Setup > General parameters > Presentation styles 

This function is used to define or to modify the user styles. A style is defined by a name, to which are associated graphic characteristics used by characters :

  • the color
  • the background color
  • the font
  • the size
  • the attributes (underlining, strikethrough, italic, bold)

These styles once defined, can be called by their name and associated with the screen fields (in a dynamic or static fashion), and also to the field titles and the block (in a static only). The static association is made directly in the screen dictionary. The dynamic association is made by associating the screen fields with a conditional style, via a dedicated function in the screen personalization.

At the creation of the folder, the predefined styles are provided as standard. But they are not modified at the time the folder update (the new styles existing in the reference folder are simply created). It is therefore possible to add styles as required (but it is recommended to start their name by X, Y or Z to avoid later conflicts).


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Screen management

Entry screen


The entry is made in a grid. In this grid, a code and its title are entered for each style, as well as the display characteristics associated with each style.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This code identifies the created styles in a unique manner. It is recommended to avoid using a code making reference to a style characteristic, but to make reference to its use (as an example, by calling a style RED, it might be assumed that its font is red; and yet the colour might later be changed).

  • Description (field ADES)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Short description (field ASHO)

Short title over 10 alphanumeric characters.

  • Comment (field STY)

The characteristics of the are defined in the form of a text containing the elements such as those below, separated by a semicolon (and also preceded by a semicolon :


Example of an element










text-decoration :underline



Background colour

background-colour :#xxxxxx

NB: xxxxxx are the red, green, blue components with color in hexadecimal.

Rather than entering the elements in question, it is much more simple to use the Style editor. There is a classic Windows(TM) window available for defining and choosing the fonts, the sizes and the colours.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to define all the characteristics of a style. If certain characteristics are not defined, they retain the value given by the context (in particular, the user parameterization accessible from the general menu by Tools / Options). In this way, for example, the font used by default by the user for the fields in entry mode remains the same if a style only changes the colour; in the same way, an alteration of the parameterized colour for table entry by the user is not affected by a style applied to certain cells, if the background colour is not defined in the style.



Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Indicate the folder from which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

This option is used to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table from the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Indicate the folder in which the record is going be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the style of the current line to one or more folders, on servers accessible via the network.


Standard styles

A number of standard styles are pre-defined and used by the software.

Certain ones, defined at function ends, are described in the functions using them (which is the case for example in the Financial data extraction with ADONIX X3).

Others are more generic and used to give a visual value to screen fields as a function of the characteristics defined in the dictionary. In this way, it is possible to visually highlight :

  • mandatory fields.
  • the fields for which a selection window exists.
  • the fields for which a tunnel exists (a tunnel gives the possibility to pass, using the shortcut F9 or by a right click, to the management of the table linked to the field).
  • the fields allowing entry of calculation formulas.

It should be noted that the styles associated with the characteristics cannot be linked, but are applied in the order of ascending priority in the list above. In this way, if a field allows a tunnel, a selection window, initiated by the tunnel, and assuming a mandatory entry, has the Tunnel style applied.

This highlighting can be made by applying a style :

  • to the field title (it is possible, for example, to make the mandatory fields red, and underline in red those that have a tunnel).
  • on the value of the field (for example, enter and display as bold and blue, calculation formula characters).

The fields present in the tables and the column titles in the tables being presented differently to the isolated fields organized in the list blocks (a block list is a block containing a list of fields not organized in a table).

The styles in question are defined by their name constructed by using theABECAR standard, where:

  • A is the character A that prefixes these name types.
  • B is a character defining the type of block : The two possible values are T = table, F = list of fields (F being included for the fields).
  • E is a character defining the place marked by the style: the two possible values are T = field title, V = field value.
  • CAR represents 3 characters defining the characteristics highlighted. the values possible are MAN = mandatory, SEL = selection, TUN = tunnel, FOR = formula.

The following style tables are obtained:

Style code



Column titles in a table for mandatory fields.


Field values in a table for mandatory fields.


Title of the fields in a block list for the mandatory fields.


Value of the fields in a block list for the mandatory fields.


Column titles for a table for the fields having a selection, without a tunnel.


The value of the fields for a table for the fields having a selection, without a tunnel.


The title of the fields in a block list for the fields having a selection, without a tunnel.


The value of the fields in a block list for the fields having a selection available without a tunnel.


Column titles for a table for the fields having a selection and a tunnel.


The values for the fields of a table for the fields having a selection and a tunnel.


The title of the fields in a block list for the fields having a selection and a tunnel.


The value of the fields in a block list for the fields having a selection and a tunnel.


The columns titles of a table for the fields are used to enter formulas used in calculations.


The field values of a table for the fields used to enter calculation formulas.


The field titles in a block list for the fields are used to enter calculation formulas.


The field values in a block list for the fields used to enter calculation formulas.

By default, the standard styles used by the software are relatively simple, but it is perfectly possible to make the visual styles more apparent.

Technical management of styles

The styles once defined are written in the form of an XML file, that is loaded on the client workstation or used by the Web server.

After the modification of the generic style characteristics or the styles already allocated to the screens, it is normal to not see the change immediately. it is sufficient however to disconnect and to reconnect to allow the new generic styles to be applied; it is not necessary to revalidate the screens or windows.

The allocation of a style in a screen assumes however that a screen validation takes place; this validation is taken into account by the screen personalization.

Limitation of the style management

Some limits exist in the styles applied to the deactivated fields (that is the value is not in the sense of the given context). this characteristic is obtained by the Adonix instruction named Grizo), and for displayed fields only (this characteristic is obtained by the Adonix instruction named Diszo).

The limits are the following :

In client server mode, in a table, the displayed fields have a color imposed (128, 128, 128 grey) which cannot be modified. The background color, the font, the size and the attributes other than italic can be modified.

In client server mode, in a table, the deactivated fields have a color imposed (128, 128, 128 grey) which cannot be modified. The background color, the font, the size and the attributes other than italic can be modified.

In client-server mode, in a block list, the displayed fields and the deactivated field have an imposed background color (the Windows background color) that can not be modified. The color of the characters, the font, the size and the attributes other than italic can be modified.

In Web mode, there is no constraint on deactivated fields.

In Web mode, for the displayed fields, only the styles linked to the background color, to the size and font, to the underlining and the italic can be applied in a dynamic fashion; the font color can be assigned in a static fashion (on the screen).

The styles can be static (defined in the dictionary) or dynamic (i.e. sent contextually by the software as a function of the context : this is notably the case for conditional styles). When a dynamic style is defined and sent to the interface, this style replaces the existing static style; it is never combined with a static style. By combination, the understanding is for example, that for an underlined field to which a style "color red" is applied becomes red and underlined if there is a combination. This is not what happens, the field does not become underlined and red, but only red.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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