Basic parameters > Logistical units > Incomplete cnt correspondence 

This function is used to create, view, modify and delete the correspondences (matches) defined for a pallet.

Incomplete container correspondences are used in the input and transfer addressing processes. They make it possible to address an incomplete pallet to a location with a smaller reference container rather than a location with the same container.

SEEINFOTheequivalent containersshould have the same basic format as the source container and a smaller height.

SEEINFOAn input movement is considered as being incomplete or not depending on the"% incomplete"setup of the product container.

SEEWARNINGThe incomplete object correspondence requires thecontainer correspondenceto operate (in effect the calculation of the occupation of a stock object in a location is carried out from the container correspondence).

Examples: let us consider the following incomplete object correspondences:
1 PP1  80% = PP2  => 1 PP1 filled up to 80% corresponding to a PP2
1 PP1  50% = PP3  => 1 PP1 filled up to 50% corresponding to a PP3
the following product palletization plan: 1 PP1 = 10 CC1 = 100 CU
Case 1: input movement 1 PP1 of 100 CU: standard (not incomplete) movement so no "incomplete object correspondence".
         => This is the current standard addressing process (search of a PP1 location...)
Case 2: Input mvt 1 PP1 of 90 CU, here the movement is incomplete, therefore the incomplete container correspondence can be used. 1 movement PP1 90 CU thus represents a % of correspondence with the standard container (1 PP1 of 100 CU) of 90%. Therefore no correspondence (80% < 90%)
         => Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)
Case 3: Input mvt 1 PP1 of 70 CU, here the mvt is incomplete, therefore the incomplete container correspondence can be used. 1 mvt PP1 70 CU thus represents a % of correspondence with the standard container (1 PP1 of 100 CU) of 70%. Therefore, correspondence is possible with PP2
         => Search of a PP2 location (the corresponding container closest to but also greater than the input movement). If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
         => Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)
Case 4: If input movement 1 PP1 of 40 CU => % of correspondence of 40%. Therefore, correspondence is possible with PP3 and then PP2.
         => Search of a PP3 location. If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
         => Search of a PP2 location. If no location is found, then a downgrading is performed.
         => Search of a PP1 location... (standard process)


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Screen management

To create an incomplete container match, the different fields of the grid have to be filled with the following information:

  • Container: The container is an element of an item palletization program. For each item, the breakdown of the palletization program(s) where the item can be described, must be known to the system. A palletization program can be broken down into 5 levels of containers (linked to the type) which are hierarchically nested (principle of the Russian nesting dolls).
    A unique CU-type container must absolutely be defined for each product. Any product container, except for the CU level, must be described based on the container that it directly contains (lower container).
    The lower container has a container level higher than the described container. All levels are not necessarily included in a container's description.
  • % of equivalent CUs: Percentage applied to the CU number of the standard container below which the equivalence rule must be applied.
  • Equivalent: Container equivalent to the input container when the latter contains a CU number lower than or equal to the percentage of the associated standard container.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container.

  • % of equivalent DU (field EQVCSUPCT)

Percentage of CUs being a part of the matching rule.

Reference container of the location for which the matching is specified.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Container error, Record does not exist.

An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent container.

Error % of equivalent CUs, Mandatory field.

The % of equivalent CUs MUST be entered.

Error % of equivalent CUs, Incorrect number.

The % of equivalent CUs must range from 1 to 100 included.

Container error, Compulsory field.

The container MUST be entered.

Equivalent error, Equivalence between 2 identical containers.

An attempt has been made to enter 2 identical containers for a same rule.

Equivalent error, Equivalence between 2 identical containers.

An attempt has been made to enter an equivalence rule with containers that have different levels.

Same pair of containers than on line N

The same equivalence rule has been entered twice on two different lines in the grid.

Tables used

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