Logistical services > Validation 

This function is used to validate or cancel invoices with the status "7-Pending validation".

Upon validation of an invoice, the invoice takes the status "8-Validated" and generates the update of the 'latest invoice' bloc in the invoicing folder. Additionally, depending on the activation of the workflow rule "Invoice", an email will be automatically sent to all contacts of the depositor who are identified as "Stock Manager". Finally, depending on the configuration, an interface "logistics preinvoice" (XINV) will be added at N3.

Upon cancellation of an invoice, the invoice takes the status "9-Cancelled".


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The screen is composed of a table listing all invoicing awaiting validation.

How to use this screen: The operator selects the invoices and clicks on the button of the action needed.

Entry screen






The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Select (field SEL)

No help linked to this field.

Invoicing folder code defined in GEODE invoicing folder table. It is the entity for which the logistics invoicing will be calculated. This folder is linked to a Site/Depositor.

Preinvoice number.

  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Period start (field IVHSTRDAT)

This field indicates the start date of the preinvoice calculation period.

  • Period end (field IVHENDDAT)

This field indicates the end date of the preinvoice calculation period.

  • Amount -tax (field IVHAMT)

Indicates the ex-tax amount of the preinvoice.

This field indicates the invoicing currency used for the preinvoicing of an invoicing folder.



Action icon

Check all
Uncheck all

This option is used to create a tunnel to the invoice.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to validate the selected invoices.

This button is used to cancel the selected invoices.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation