starts with X, Y or Z, the element is considered as non-standard and can thus not be allocated by a standard patch. To be more precise, a standard was set from the version 5 of X3 softwares:
    • Codes starting with X are dedicated to vertical developments
    • Codes starting with Y or Z are dedicated to specific developments.

The value of activity codes is defined on folder management. Only the codes that do not depend on another code are entered, the others are deducted. For further detail and particularly to inquire the code name rule, see the field help "dependence".

Guiding rules to modify the value of an activity code.

The procedure:

Go to the parent folder,

  • Modify the activity code on the record of the child folder to process via function GESADS.
    ( do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES modify directly the activity code record in the folder to process. As a matter of fact, since the validation relies on the activity code difference between the activity code record and the folder record, there would ne nothing to process.
  • Launch the validation of the folder to process. The validation triggers the deletion or creation of the elements subjected to the activity code.

Alternative solution for experienced developers:

For experienced developers who do not wish to use the folder management (validation of folders too long or impossible to carry out on folders that are still used).

For sizing activity codes only. Forbidden for active/inactive codes. As a matter of fact, the deletion or creation of elements depending on whether an activity code is activated or not is fully managed in the folder validation but not in the validation of each dictionary.

Go to the folder to process,

  • Modify the activity code directly on the activity code record.
  • Validate only the elements subjected to the activity code via the dictionary validation function located in: "Development \ Utilities \ Dictionary \ Validation"


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This setup is carried out on a single tab.

Entry screen


These fields describe the characteristics of the activity code.




The following fields are present on this tab :


An activity code can be set to Yes or No, or can define a number of occurrences.

This option, which must be assigned at the folder creation, makes it possible to influence the screen structures and possibly the database structure.

  • Description (field ZLIBACT)

This name makes it possible to explain the activity code use.


  • Active (field FLACT)

For development, setting this field to Yes activates the tables and screens or those fields in the tables and screens that depend on the activity code. Conversely, if the field is set to No, the screens and the tables, or the dependent fields, are no longer accessible and do not appear.

Caution: On operation, any activity code status change requires:

  • Modifying the activity code in the folder record from the parent folder.
  • Validating the child folder.

Block number 3

  • Module (field MODULE)

[object Object]

  • Sequence (field RANG)

This field makes it possible to indicate the order in which the activity codes will be displayed in folder management. The activity codes depending on a formula are calculated in an ascending order for this number.

Block number 4

  • Type (field TYP)

This field is used to classify the activity codes in the tabs for the folder management.

  • Minimum size (field DIMFIL)

Certain fields in the tables can display their number of occurrences according to an activity code. Often the number of occurrences is the same for a given field between the table and the screen, but sometimes there is a requirement to hide the field on the screens while keeping the occurrences in the table.

In this case, it is possible to give a different value to this column compared to the precedent. This dimension generally corresponds to the dimension generated in Crystal Reports.

  • Maximum size (field DIMMAX)

This value corresponds to a maximum dimension for variables managed in the processes.

  • Screen size (field DIME)

Define the number of occurrences used in the screens and also in the tables involved, remembering that for a table, a minimum number (and a maximum number) can exist, all of which will lead to the use of the following formula to size the tables


Block number 5

  • Dependency (field DEP)

When the value is not equal to No, this field is used to indicate that the value of an activity code has not been entered, but is automatically determined as a function of the value of the other activity codes. The possible values are as follows :

  • Inverse: The activity code takes the inverse value of the activity code entered. If it is active, the corresponding activity code is inactive, and inactive if it is active.
  • Dimensionally: The activity code is composed of a root followed by a number M (1 to 9) and it is associated with an activity code that can take the numeric values 1 to N. The activity code is active if the value of the associated code is greater than or equal to M; if not, it is inactive.

Looking at the example of the code ANA, associated by the dimension links to the codes AX1 to AX9. If ANA is set to 5, the codes AX1 to AX5 will be active; the codes AX6 to AX9 will be inactive.

  • Formula: This is used to calculate the value of an activity code as a function of an entry formula. This calculated expression can include constants, functions, and variables in the form of other activity codes. These activity codes can be the entered codes or previously calculated codes. The order of the calculation of the activity codes depending on the earlier codes is defined by the rank. An activity code not acting on a dimension is set to 1 if it is active and 0 if it is inactive.

For example, if the formula given for the XXX is max(XAA,XAB), XXX will be active if one of the two activity codes XAA or XAB is active. If these codes act on a dimension, the dimension obtained will be the maximum of the two dimensions.


  • Formula (field ACTFOR)

When the activity code depends on a formula, the formula to be evaluated to obtain the activity code value is defined here. This formula can be:

  • A logical formula: if true, the activity code is active, if not inactive
  • A numeric formula returning a positive integer value for the activity codes acting on a dimension.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 LISACT : List of activity codes

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Indicate the folder from which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

This option is used to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table from the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Indicate the folder in which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

Menu Bar

Documentation / Paragraphs

This choice of menu allows to zoom to the documentation management, on the first documentation paragraph (if it exists) related to the current record.

Documentation / Links

This choice of menu allows to zoom on the dictionary link management function. This function allows to establish links between the current record and other records (for example links between functions and parameters). These links, dedicated for documentation purpose, allows the generation of documentation structure.

Documentation / Generation

This choice of menu allows to generate the documentation. Three types of generation can be separately or simultaneously started :

  • the generation of the structure of documentation from dictionary (tables ADOCUMENT, ADOCBLB, ADOCCLB).
  • the generation of the documentation itself from the previous table (they have been normally completed after the first generation).
  • the field help documentation generation.

The ranges and parameter proposed by default are defaulted according ti the current record, but they can be changed during the execution.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Activity code dependant on xxx

The activity code has been declared as dependent with respect to another activity code that is itself dependent.

Error when assessing the formula

The entered formula does not comply with the X3 standard.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation