The assembling functionality in Warehousing allows the following operations:
These two procedures are managed through assembling orders (AO) of either "Assembling" or "Disassembling" type.
The assembling procedure is as follows:
The disassembling procedure is as follows:
Warning: The validation of pending movements at the time of a location locking is not impacted by the locking operation.
Note: In case of a multi-product location, there is no need to lock it. Assigning a stock nature to the object in the location is enough to prohibit its output.
The Carriage Note (CN) combines all the DN for a shipment. It is generated upon shipment confirmation of a round. The name of the CN report is set up in the carrier table.
An inventory campaign is an entity that represents a period set in time by a start date and an end date and during which minimum inventory objectives are determined in terms of stock count numbers.
These objectives are determined by product by means of the inventory class.
Example Let us consider an inventory campaign defined from 01/01/07 to 31/12/08.
Let us consider three inventory classes for each product in the base.
Class A: 3 counts during the campaign
Class B: 2 counts during the campaign
Class C: 1 count during the campaign
The system will automatically submit the products to count with respect to their inventory class using the campaigns during the creation of inventories.
The inventory campaigns correspond to inventories more commonly called 'rotating inventory by product'.
It is possible for each location to define a priority assignment class. This concept is also linked to products.
Based on a process identical to the one used for ABC classes, the system will try to match the assignment class of the location and the assignment class of the product during the search for a location.
Likewise it is possible to define chaining rules for the search for assignment classes.
For a product with an assignment class defined as class H (for Heavy product), the computer will first search a class H location inside the product storage area (usually levels '0' and '1' of a pallet rack are defined as class H in order to prevent heavy goods from falling when pallets are handled during storing).
The assignment class is also used for "outsize" management.
The prohibition class, which is a concept specific to the product container, is not defined in a table. It actually refers to the assignment class.
Three values can be assigned to each product container in order to bar access to specific locations for these objects, although chaining rules are defined in the assignment class table.
Let us consider the chaining of the H assignment class (heavy products) to the Hi assignment class (very high products).
Let us consider the pallet container of product A of the H assignment class.
To prohibit the chaining of the H assignment class to the Hi assignment class, the Hi assignment class must be entered in the 'Prohibited allocation class' field of the pallet container of product A with the Hi assignment class.
This field is used to prohibit the chaining rule applied to the search for assignment classes.
The inventory class represents a code associated with each product and representing the management rules related to the inventory.
This code is used in the inventory campaigns to define the frequency of the inventories to be performed during a given campaign.
For example, products with a high added value can benefit from an inventory class specifying a larger number of inventories during a campaign.
These classes are those defined by the A,B,C. analysis rules. They are specified on each product container.
Each location is assigned to an ABC class. This class should be considered in parallel with the ABC class of the container.
When searching for storage locations, the system will try to match the ABC class of the input container and the ABC class of the location.
Chaining rules are used to inform the system of the order in which the classes must be searched. The authorization to use these chaining rules is dependent on the input mode defined for each product, and on the storage type of the location.
For a product whose ABC class is defined as class B, the system will first search a class B location in the product storage area.
The Bar Code (BC) is the identification system most widely used in the industry, distribution, medical sector, etc. because of its many advantages:
The difference between all these bar code types is mainly their density and their ability to manage alphabetical characters (and not only numerical characters). As a standard, Warehousing GX prints documents containing 128-type bar codes.
The EAN code is the standard used for Mass Distribution in France. Its structure and use are defined by the GENCOD standard.
The EAN code is defined for each container of a product. Product and/or EAN code labels are available in Warehousing GX.
The supplier EAN code is a code that identifies three pieces of data (supplier, product, container). It is defined in the products containers function.
A check option at the Sites function level (GESSIT) is used to check the uniqueness of the supplier EAN code by site.
This code is used in the supplier EAN code receipt procedure which can only be performed using the handheld receipt procedure (VTRCP).
The status is a value used to follow the evolution of an entity.
The status of a header changes when the status of all the lines that constitute the header has changed.
2 - Pending
3-Partially validated
4- Validated
1-Not validated
3-Partially validated
4- Validated
5-Being created
1-Not validated
3-Partially validated
4- Validated
5-Being created
1-Not validated
3-Partially validated
4- Validated
5-Being created
1-Wait to launch
3-Wait to transfer
4-Wait 2nd step
5- Ended
The operator code is used to identify a set of persons working on the site and assign them authorizations with respect to each logistic flow to be handled:
Merging is a storage option used to store a pallet without having to occupy an additional space on the site. It corresponds to the search of a maximum of one or two objects from incomplete pallets likely to accommodate all or part of a pallet while complying with a maximum time difference for the FIFO dates (refer to the maximum 'FIFO Tolerance' parameter defined in the main product record).
This option can be used in the location search chain, that is to say on input, during a transfer, or even when re-addressing a partially consumed pallet (or remainder of a replenishment) during a picking replenishment.
There is no merging of stock objects pending output.
Merging is only performed for level-1 containers.
Merging principle: The merging algorithm follows specific priorities:
1.Merging on the (level 1) container of the input movement
2. Merging on the (level 1) default container of the product if the homogeneous container of the input movement is part of the product palletization plan
3. Merging on the first (level 1) container of the product (by alphabetical order)
4. If no level 1 container could be found for the product, no merging is performed.
A consumable is a product that is not managed on location, and for which specific input and output movements are performed. A consumable type product allows stock inquiries displaying at any given time the theoretical stock and the input and output movements that took place.
