Basic parameters > Transport > Carrier criteria 

The carrier criteria are used to parameter the algorithm for the choice of the pair (carrier, mode) while taking into account physical criteria, financial criteria or criteria of both types.


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Screen management

The entry must be done for all DO for which at least one carrier must be entered, by characterizing the records using the pair (picking mode, movement code).

Entry screen


Note about thepicking time:mandatory field, if not manage allocate the value 0000 (00:00).
It is only used to take shipping routes into account without setting up the generic routes.
At identical date, the calculation time, added to the picking lead time, should be lower than the route time; otherwise the DO is allocated to another shipping route.
Example: picking lead time of 5 hours; the calculation starts at 2 PM, the shipping route at 6 PM; the DO will be allocated to the next transit day for the route.
This lead time works only for non generic shipping routes; for generic routes, it is the picking lead time indicated in the generic route table.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Sequence (field ORN)

Number making it possible to use the rules defined in this screen

by order of priority.

The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
It is required when creating:

  • An expected input
  • A supplier input
  • A factory input
  • A customer return
  • A DO
  • An adjustment
  • A transfer
  • A consumable input/output

The movement code is checked against the movement code table.

Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers.

After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty.

Code representing the preparation mode. The preparation mode regroups all the management rules linked to each DO. It makes it possible to specify the processing mode of said DO upon preparation launching.

  • Urgent (field URG)

Used to subsequently create urgent DO waves to be handled in priority.

  • Picking lead time (field PRPLTI)

Upon the automatic allocation of a DO to a round, the process takes this parameter into account, added to the process launching time, in order to determine the optimum round.

If generic rounds are managed, the round parameter is the one to be taken into account, otherwise, it is the parameter of the transport criteria table that will be considered.

In the absence of any automatic round allocation, this parameter is not used.

  • Priority (field CRO)

When the system chooses the carrier, it specifies if the Transport priority criterion defined in the transport criterion table must be taken into account.

  • Cost (field CST)

Used to calculate the freight charges for the CR and/or CN upon shipment confirmation via the transport preinvoicing functionality.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Filter intercepting a later sequence (Sequence N°XX carrier/mode)
A sequence with the same criteria already exists.

Tables used

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