Basic parameters > Load analysis > Load coefficient 

Allows to define the calculation rules of load of the forecasted work still to be carried out for the couple (entity type, load range) for each workload station and each unit associated to this workload station.

The access to the function is conditioned by :
- the activity code LA0 (EI, EI lines, DO, DO line coefficients)
- the activity code LA2 (parcel, SU, and movements coefficients)


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Screen management

The screen is made up of a header part identifying the couple (load range/workload station) and a table part allowing the definition of the calculation rules of the couple.

Entry screen


The 4-uplet (site, entity type, load range, workload station) is unique.

The entity type keyed in (EI, EI line, DO, DO line, parcel, SU, movement) allows to define the elements of the load for the assignment of the coefficients.
The workload station keyed in allows to define the units of work of the coefficients

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « EI » are :
 · a load fixed by EI

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « EI line » are :
· a load fixed by line
· a number of units to be received
· the volume of EI line by m3
This volume is calculated in considering the volume of the theoretical standard containers coming from the breaking up of the quantity still to be received by taking into account :
    -  the default container of the item
    - the input container of the EI line
    - the indicator « input allowed » of the containers
· the weight of the EI line in kg
This weight is calculated in considering the gross weight of the theoretical standard containers coming from the breaking up of the quantity still to be received identical to that put in place for the determination of the volume.
· Number of theoretical movements to be received according to level
This calculation is based on the information of the input modes table and the container of the EI line (the same breaking up as that for the creation of the movements after a validation of receipt).  

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « DO » are :
· a load fixed by DO

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « DO line » are :
· a load fixed by line
· a number of units to be prepared
· the volume of DO line by m3
This weight is calculated in considering the volume of the theoretical standard containers coming from the breaking up of the quantity still to be shipped by taking into account
    -  the default container of the item
    - the container demanded by the DO line
    - the indicator « output allowed » of the containers
· the weight of the DO line in kg
This weight is calculated in considering the gross weight of the theoretical standard containers coming from the breaking up of the quantity still to be shipped identical to that put in place for the determination of the volume.

· number of theoretical containers to be prepared according to level

This calculation is carried out by in considering the theoretical standard containers coming from the breaking up of the quantity still to be shipped identical to that put in place for the determination of the weight and of the volume.

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « parcel » are :
· a load fixed by parcel
· the volume of parcel by m3
· the weight of the parcel in kg: it is the real weight of the parcel, and by default, its theoretical weight.

Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « SU » are :
· a load fixed by SU
· the volume of SU by m3
· the weight of the SU in kg

 Elements allowing the calculation of the workload still to be carried out for an entity of the type « movement », knowing that a transfer movement is doubly considered in the « pick »  part and in the « deposit » part, are  :
· a load fixed by movement
· the number of DU, meaning the number of homogeneous containers of the lowest level greater than « 1 » of the movement.
· the number of units
· the volume of movement by m3
· the weight of the movement in kg




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Entity (field OET)


All the characteristics of the recording of an entity to which a unitary work load can be attributed.

Activity whose load needs to be measured according to 1 to 3 units of measure.

Grid Loads

  • Load (field TIT)


  • field COE1

Value of a unit load of the recording of an entity belonging to a given routing for a unit of a given work center.

  • field COE2


  • field COE3




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Error zone « Load range » : compulsory zone
The keying in of a load range is compulsory

Load range X Y : unknown record
The couple (entity, load range) keyed in should exist on the table of the load ranges of the current site.

Error zone « Workload station » : compulsory zone
The keying in of a workload station is  compulsory.

Workload station X : unknown record
The workload station keyed in should exist on the table of the workload stations of the current site.

Tables used

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