Basic parameters > Load analysis > Work centers 

Allows the definition of the loading stations of a warehouse.

A loading station corresponds to the regrouping of jobs of the same nature to be carried out inside a warehouse.
Examples : Receipt, putaway, preparation, packing, palletization…

One entity management (EI, EI line, movement, DO, DO line, parcel, SU) might generate workloads for several load stations.

One workload station might be supplied with several management entities.

The workload analysis is always processed by station, each of them being associated to the units of measure distinct to them.   

The access to the  function is conditioned by the activity  code LA0.


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Screen management

The screen is made up of a single table.

Entry screen


This screen allows to define the load stations of a code, of a description and of a short description.  

The « parent » station refers to a station already defined.
It corresponds to a hierarchical dependence that is shown in the presentation order of the stations (the stations « children » are displayed after the station « parent »)
The stations « children » inherit the units of the station « parent » and the calculated workload for the station « parent » included all the calculated workloads for the station « children »

A load station is associated to at least one and at the very most three units of work.
The units of work should exist on the table of units and it is possible to accede to the table thru the tunnel.

An EI in portfolio corresponds to a receipt  station and to a putaway station
The load of the receipt station is measured in number of lines, in weight and in volume.
The putaway station is measured in number of pallets and in time.

The workload analysis might be presented  as :
Receipt :                 X lines                       Y Kg                Z m3
Putaway :               V pallets                    W hours




The following fields are present on this tab :


Activity whose load needs to be measured according to 1 to 3 units of measure.

  • Description (field LOPDESAXX)


  • Short description (field LOPSHOAXX)


Loading station whose load will be increased by the load of the current station.

  • --> (field FLECHE)


Unit for which a load needs to be calculated.





Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Error zone « Station » : compulsory zone
The keying in of a load station is compulsory

Error zone « Station » : code exists already on line X
The load station code is unique for a site

Error zone « Description » : compulsory zone
The keying in of a description for a load station is compulsory

Error zone « Station parent » : unknown record
The station parent keyed in should exist on the table of load stations for the current site

Error zone « Unit» : unknown record
The units keyed in should exist on the table of units

Error zone « Unit 1» : compulsory zone
The keying in of the unit 1 is compulsory for a  load station

Tables used

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