Movements for consumable products can be created directly, without any reference to the Warehousing flows, or they can be entered from the receipt and shipment functions, provided the flows are not recorded.
The palletization plan of a product represents the physical description of its various packings.
The user must describe the composition of the palletization plan(s) for each of the products that will be managed by the system.
A palletization plan can be broken down into 5 levels of hierarchically nested containers (principle of the Russian nesting dolls).
The need to create several palletization plans for a single product may correspond to logical or physical constraints.
The diagram below describes a palletization plan with the following components:
Level 1 container: pallet PP1
Level 2 container: layer LL1
Level 3 container: box CC1
Level 4 container: bag SS1
Level 5 container: Unit A CU or STK
A maximum of 5 nesting levels is possible to describe a palletization plan.
If incomplete containers are created, the system tries to reconstitute the object in one of the levels defined for the container of the stock object.
It is the container of the default palletization plan of the product used by the input algorithm. The system searches a location likely to accommodate this container.
It features the highest intermediate container level that can be expressed in integers.
Let us consider the following standard palletization pallet:
1 PP1 = 1 LL1 (1000 ACU) = 10 CC1 (100 ACU) = 100 SS1 (10 ACU) = 1000 ACU
The concept of container refers to a volume class in the meaning of Warehousing.
A volume class corresponds to a set of objects of identical levels whose dimensions are roughly similar.
In most cases, it is necessary to define volume classes according to the type of the storage locations (for example, height between sills).
The example below reveals that three pallet heights can belong to the same volume class:
2 meters < Volume Class 1 < 1 meter Pallet PP1
1 meter < Volume Class 2 < 0 meter Pallet PP2
A pallet that is not in compliance with the palletization standard (less or additional quantity) does not change its container code. As a consequence, for the system, it occupies the same space as a standard pallet.
Warning! Creating a different container for the same product with each change in quantities on a pallet leads to a very complicated management and can cause system failures.
The customer date contract contains two different options:
The supplier date contract contains two different options:
The quality control is used to perform checking operations on the received goods.
The function is activated for an Expected Input via the supplier or directly on the EI header for a given product (new quality control tab on the product record); when the 2 conditions are verified, the created input lines referring to the received stock are assigned the quality stock nature (product configuration) in order to be stored in a store dedicated to the quality control (store with the stock nature of quality control type).
Once the storage list has been validated, the quality control operations can start by the creation of an Analysis Request for a given quality store; there are several possible options depending on the product setup:
- use of a quality record: the control entry is then carried out by means of a record containing questions and answers on the characteristics of the products.
- Running the single-lot control: the ARs are then created by input/product/lot triplet.
- sampling of the stock to be checked: a sample is automatically calculated based on the product setup, the quality control concerns this sample.
The quality control is carried out by entering complying and non-complying quantities and possibly quantities consumed during the control.
Depending on the control results and if the sampling is used, the "scrap" stock nature (stock configuration) is assigned automatically or not to the whole stock in quality control. When quantities have been consumed, they must be attributed to the stock objects being checked by manual assignment of the "consumed " stock nature (stock configuration).
Finally the RA can be validated or closed if the automatic addressing is activated by said RA. The stock is then transferred from the quality store to another store.
The parameters linked to the quality control are:
- the supplier record
- the expected input header
- the product record
- the stock setup
- the stock nature
- the operator codes
- the quality record management (questions, answers, quality record)
Cross-docking is used to optimize the input-output stock movements. In case of an arrival on the receipt dock and a DO has the same product on hold, cross-docking prevents putting the product away in the standard stores to take it out immediately afterwards. The product will go from the input to the output via a cross-docking type store.
The cross-docking search consists in:
The "merging of flows" (refer to the picking mode table) is used to regroup DO lines (sum of quantities by product) in order to generate only one output request and consequently minimize preparation movements.
The system generates transfers that correspond to the consolidated requirements by wave product. These transfers are addressed in an allocation store where the preparation will be carried out.
Important note: the 'merging of flows' picking does not manage the single lot on output. A DO line with the flag "Single lot" will be managed as a normal DO line with merging of flows.
Note: The expression PREPARATION IN TWO PHASES is used to describe this picking mode.
Please refer to: Preparation method table
This functionality is available from the Advanced version of Warehousing.
A set of 7 dates is associated with each object.
The value of the FIFO date is set up at the level of each product record, among the following values:
Input date
Production date
When entering an input line, these various dates are automatically calculated by the system if they have not been assigned by the operator, and if the parameters contained in the Main Product Record and that allow such a calculation (duration in days, weeks or Months) are not null.
Input date | System date ( current date) |
DFAB | PD + Detention date |
SbD | PD + Product longevity |
UBD | PD + Shelf life |
SBD | PD + Marketing duration |
The system prohibits the picking input and the purely reserve outputs of stored products meeting at least one of the following conditions:
DRET > system date
SbD <= system date
UBD <= system date
SBD <= system date
In logistic terms, the concept of depositor is used to process flows or separate traffics within the same site. It covers the notion of order-giving customer for service suppliers.
Receipts, shipments and locations only are multi-depositor.
After the site, the depositor is the secondary access key to the Product, Input and delivery Order files.
The depositor code is comprised of a maximum of 10 alphanumerical characters.
The depositor is displayed at the bottom of the screen from the user environment. It is possible to change site/depositor depending on the access rights linked to the user, either by keying in Ctrl+F7 or by selecting Display, then Change of Environment.
