Refer to documentation Implementation
Site | Depositor | Movement code | Event type |
* | * | * | Movement |
S1 | * | E01 | Direct input |
S1 | 01 | * | Input line |
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Use this field to assign a unique code to the line. This is a free alphanumeric field limited to 10 characters. This code is for information purposes only. |
| Code of the logistics site. |
| Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers. After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty. |
| The movement code identifies a flow. |
| This field displays the event that will trigger the putaway report for a direct input.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :