Basic parameters > Outputs > Movement sort criteria 

Use this function to define one or several sort criteria for the output movements included in picking orders.


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Function description

In addition to the standard sorting method (based on the Travel sequences function), the Movement sort criteria function offers another sorting method that makes it possible to use up to 10 criteria at once. You can base the sorting method of your picking orders on the sort criteria that already apply to the related waves and preparation areas.

Application rules

The application of the sort criteria is conditioned by a set of rules:

  • If the sort criteria apply to a wave, they are automatically assigned to the picking orders from that wave.
  • If no sort criteria applies to the wave, the sort criteria of the picking orders preparation area determine the sorting method used.
  • If the sort criteria do not apply to a wave or preparation area, the standard sorting method is used (alphabetical or based on travel sequences).

Use example

You have created a set of sort criteria, with the following elements in ascending order:

  • Product
  • Store
  • Weight
The output movements of a picking order will be first sorted by product, then store, and then weight. They will also be sorted in alphabetical or numerical ascending order.

Screen management

Entry screen


Error messages




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Three-character code identifying the set of sort criteria applied to a wave or preparation area. This code is linked to a picking order from the wave or preparation area.

The Sort code can be entered from the following functions:

  • Generic wave
  • Wave
  • Preparation area
The Sort code displayed in a picking order can either come from the wave or from the related preparation area.

  • Description (field CTSDESAXX)

Enter a description of your set of sort criteria.

  • Short description (field CTSSHOAXX)

Enter a short description of your set of sort criteria.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select or clear this check box to respectively enable or disable the Sort code.

  • If the check box is selected: you can apply the Sort code to a wave or preparation area.
  • If the check box is cleared: you cannot use the Sort code. If you try to use it, you will receive an error message explaining that the code cannot be used.

Grid Output priority

  • Criteria (field TRIOUTPIO)

In the Criteria column of the table, you can choose up to 10 criteria that will be considered in the sort. These criteria are sorted by order of priority.

  • Sign (field TRISENS)

Choose the order in which you want to display the sort criteria: Ascending order or Descending order.


  • Formula fields (field CTSFOR)

You can use a formula as sort criteria. For example, to sort the elements based on the total of two (or more) added values, enter a formula in this field that will calculate the chosen values.

You can use the Formula wizard to view the list of functions and operators that you can add to this field.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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