Usage > Interfaces > Putaway report setup 

Use this function to define the type of event that will trigger the putaway reports for direct inputs.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation


The following events can trigger the launch of putaway reports:

  • Direct input: the direct input has fully been put away (status 8 - Stored/closed).
  • Direct input line: the direct input line has been put away (status 8 - Stored/closed).
  • Movement: the movement linked to a direct input line has been put away (status 8 - Stored/closed).

The setup is based on the following criteria:

  • Site
  • Depositor
  • Movement code

The asterisk (*) symbol means that the setup is applicable to any and all values assigned to the given criteria.
By default, the only setup available is: * / * / * / = Direct input. This setup cannot be deleted, but you are authorized to modify the type of triggering event.

The search for putaway report triggering events works as follows, for a given direct input and set of criteria (in order of priority):

  • Site / Depositor / Movement code: The system first searches for the exact combination of criteria. If the search yields no result, a second search is run.
  • Site / Depositor / *: The system then searches for the exact site and depositor combination, associated with any movement code.
  • Site / * / Movement code: The system searches for the exact site and movement code combination, associated with any depositor.
  • Site / * / *: The system searches for the exact site, associated with any depositor and movement code.
  • * / * / * : The system searches for putaway report triggering events based on the default setup.

For putaway reports managed by movement, the serial number information are not recovered. Serial numbers are not currently linked to any stock object or input movement.


The table below lists the parameters used for sending out putaway reports.

SiteDepositorMovement codeEvent type
S1*E01Direct input
S101*Input line

The list below shows the direct inputs, identified by a Site / Depositor / Movement code combination:

•S1 / 01 / E01 --> line 3 --> Input line
•S1 / 01 / E02 --> line 3 --> Input line
•S1 / 02 / E01 --> line 2 --> Direct input
•S1 / 02 / E02 --> line 1 --> Movement
•S3 / 01 / E01 --> line 1 --> Movement

Each combination is followed by an event type, based on the setup defined in the previous table.

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Code (field COD)

Use this field to assign a unique code to the line. This is a free alphanumeric field limited to 10 characters. This code is for information purposes only.

Code of the logistics site.

Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers.

After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty.

The movement code identifies a flow.

  • Type (field TYPCR)

This field displays the event that will trigger the putaway report for a direct input.
You can choose from the following three triggering events:

  • Direct input: the direct input has fully been validated (status 8 - Stored/closed).
  • Direct input line: the direct input line has been validated (status 8 - Stored/closed).
  • Movement: the movement linked to a direct input line has been validated (status 8 - Stored/closed).



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Mandatory field
You must enter the corresponding field.

Combination existing on line
The entered combination already exists in the table.

Tables used

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