Pending movements are all the movements that have been ordered but for which the end of the physical movements has not been declared yet.
The concept of pending movement disappears from the stock object as soon as the movement is validated.
The distinction is made between a pending "output" movement when an output is performed from the location. This output can be represented by an output movement (itself coming from a DO), but also by a transfer or replenishment movement (removal location).
There are also pending "input" movements in case of receipts to stock. This input can be represented by an input movement (coming from a direct input), but also by a transfer or replenishment movement (repositioning location).
Validating a pending movement generates the change of the status code of said movement (from status 3 to status 8).
F.I.F.O is the English abbreviation for "First In First Out". It corresponds to a management option of the stock issue where the oldest objects are taken from the stock in priority.
FIFO is the basic operating rule of the output sequence in the Warehousing application.
The FIFO rule of the stock objects can be an output criterion with more or less priority (output mode).
A (minimum) FIFO date like a Lot no. or a Reservation no. can be imposed at DO line level. The system will try to remove from stock objects with a FIFO date prior to and/or equal to the requested date (according to the setup).
Stock issue from a FIFO or LIFO location: for mass locations, stock issue can be performed in FIFO or LIFO (Last In First Out) mode.
A stock object is of the "Outsize" type when its width exceeds the one of the location. If such a stock object is added to stock, it will spill over the next location.
Warehousing authorizes the management of "outsize" objects, according to the following rules:
- an "outsize" stock object can take up to two locations. It can step on the location on the right or on the left of the storage location.
- a location containing an "oversize" object cannot receive additional stock, as long as this object exists.
- an "oversize" stock object can only be stored in an "oversize" location if the location next to it is empty.
- only locations at the end of the line (same row, alley, level or first three components of the address structure) can receive "outsize" stock objects.
The operating principle is to use assignment classes to manage the identification of such stock objects and how they will be addressed to locations.
Assignment class: outsize mode management on the assignment class with three possible options:
- "No": not managed
- "Yes": outsize management
- "Adjoining outsize": specifies that the location is next to a location that can receive "outsize" objects. Stock objects can thus spill over.
Example: let us consider a line containing 5 locations numbered from 1 to 5 (1 and 5 being the start and end of line locations).
Location 1 accepts "outsize" stock objects that will spill over location 2.
Location 2 authorizes stored objects to spill over location 1.
Location 3 does not authorize oversizing.
Location 4 authorizes stored objects to spill over location 5.
Location 5 accepts "outsize" stock objects that will spill over location 4.
Assignment class H: Class type "Yes"
Assignment class G: "Adjoining outsize" class type
Assignment class A: Class type "No"
Assignment class chaining is authorized in the following cases:
A => G => H
G => H
"Outsize management" | Yes | Adjoining | No | Adjoining | Yes |
Assignment class | H | G | A | G | H |
Location | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Let us consider an "outsize" stock object (including a class H product): location 1 or 5 are addressed exclusively
Let us consider a non "outsize" stock object (including a class A product): location 3 is addressed and by default, location 2 or 4, and as a last resort, locations 1 and 5.
Please not that you can prohibit the addition of non "outsize" objects to "outsize" locations (such as 1 and 5). To do so, you need to use a new assignment class B set up with no chaining towards classes G and H.
"Outsize" stock posting:
the "outsize" stock object is stored in an "outsize" location. The locations next to it, where the stock objects will spill over, are considered as empty locations. However, if the "Overflowing outsize" flag is used, the location is blocked because objects are spilling over it.
Several types of stock count can be carried out: pinpoint stock count on address criterion, pinpoint stock count on product criterion and cycle stock count by product depending on the stock count class.
The user is free to organize the stock count as they see fit.
Thus, it is possible to create a stock count for a store and create a count for each of the operators in charge of a count, or a stock count can be created by area whose stock needs to be taken, and a single count corresponding to the area, associated to it.
The stock count in Warehousing GX is based on localized stock, in other words, on stock objects. Before any stock count, it is thus necessary to set up a procedure likely to count all the elements of a product stock.
For instance:
Upon creation of an inventory by product, all localized stock with or without pending movements will be identified and can be submitted to a count.
The stock count can be carried out with or without pending movements so as to enable a "procedure-based" organization at the level of the completion of the physical operations.
Likewise, the fact of being able to move a product in stock can be set up by depositor (flow control setup).
A product in inventory is at the level of its product record "blocked in input and output" and "in inventory".
Irrespective of the setup, it is not possible to perform transfers for a product being counted or adjustments.
A location "in inventory" has the same information, but it cannot be moved irrespective of the setup.
A preventive stock count is an optional stock count operation which can take place following the picking of a product from an undifferentiated picking location via VT procedures.
This preventive stock count presents some limits:
Principle: In the VT picking procedure, after the picked quantity of a product has been validated, and based on the setup, the system asks the operator to enter the stock quantity of this product in this location. Then the system automatically adjusts the stock if necessary.
The preventive stock count is carried out provided the site level setup (VT procedures tab) allows it:
a preventive stock count is not counted in the stock count in progress.
The storage list is generated automatically upon automatic input addressing. It is used to regroup addressed movements, depending on the input configuration setup of the current depositor. It can also be printed and it is then used as a storage medium.
The SL can be modified, deleted or created based on the criteria specific to the storage of the products in the warehouse.
The SL contains a progress status:The concept of lot provides full traceability of the objects from receipt to shipping. It can correspond to a number assigned during production, a quality identifier etc.
The lot number (alphanumerical field of 13 characters) can be assigned when the products enter the warehouse or at any moment in stock; the same number can be assigned to different objects (separate references, different FIFO dates, etc.).
The DO lines can mention a lot number. In that case, the stock issue with that lot number must be exclusive.
Management of the "single-lot" on output:
If the management of lots on output is not provided for (field not assigned on the DO line), according to the setup of the DO line (flag "single-lot"), the result is as follows:
- If not checked, the system sees the stock indifferently; in other words, any object having or not a lot number can be issued from stock.
- If checked, the system will necessarily address the DO line from a single lot. If the system cannot entirely address the DO line, it will address it from the lot having the largest quantity except in case of prohibited partial lot (DO or line level) where the DO line will reveal a stock shortage.
Important note: the 'merging of flows' picking does not manage the single lot on output. A DO line with the flag "Single lot" will be managed as a normal DO line with merging of flows.
Management of the "single-lot" on location:
Depending on the setup (refer to the storage type), it is possible to use the concept of "single lot" for the locations of reserve or picking type. Concerning the picking locations:
- if the single lot mode is activated, the stock objects are necessarily differentiated.
- the single lot can be managed by means of the notion of multi-picking.
- the "single lot" mode means that at a moment m, there is only one lot number in a given picking location.
- With a new input in an empty picking location, the lot is assigned to the location. When the whole picking stock is empty, the lot number is withdrawn from the location.
- The lot number requested in the DO line will be the number provided; if the stock of the requested lot does not suffice, the system generates a shortage. If the whole stock of a picking location with a lot A is pending output, and a DO related to a lot B is started in preparation, the system does not generate any shortage even if the output mode prohibits reserve output, and it searches the objects with lot B in reserve.
- if no lot is requested on the DO line, the system tries to sample stock objects according to the priority output criteria (objects can have a lot number or not ).
Lot exclusion by customer management:
The shipment of particular lot numbers can be prohibited for a given customer.
Using the customer setup, you can activate this feature and define the lots to be excluded for the Ship-to customer/Depositor/Product group in the "Lot by customer management function.
This way, upon output addressing, the relevant DO lines will not recover these lot numbers in stock.
This notion is used to perform a representative splitting of the warehouse. For each store in the warehouse, it is necessary to mention the management rules that are specific to it.
The delineation of the stores is carried out jointly with the logistics team of the company based on the nature and constraints of the products to be dealt with, the physical configuration of the storage locations and the handling means available in the warehouse.
A store will have a unique address structure.
The "Stock on dock" function is used to manage and track parcels/SU on docks.
The principle is to manage validated parcels/SU on locations of dock type. It is then possible to transfer parcels/SU from a dock location to another.
Parcel stock on dock:
SU stock on dock:
Dock transfer:A function makes it possible to transfer parcels/SU from a dock location to another.
A transport method is assigned to each DO. It stipulates the way in which the goods are going to be routed.
The transport method is involved in:The modulus refers to an output movement, expressed in "CU" units, and that specifies a quantity being the multiple of a container of a higher level.
This information is only used for the load preparation processing in the output sequence.
It specifies if the product container must be used as a load preparation modulus when it cannot be shipped as it is.
As a matter of fact, if a level 2, 3 or 4 container is not dispatchable as is and the quantity of the output movement expressed in CUs is the multiple of one of these containers, the system takes into account the dimensions and weight of this container in the prepacking algorithm.
Thus, this function prevents splitting the units of a complete layer (level 2), a complete box (level 3) or a complete bag (level 4) into several packages.
The setup of the modulus as an active element in the prepacking calculation is carried out in the product container file.
For example: Let us consider a standard pallet with the following palletization process:
1 PP1 = 1 LL1 (1000 ACU) = 10 CC1 (100 ACU) = 100 SS1 (10 ACU) = 1000 ACU
During the prepacking process, the system splits the output request as follows:
282 ACU = modulus of CC1 X 100 ACU + modulus of SS1 X 10 ACU - 2 ACU
Modulus of CC1 is equal to 2 and modulus of SS1 equals 8.
No split into multiple parcels is performed during a CC1 or SS1 prepacking if at least one parcel of the selected routing is big enough to contain it all.
A movement defines the transfer of a stock object within the site or an operation without transfer on a stock object.
This can be:It is made up of:
Note: This information is only valid for an addressed movement.
Via the File/Properties option, the user and times of creation and modification of records are displayed.
It is used to manage the quality-related differences at stock object level (Expiry, quarantine, etc.).
The assignment of a stock nature is used to isolate some stock objects from a product. These objects will not be considered as being available by the output sequences (except when a stock nature is being imposed at order line level). This information is used to impose the exclusive output of stock objects of a particular nature.
If the stock for such a nature is insufficient, a shortage is triggered by the system.
This option generates a reserve processing (the potential picking locations are being ignored).
The assignment to and/or withdrawal from a stock object of a stock nature code generates the entry of a qualitative adjustment movement.
A relation can be set up between a stock nature and a store, it is used to direct the blocked products towards a specific area. This store takes the place of the default input store of the container considered during the addressing of a product bearing this stock nature.
Note: It is possible to block a product either from receipt or once it has been put into stock. The transfer movements remain possible for any blocked stock object.
Warning: If a stock object pending output is blocked, the system does not cancel the product output. The output pending movement needs to be canceled to block the output of this stock object.
The container level represents the space that a container of this type should occupy in the palletization program of a product.
Warehousing manages 5 container levels:The highest level container has the value '1' and usually corresponds to the pallet.
Among the five possible container levels, only the lowest level (level '5') is mandatory when creating the product containers (case of the products managed in bulk).
The homogeneous container of a stock object is defined as the first lower-level container (other than level 1, the pallet) whose CU stock quantity is a multiple. This homogeneous container is calculated automatically based on the CU quantity of the object and the container of the stock object.
Here are a few possible representations of a stock having a palletization program of type:
1 PP1 of 4 LL1 of 10 CC1 of 5 SS1 of 20 ACU
CU stock | Stk cnt | Homogeneous cnt |
4000 | 1 PP1 | 4 LL1 1000 |
3900 | 1 PP1 | 39 CC1 100 |
3780 | 1 PP1 | 189 SS1 20 |
3779 | 1 PP1 | 3779 ACU 1 |
3900 | 39 CC1 | 39 CC1 100 |
120 | 3 CC1 | 2 SS1 20 |
In order to manage the stock of homogeneous pallets in terms of containers (for instance, full layer pallet, full box pallet), it is possible to set up the homogeneous level of each of the product containers.
This minimum homogeneity level is then demanded upon input to stock of a product container, or upon modification of a stock object.
For a homogeneity level n, it must be possible to express the input stock as an integer of containers of level n.
For a standard container of type: 1 PP1 of 4 LL1 of 10 CC1 of 5 SS1 of 20 ACU
The input of a non-standard container is only authorized for the mentioned levels:
Container on input | Homogeneous level |
1 PP1 of 1000 CUs (10 CC1) | 3 |
1 PP1 of 1240 CUs (62 SS1) | 4 |
1 PP1 of 1250 CUs | 5 |
Validating the SL does not make it possible to break a box (1st case) or a bag (2nd case). The last case (or level) makes it possible to break the lowest unit. In order to break the lowest unit, it is necessary to set up the homogeneous level to level 5 for each of the container levels of the product.
A Bill of Materials is a list of components forming a compound (kit). It is solely used in the management of outputs and shipments.
The definition of a kit can be preset in a table, or it can be systematically transmitted or entered without any link with predefined kits.
The line nature of the Kit or component DO defines the product type.
The preparation of a kit is different in the sense that the Kit output movements are devoid of addresses and the component output movements are the ones making up the PO. Kits are isolated upon preparation of kit-type POs, so that the preparation of a kit is not split between several POs.
The load preparation and prepacking of a kit only takes into account the quantities and dimensions of the kit product. The components are ignored although they belong to the same parcels as the kit.
Upon launching the wave and upon validating the POs/parcels, the system checks that it is possible to carry out at least one kit while meeting the exact number of components per kit.
The stock object is the smallest storage object in Warehousing.
It corresponds to the quantity of one product in a given palletization program (see Container).
Upon quantitative modification of a stock object, in the case of a transfer for instance, the object no. is updated and incremented.
In order to ensure full traceability between its x objects coming from the same object, and another area, the container no. is updated by the object number of origin.
By querying the stocks by means of this identifier, it is possible to know all the stock objects constituting the object at the origin of its creation.
These pieces of information are displayed in the detail of the stock object.
Field | Update | Comments |
Stock object no. | Object creation |
Link no. | Merging without accrual | Is equal to the master object no. |
Container no. | Stock transfer | Is equal to the object no. if no |
A Delivery Order (DO) features the minimum preparation entity.
It can be the exact reflection of a commercial order, or an image of that same order, minus the known shortages of the commercial management system, or a regrouping of orders for the same recipient. In that case, the order corresponds to a DO line. It is possible to manage a multiple link between DO and orders, each DO line being attached to an order.
A DO is necessarily composed of a Header and a group of Lines.
It is used as a reference for all the information reports related to the preparation, load preparation and shipping.
A DO can be identified by means of a number (sequence automatically assigned by the system), a reference (external information whose uniqueness is checked) and an order number (external information that can be common to several DOs).
The DO balance management is possible in Warehousing if it is not taken into account upstream by the commercial management.
If it is managed by the sales administration system, EDOs (Executable Delivery Orders) are sent to Warehousing. Warehousing then transmits the preparation report and, depending on the commercial decisions of the sales administration department, a balance DO is transmitted to Warehousing again.
If it is managed in Warehousing, further to the 1st preparation, a report can be transmitted to L3 but the DO remains in the Warehousing DO portfolio for later processing.
The DO "pending transfer" is a special delivery order that is shipped to another site, in order for example to be consolidated, before being shipped to the final ship-to customer.
The DO is said to be "pending transfer" from the moment that the "inter-site" round to which the DO is assigned has been shipped.
No operation takes place on the destination site. For instance, the unloading of the parcels or SUs of the DO is not possible. Generally speaking, everything to do with a DO "pending transfer" is fixed.
On the other hand, it is possible to consolidate the DOs "pending transfer" with those of the current site inside the same final shipping round.
A Palletization Order represents a parcel palletization load. It is linked to the auto palletization functionality.
It is composed of a group of parcels to be palletized.
A PAO contains a progress status:
A Picking Order represents a preparation load attached to a wave.
It is comprised of a set of output movements concerning one or several POs. It is sorted so as to provide an optimum preparation path.
An additional PO can be requested within the framework of a DO in preparation with or without prepacking (outside of a wave) if available stock enables those shortages recorded upon preparation start to be covered.
The origin is used to classify products according to their places of production. Known from the creation of the inputs, the code of origin (defined in a table) is a characteristic of the stock object.
The notion of incomplete object occurs at various operating stages of Warehousing in order to reserve a special treatment to the pallets whose CU quantity is different from the palletization standard defined as the default container in the product container record.
The storage type, linked to the location, makes it possible to prohibit storage at certain object addresses that do not comply with the palletization standard, irrespective of whether the quantity to be stored is lesser or greater than the standard.
The output mode, linked to the product, includes a setup used to prohibit the output of incomplete containers from the reserve, thus making preparation easier and saving the operator having to complete this pallet from the picking. These objects from incomplete pallets are then only used for the replenishment of the picking area.
Automatic palletization is the function used to automatically palletize a list of parcels pending palletization (in status 6). The palletization algorithm is the one used in prepalletization.
The system generates a Palletization Order (PAO) comprised of parcels to be palletized in SUs.
The multiple picking function, only available in the Premium version, is used to manage several picking locations for a same Product + Container pair in a site. A maximum number of 5 picking locations can be created for a Product + Container pair.
All the picking locations of a product with the same container (UCU, level-5 container) must have a picking storage type, either with differentiated stock objects, or undifferentiated stock objects.
The output mode (multi-picking flag) assigned to the product conditions the multiple picking management and the possibility to create several picking locations.
A 'O' priority order is assigned by default to the creation of these locations. This priority order can be set up, in the product record or in the location and picking location records, at the various picking locations assigned to a product.
This parameter is used to sort locations by order of priority for the output addressing management. Nevertheless, the output addressing will only be impacted if the picking mode assigned to a DO has the multiple picking type.
The input addressing is not impacted by the assignment of these orders of priority.
The parameters linked to multiple picking are the following:
The picking pivot function is characterized by the use of picking locations that are not assigned to a product (setup of the storage type) and that can be assigned or not to a depositor.
This function, when it is activated for a product (via the output mode), makes picking possible from picking locations in CUs, assigned upon launching the preparation of the DOs according to the wave requirements. Nevertheless there should be no so-called "classical" picking location assigned to the product for the CU container.
The picking pivot locations are always replenished in complete pallets from the reserve; this replenishment can cover the requirement of one or several DOs depending on the output mode. Similarly it is possible to replenish a picking pivot location within the framework of one or several waves.
The picking pivot tab of the stock configuration is used to define the addressing rules when selecting the picking pivot locations to be replenished.
The parameters linked to the picking pivot are the following:
Prepacking is the definition by the system, upon starting preparation, of the types of parcels to be composed and their content.
This function is triggered via the picking mode associated with the DO header.
The purpose of the algorithm is to constitute the minimum number of shipping parcels for a DO while meeting the following constraints.
The algorithm takes into account:Prepalletization is the definition by the system, upon starting preparation, of the types of SUs to be composed and their content. This function is based on two steps: prepacking (parcel composition), followed by palletization (SU composition from the prepacked parcels).
This function is triggered via the picking mode associated with the DO header.
The purpose of the algorithm is to constitute the minimum number of SUs while meeting the following detailed constraints.
The algorithm (2nd step: palletization) considers:The parameters linked to the prepalletization are:
This location search mode on input is used to locate the reserve pallets in the nearest proximity to the product picking location. The reserve area thus formed is often called "Advanced reserve".
This algorithm excludes any other search mode and is only run inside a store.
The parameters that enable this management are defined in the store table, they are independent from the pairs (product code/picking address).
A picking reassignment can thus be carried out very simply without the setup having to be modified.
An additional parameter, linked to the level 1 container (pallet) of each product, makes it possible to limit the number of objects in this store.
Note: The numbered arrows mention the order in which the addresses should be explored. The (inverted Gaussian) curve represents the probable presence of a reserve pallet based on the distance with respect to the picking location.
This functionality is available from the G2 version.
Two types of replenishment can be triggered automatically by the system during the launch of a wave preparation. Their purpose is to provide for the stock coverage required for the picking operations.
Warning: Only those products contained in the wave will be replenished via the end-of-wave replenishment.
The Carriage Receipt (CR) regroups all the DNs for a same ship-to customer with the same carriage conditions.
Per validated round, the composition key of the CR file from the DN file is the following:In Warehousing, the physical receipt of a delivery goes hand in hand with an administrative receipt if the EIs (Expected Inputs) are managed.
There are two receipt modes:
The receipt contains a status making it possible to know its progress.
There are two functional receipt procedures concerning the portable receipt procedure (VTRCP):
The validation of receipts in "Drip and drop" mode is used to receive goods over several receipts while staying on the same administrative receipt.
Unlike a normal receipt mode, after the received quantities have been validated, the administrative receipt remains open (Status 2-Pending).
Within the framework of an administrative receipt, the two receipt modes "Standard" and "Drip and Drop" are available. It is thus possible to switch from a "Drip and Drop" mode to a "Standard" mode. On the other hand, it is not possible to do the opposite because this would mean that a new administrative receipt would have to be created.
The parameters "Close the line" and "Close the input" of the receipt mode act like a balance management. This means that the absence of balance management is not compatible with the "Drip and Drop" receipt mode.
Should an administrative receipt need to be closed further to a receipt carried out in "Drip and Drop" mode, the receipt will have to be validated with lines whose quantities are null.
