Basic parameters > Outputs > Carrier EDI > Status codes 

This function is used to define all the status codes that might be send with the return message: message from the transport service provider and to Warehousing concerning the state of the goods to be delivered.

They are defined for all carriers, describe the simple situations of an entity and give a clear indication in the transport network.

The coding of the status is defined upon each interchange agreement with the carrier.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The screen is comprised of a simple scrolling grid.

Entry screen


 Definition of a status by a unique code unique and two descriptions (long and sgort).
The status codes are defined upon interchange agreement with the carrier
Examples of status codes:
Status code         Title
122                     REMOVED
53                       NOT REMOVED
48                       LOADED
29                       UNLOADED
113                     DELIVERIES UNDER PROGRESS

The phase code stipulates the order in the message reception: it makes it possible for the system, upon intergation of the "return" messages, to control that the the phase code is superior to the phase code of the already received messages for the processed entity.
The coding is free, but must be coherent.
Example of coherent coding:
Status    phase

1           Not loaded
2           Loaded
3           Deliveries under progress
4           Delivered

Example of incoherent coding:
Status    phase
1           Loaded
2           Not loaded
3           Delivered
4           Deliveries under progress




The following fields are present on this tab :


It describes the situation of the entity (removed, delivery under progress, etc.)

Statuses are defined for all the carriers and their codification is defined upon each interchange agreement with the carrier.

  • Description (field EC1DESAXX)


  • Short description (field EC1SHOAXX)


  • Phase (field ORN)

The phase code stipulates the order in the message reception.

It enables the system to ensure that, upon return message integration, the phase code is higher thant the phase code of those messages already received for the processed entity.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Status" field error, mandatory field
The entered status code must not be blank.

"Status" field error, Code already exists in line X.
The entered status code already exists in the table.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation