An input movement is considered as being incomplete or not depending on the"% incomplete"setup of the product container.
The incomplete object correspondence requires thecontainer correspondenceto operate (in effect the calculation of the occupation of a stock object in a location is carried out from the container correspondence).
Examples: let us consider the following incomplete object correspondences:
1 PP1 80% = PP2 => 1 PP1 filled up to 80% corresponding to a PP2
1 PP1 50% = PP3 => 1 PP1 filled up to 50% corresponding to a PP3
the following product palletization plan: 1 PP1 = 10 CC1 = 100 CU
Case 1: input movement 1 PP1 of 100 CU: standard (not incomplete) movement so no "incomplete object correspondence".
=> This is the current standard addressing process (search of a PP1 location...)
Case 2: Input mvt 1 PP1 of 90 CU, here the movement is incomplete, therefore the incomplete container correspondence can be used. 1 movement PP1 90 CU thus represents a % of correspondence with the standard container (1 PP1 of 100 CU) of 90%. Therefore no correspondence (80% < 90%)
=> Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)
Case 3: Input mvt 1 PP1 of 70 CU, here the mvt is incomplete, therefore the incomplete container correspondence can be used. 1 mvt PP1 70 CU thus represents a % of correspondence with the standard container (1 PP1 of 100 CU) of 70%. Therefore, correspondence is possible with PP2
=> Search of a PP2 location (the corresponding container closest to but also greater than the input movement). If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
=> Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)
Case 4: If input movement 1 PP1 of 40 CU => % of correspondence of 40%. Therefore, correspondence is possible with PP3 and then PP2.
=> Search of a PP3 location. If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
=> Search of a PP2 location. If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
=> Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)
Refer to documentation Implementation
To create an incomplete container match, the different fields of the grid have to be filled with the following information:
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container. |
| Percentage of CUs being a part of the matching rule. |
| Reference container of the location for which the matching is specified. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Container error, Record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent container.
Error % of equivalent CUs, Mandatory field.
The % of equivalent CUs MUST be entered.
Error % of equivalent CUs, Incorrect number.
The % of equivalent CUs must range from 1 to 100 included.
Container error, Compulsory field.
The container MUST be entered.
Equivalent error, Equivalence between 2 identical containers.
An attempt has been made to enter 2 identical containers for a same rule.
Equivalent error, Equivalence between 2 identical containers.
An attempt has been made to enter an equivalence rule with containers that have different levels.
Same pair of containers than on line N
The same equivalence rule has been entered twice on two different lines in the grid.