Setup > Destinations > Destinations 

The software makes it possible to send a report to several destinations, in particular to all visible Windows(TM) printers on the network linked to the client workstation. You can also send reports to files or other destinations. To facilitate the choice and default destination assignment, it is recommended to centralise the description of these globally accessible destinations in this table.

Located in this table are the destinations, identified by a code, with the characteristics making it possible to have a sophisticated process for the choice and default assignment. You can also define if a Crystal Reports(TM) print server is used.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

This code identifies the created records in a unique manner.

  • Description (field DES)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Short description (field SHO)

Short title over 10 alphanumeric characters.



Entry screen


The entry of the destinations is carried out on a single tab. Firstly the destination code is entered, then the principal characteristics are defined.

As well as its description, its short title, an Active flag and an access code to allow the filtering by user of the usage rights for the destination, the output type is found, and this can have the following values:

  • the pre-view (nothing else to enter)
  • the normal printer where additional characteristics are entered
  • the message and the file, for which a single format must be entered (in a list defined by local menu 91, comprising notably Word (TM), different versions of Excel (TM), Lotus 123 (TM), HTML, RTF format, ASCII, csv format...)
  • printer/file (the printer is defined to generate a file with a .prn extension, which contains all the code to be sent to the printer). The export format is then entered if necessary, then the Crystal Reports print server, and the printer in the form of a network name.

In addition it is possible to assign a destination type. This type, defined by local menu 22, possesses the following characteristics:

  • the first is a catch-all type (all reports are likely to be sent to destinations of this type).
  • the other types make it possible to establish specific categories (bar-code printers, fax, etc.), which can only be used by certain reports. Indeed, in the report dictionary, it is possible to define an output type dedicated to a report by using the same local menu. If this type is not the first, then there must be a link between the type assigned to the report and the destination type used.

Finally, it is possible to give a default value for the number of copies to be sent to the destination used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box to activate the current record.

Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used (by recalling their code) on other records (documents, settings ...), or for mass processes.

The authorizations to a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature Workflow.

This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users.

As a matter of fact, if the field is completed, only the users having this access code with read rights (respectively write rights) can view (respectively modify) the concerned record.

The execution right associated with the destination controls the right to use this destination for the printing of a report.

  • Output type (field PRT)

This field defines the destination of the calculated report. The destination types are the following:


The flow generated in a format compatible with a display (text, PDF, RTF, Word...) is displayed in a window that opens on the user workstation. This print is formatted by Crystal Reports either on the user workstation, or via a print server.


In that case, Crystal Reports uses either a local printer, or a printer that can be accessed from a print server.


Crystal Reports creates a file containing the message in a format such as PDF, text, RTF, Word. This message is used as the attachment of an email sent via the Workflow engine.


Crystal Reports creates a file containing the message in a format such as PDF, text, RTF, Word, which is stored on the disk.

ZPL printer

The flow is controlled by a specific formatting program associated with the report and defined by a dedicated setup. This flow can be sent directly on a local printer, on a printer accessible from the print server, or stored in a file.


Crystal Reports creates a file containing the message in a format such as PDF, text, RTF, Word. This file is addressed to a EDM system for archiving, via the EDM standard connector.

  • Destination file (field PRTZPL)

This field is used to specify the name of the file generated for a ZPL type printer or the name of the directory in which the file is created. It must be indicated with the complete hard-coded path or in a formula (in the form = expression).

If the file ends with one of these two characters '/' or '\', this latter is considered as a warehouse directory for the files and in this case, the file generated in the PAT sub-directory of the folder is copied to the directory. The name of the file to be used is made of the concatenation of the tree following elements: the code of the ZPL template, the number of the current process (adxuid(1)), and the current date and time of the processing server, generated under the format YYMMDDhhmmss.

If the field Server is entered, the user must specify a path available from the print server (for example: file://machine/directory/file).

If the field Server is not entered, you can specify a path in one of the following formats:

  • machine:port@path
  • /path 
  • c:\path

If the file name contains an "@", the file is copied by a system command from the processing server or from the customer.

In any case, it is important to set up the access rights to the machines correctly. 

In the Print function, this file name is suggested by default after the selection of the report destination.

  • Server (field PRTSRV)

Define the print server from which the report will be printed.

Update 8.0.0 and higher :

Cloud-based solution

Send a Sage help request with the IPP printer address so that it can be added to your Enterprise Management site in the Cloud. Then enter the locations of the server and the printer provided by the technical support.

  • Printer (field PRTNAM)

The printer name defined here will be proposed when the printing of the report. It must correspond to the name of a printer defined in the Windows configuration panel.

  • Export format (field PRTFMT)

When the issue is done on a file, several formats can be used. This list of formats depends on the current version of Crystal Reports and can evolve over time.

  • Type (field PRTNAT)

This field is used to assign a type to the destination. This type, defined by local menu 22, possesses the following characteristics :

  • The first is a catch-all type (all reports are likely to be sent to destinations of this type).
  • The other types make it possible to establish specific categories (bar-code printers, fax, etc.), which can only be used by certain reports. Indeed, in the report dictionary, it is possible to define an output type dedicated to a report by using the same local menu. If this type is not the first, then there must be a link between the type assigned to the report and the destination type used.
  • Number of copies (field NBRCPY)

In case of a printer output, enter a default value for the number of copies to be made.

  • Assembled copies (field ASSCPY)

If several copies are required and the check box Assembled copies is selected, the pages are assembled before the copy is printed. Otherwise, each page is repeated.

For instance, for the printing of two copies of three pages :

  • if this box is selected, the page order will be 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.
  • if this box is not selected, the page order will be 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3.



Specific Buttons

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Printer not available

A path has been entered for a printer that is not recognised by the system

Tables used

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