The location search principle is based on the adequacy between parameters linked to the input request and the product and their counterparts relating to the location, while complying with the management modes specific to the two entities.
Should the search fail, and based on the authorizations defined in the input mode, the system downgrades one or several parameters (concept of sequence or equivalence) in order to widen the possible locations.
This downgrade makes it possible to keep an optimum value to the preferred criteria for as long as possible.
The product search principle is based on the adequacy between parameters linked to the output request and the product and their counterparts relating to the stock objects, while complying with the management modes specific to the various entities.
The product output priority is set up in the output mode. It is used to sort the stock objects that can be chosen to meet the request.
This RF picking feature is used to provide the operator with grouped output movements sharing the same characteristics.
Reintegration to the reserve of the picking objects is obtained by simply transferring picking objects to a reserve location. The user only needs to specify the palletization.
The system performs the automatic reintegration of non-delivered parcels or quantities when shipments are canceled in the store defined for this functionality in the site table.
These reintegrations are carried out via adjustments on creation with a movement code of automatic adjustment type.
Definition of a reorder balance: Following a reorder order (RO), only a part of the SO can be transferred to the destination picking location. The remaining SO part (in the RO location of origin), considered as incomplete, is then referred to as "Reorder balance".
Readdressing procedure of the reorder balances:
The purpose of this procedure is to keep an optimized stock by attempting to automatically readdress the reorder balances that appeared following the creation of a Reorder Order (RO).
The readdressing of these balances consists in automatically transferring these incomplete SOs to the reintegration store defined on the store of the destination picking location of the RO.
This readdressing takes place providing:
- the flag "Incomplete object transfer" of the stock configuration is activated.
- the flag "Readdressing" of the store of the destination picking location is activated.
Like for any automatic transfer, depending on the "Transfer mode" specified on the product record, this balance transfer will be of type "Normal", "Merging with accrual" or "Merging without accrual".
- In the event of a "normal" type transfer", it will only be authorized if the reintegration store is different from the one where the reorder balance is located.
- If it is impossible to readdress the whole balance to the reintegration store, no transfer is performed and the balance remains in its initial location.
The concept of reservation is used to assign upon receipt or at any moment on the stock, a number specific to one or several stock objects.
This information (15 alphanumerical characters) makes it possible, for instance, to manage all the products of a DO intended for a specific customer.
A reserved stock can only be used for the preparation of a DO line if the latter contains the same reservation number.
Depending on the setup (see Output configuration), it is possible to use the notion of Reservation in two different ways:It is prohibited to reserve or store stock objects bearing a reservation no. in a picking location.
The serial no. is a normally unique identifier that characterizes each unit of a product to be distributed. This identifier enables a very thorough traceability since it is used to know the ship-to customer and the supplier of a product unit, and not of a stock object.
Some sectors of activity use it frequently, even systematically: let us mention for instance the telephone sector where each telephone is identified, the sector of spare parts in the automotive industry, and more generally speaking, the products with a very high added value.
For enhanced flexibility, Warehousing GX accepts duplicate serial nos. for a same product code when they have not been entered at the same time.
A blocking uniqueness check is implemented on entry of the serial nos. of a product of an input; on the other hand, concerning several separate inputs, duplicates are authorized but the operator is informed of them.
These two management types are set up in the management of the input and output modes.
Independent and homogeneous management unit for all concepts mentioned. In IT terms, the site is the main access key to all the Warehousing files and tables.
The site code is composed of 2 alphanumerical characters.
There are two types of data related to site: the 1st is defined in the general structure of Warehousing (GESFCY Site function) and the 2nd is defined in the general setup (GESSIT Site function) used to specify the logistic setup.
The purpose of the management of the SSCC numbers (Serial Shipping Container Code) in Warehousing GX is to trace the shipped logistical units by means of a standardized code as per the EAN Gencod standard.
This code is made of:
- an identifier (00)
- an extension criteria
- a prefix (7 characters) corresponding to the company issuing the SSCC
- a unique sequence number (9 characters) identifying logistics units
- a control character (check digit)
This SSCC no. is set up for each Warehousing depositor, and when it is activated for a given DO, it can be automatically generated for parcels and SUs: the generation for SUs makes it mandatory to use the SSCC for parcels.
Then the SSCC assignment can be triggered by the following events:
- wave launch with prepacking
- creation of parcels with declarative load preparation
- creation of Shipping Units
Some operations can be performed by entering the SSCC no. of the units, for instance:
- load preparation (in prepacking mode)
- palletization
- control upon loading.
The parameters linked to the SSCC management are:
- the customer file management
- the depositor management
- the output setup
- the DO header management
The Lot swap feature gives an operator the possibility to perform a RF picking of a lot, different from the one suggested by the system (provided that the lot is not mandatory on the DO line).
In the application, a "Shipment Round" features the content of a truck, the latter having to be made of a set of full or partial DOs to be delivered.
The components of a round can be all active DOs, in other words, those included between status 2 and status 8 (pending shipment).
The shipment round can be multi-depositor (two depositors can deliver the same ship-to customer).
A shipment round is identified by a round no., a round Date, a round Time, a Carrier code and a transport method.
The Dock, generic round information is optional and it depends on the implemented setup.
An "inter-site" shipment round is a shipment round whose destination is not a customer but another site.
