Basic parameters > Directive missions > Mission areas 

This function is used to manage the missionareas on the current site.

A mission area is a part of a store where the locations comply with the same rules:

  • Accessibility by a type of material or a type of resource to this mission area
  • Authorization to carry out a type of mission by a given type of resource in this mission area.

A mission area is usually:

  • all or part of the travel sequences within a store of Main or Allocation type.
  • the store itself if it is of dock, buffer or single-address type.

There a 4 types of mission areas:

  • Receiving dock: it characterizes a mission area devoted to receiving stock (possible for stores of dock, cross-dock or single-address type only).
  • Shipment dock: it characterizes a mission area devoted to shipping stock (possible for stores of dock, cross-dock or single-address type only).
  • Buffer area: it characterizes a mission area devoted to a buffer store (this functionality is not available for the moment)
  • Travel sequence: it characterizes a mission area devoted to a main or allocation store.

The mission area type is given for information only.

SEEINFO this function belongs to the optional module GEOMIPS


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Screen management

In the left part of the screen, this function lists the mission types supplied along with the various parameters associated to them.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Code identifying a mission area (defined by site).

A mission area is a part of a store.

For the main and allocation stores: the area is a group of aisles (travel sequences) (1 store = n areas).

For the other types of stores: the area is a full store (1 store = 1 area)

  • Description (field MSADESAXX)




Tab General


This tab makes it possible to configure the mission areas.

Creation principle of a mission area:

  • Select the store
  • Select the mission area type (only for information purposes)
  • Select the location types to be taken into account (picking and/or reserve) in the area.
  • Select the travel sequences in the event of main and allocation stores.

SEEWARNING A location can only belong to a single mission area. Several mission areas cannot overlap (checks have been set up each time an area is created or modified).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Short description (field MSASHOAXX)


Code used to identify the store. This code is controlled in the store table.

  • Store type (field STOTYP)


  • Aisle type (field STOAISTYP)



  • Type (field TYP)

Specifies the mission area type.

Block number 3



Type of location

  • Picking (field SLOPIC)


  • Reserve (field SLORSV)



  • From (field AISSTR)


  • field AISSTREVN


  • To (field AISEND)


  • field AISENDEVN




Tab Sequencing


THis tab is used to define the sequencing of the mission areas.

The objective is twofold:

  • define the relative proximity of the other mission areas with respect to the current area. This criterion will be important when sorting missions to be conducted by a given resource (from the closest to the furthest away from the area where the resource is currently located)
  • Authorize the completion of missions that are not located in the area where the resource is currently located.

SEEWARNING It is therefore recommended to ensure that each area of the site is systematically sequenced to all the other areas of the site. Otherwise only those missions located in the area where the resource is to be found.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Indicates the mission sequencing field.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Application error: Overlapping with mission area X

The mission area under creation contains locations that already belong to the mission area X.

Tables used

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