It is specified upon creation of this shipment round whether or not it will be an "inter-site" round, and its destination site is also mentioned. The goods are not unloaded on the destination site. On the other hand, it can be consolidated with DOs of the current site within a single final shipment round. It can also be shipped again to a third site or else returned to its original site: it is then called a return "inter-site" round.
All DOs contained in an "inter-site" round are said to be "pending transfer" upon shipment of said round. The delivery documents corresponding to this type of round are printed if the carrier set-up requires it, both for the CR and the CN, and if the output configuration set-up requires it as well for the DN.
A transfer is characterized by a set of transfer movements, each representing a physical movement of a stock object from one reserve location to another reserve location, or from a picking location to a reserve location.
Moving an object from a reserve location to a picking location or from a picking location to a picking location is made possible by a replenishment movement.
These two case are materialized by a stock transfer movement with a different movement type.
The transfer movement type assumes one of the following values:Warehousing allows the management of external stores (surplus storage, for instance) or remote stores. Beyond a fixed threshold, a functionality automatically triggers a transfer of goods to this area, these transfer movements are of normal type.
A transfer movement can be validated in 2 different ways:
The 2-phase transfer operation is carried out via the Unit validation in CS mode or the transfer function in VT mode.
The normal mode validation is conducted in CS mode only via the Unit validation and mass validation functions.
2-phase transfer operation:
The principle is that the logical stock must follow the physical stock. Thus, following the removal, the removed stock object is no longer located in the initial location, but in a temporary location of "2-phase transfer" type. Depending on the user (linked to a resource or not) performing this removal, this temporary location is the one defined on the resource or the first location of "2-phase transfer" type being available (i.e. not already used for another transfer). Following the relocation to the final location, the stock object will be located in said final location.
Here is a table presenting the evolution of the stock, of the transfer movement during a 2-phase transfer.
Process | Initial loc. | Temporary loc. | Final loc. | Mvt status | Possible actions |
Initial view | Stock = OS1 |
| Stock = empty | 3-Addressed | - Validation |
Phase 1: take | Stock = empty | Stock = OS1 | Stock = empty | 7- In process: | - Relocation |
Phase 2: deposit | Stock = empty |
| Stock = OS1 | 8-Validated | - None |
Note: the stock decrementation in these (initial and temporary) locations is performed via automatic adjustments.
The Consumer Unit (Level 5 of Warehousing) is the undividable (minimum) unit for stock counting. It is generally used as the reference unit for the interfaces between the commercial management system and Warehousing.
It is the only mandatory container for each product.
The Logistic Unit is the container in which the output request is expressed. It may equally correspond to containers of levels '1', '2' (available depending on the version), '3','4' or ‘5’.
The Shipping Units (or shipping loads) can be used in declarative load preparation, prepacking and prepalletization mode.
They are used to manage the palletization of the Warehousing parcels. These SUs are single-DO or multi-DO, single-recipient or multi-recipient. They are formed after parcel validation.
The declaration of SUs for a DO is set up at the level of the current depositor in the output configuration, and at the level of each DO. Thus, this palletization phase can be ignored for some flows.
Generally speaking, the palletization procedure is carried out via a handheld procedure. It reflects what can occur on a fixed screen.
A wave is the entity that regroups the DOs launched simultaneously for preparation.
A wave MUST be single-depositor.
A wave is associated with a set of ROs (Replenishment Orders), POs (Picking Orders) and possibly parcels to be composed (use of the prepacking module).
A wave is single DO type, either with or without merging of flows.
A wave is the grouping of a set of DOs for a given depositor that will be launched simultaneously for preparation. The term "preparation wave" is usually referred to. This concept presents a twofold advantage: it is used to optimize the preparation process by authorizing the constitution of multi-DO picking orders. It is also used to pilot and follow-up the preparation and shipping activities.
Traditionally a wave corresponds to a grouping of DOs to be shipped simultaneously and (or) whose preparation processes are homogeneous.
The various statuses of a wave are:A generic wave is defined by a code and a title. It regroups the various criteria that will enable the DOs on wave to be selected.
A generic wave is like a "traditional" wave: either it only contains DOs managed with merging of flows or only DOs that are not managed with merging of flows.
A global memo code can be defined with selection criteria on the DO header table and associated with the generic wave.
It can be single or multi-DO, with a limited or unlimited load. It is possible to authorize the DOs corresponding to the selection criteria to be added to an already existing wave that has not been launched yet and has the same generic wave. It is given a priority number, O being the highest priority and 999 the lowest priority.
The "Automatic launch" flag can be checked for a generic wave, in other words, the generic wave will be taken into account upon the automatic launch of waves. In the wave creation screen, it is also possible to create a wave manually and then to flag "Automatic launch".
There are two tasks:
- a task to perform the "creation of automatic waves" that will create waves based on the active generic waves, and following their order of priority, then the alphanumerical order of their code, by selecting for each wave the DOs that correspond to their criteria. In case the criteria are identical for the DOs, the latter are selected first based on the fact that they are flagged urgent or not, then according to their service priority level, and finally according to the DO no. (from the smallest to the biggest).
- a task to perform the "launch of automatic waves", that launches either only those waves associated with a generic wave and that are flagged "Automatic launch" by checking "waves generated automatically", or only those waves not associated with a generic wave and that are flagged "Automatic launch" by checking "waves generated manually".
These two tasks can be launched manually or in batch.
A preparation area is a logical group of stores presenting common characteristics:
The preparation areas are defined in the preparation area table.
A store can be assigned to a preparation area in the store table.
The preparation areas are used to: