Stock > Inquiries > Stock > Trial kitting 

The function used to calculate component requirements displays or prints the quantities of components necessary for the completion of several parent products, as well as the missing quantities calculated from the available to promise stock, on a given level or all lower levels.

The calculation can be of three types:

  • calculation of first-level component requirements,
  • calculation of multi-level component requirements,
  • calculation of last-level component requirements.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The component requirement calculation is subdivided into two stages:

  • selection entry,
  • result reporting.



This first part is used to supply the following selection criteria:

  • the storage site,
  • the BOM code for which the components should be searched for,
  • the reference date used to only select the BOM links valid on this date. The reference date cannot be empty or prior to the current date,
  • the list of parent products for which the calculation should be carried out: the contextual buttonon the parent product reference submits the list of all the BOMs of the BOM code entered,
  • the quantity of parent products starting from which the quantities of components will be calculated for each sub-level This quantity is initialized to the economic lot or by default to the technical lot of the parent product,

SEEINFO It is possible to view the results of the calculation on the screen and/or on paper.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • BOM type (field BOMALTTYP)

The code type is used to draw the distinction between the BOMs intended for sales use, those used for manufacturing and those used for sub-contracting.
The specialization of alternative BOM by site as well validation in "MRP", "MPS", "Costing" and "Manufacturing" is only possible for the alternative BOM type "production".

Select the alternative (or enter using 2 digits) for which the processing will be carried out.

    • Reference date (field DATREF)

    Only the BOMs links valid at this date are processed in the calculation.

    SEEINFO Entering a 0/0/0 date is not possible here.


      This field indicates the ID of the component product.

      • Major version (field BOHECCMAJ)


      • Minor version (field BOHECCMIN)


      • Calculation quantity (field CLCQTY)

      This field is used to indicate the calculation quantity.
      If a product reference has been mentioned in this field, it is initialized to the economic lot quantity, or by default, to the technical lot, and by default to 1.

      This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

      • The stock
      • The standard price
      • The BOM link quantity, etc.

      This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.


      • Processing mode (field TRT)

      Requested processing type.

      • Sort criteria (field SRTCOD)

      Select the classification criteria for the display of the returned lines.

      • Include all levels stock (field AVATST)

      If this box is ticked, the available stock of a semi-finished component will be taken into account in the BOM descent:

      in the processing of the first level going through a phantom product (if there is insufficient available),

      in the processing of multi-level in descending down for the missing quantity.


      • BOM status (field DUSESTA)


      • STK link quantity (field DLIKQTY)


      • Product status (field DITMSTA)


      • Lead time (field DLTI)


      • % scrap (field DSCA)


      • First availability date (field DFIRAVADAT)



      • Screen (field SCRFLG)

      The result of the process will be displayed on the screen if this indicator is set.

      • Report (field PRNFLG)

      Select this check box to print a report of the MRP or MPS calculations at the end of the processing run.



      Tab Results


      Display of the components depending on the calculation level

      • First level calculation: the system lists all the first-level components of the BOMs of all the selected components.
        The same component will only appear once in the list. Requirements are totaled.
      • Multi-level calculation: components are linked to their respective levels.
        The BOM is not scanned through if the missing quantity is equal to zero for the parent product.
      • Last level calculation: each component is linked to its lowest level.
        The same component will only appear once.

      For each component, the system calculates:




      The following fields are present on this tab :


      • field FLG


      This field indicates the ID of the component product.

      • Major version (field BOHECCMAJ)


      • Minor version (field BOHECCMIN)


      • Level (field NIV)

      Number of BOM levels above the component.


      • Major version (field BOHECCMAJC)


      • Minor version (field BOHECCMINC)


      • STK link quantity (field LIKQTY)


      • Requirement quantity (field RETQTY)

      This field displays the quantity related to the requirement.

      This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

      • The stock
      • The standard price
      • The BOM link quantity, etc.

      This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

      • Quantity shortage (field SHTQTY)

      This field indicates the shortage quantity.

      • Available quantity (field AVAQTY)

      This field displays the available quantity expressed in the stock unit of the components.

      • First availability (field FDMA)


      • Stock quantity (field STKQTY)


      • % scrap (field SCA)


      • Lead time (field LTI)

      This field indicates the lead-time asked for the reception of the products, displayed in number of days.
      If no value is entered in this zone, a reception date will be suggested.

      • Time unit (field LTIUOM)


      • Product status (field ITMSTA)

      Use the status to change product availability. The titles in the local menu can be set up and managed as follows:

      • Active. The product is available in all the processes.
      • In development
      • On shortage. The product does not appear in search results, but it can be used by directly entering its code. A non-blocking warning message appears. If the product category creation method is With validation, the status cannot be accessed and its value is forced to the In development value.
      • Not renewed
      • Obsolete
      • Not usable. The product does not appear in search results and cannot be used in scripts. It can however be used in purchase invoices, by directly entering its code. In that case, a non-blocking warning message is displayed.

      Non blocking and blocking messages according to the context and status:

      • Context - Input
        • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage, Not renewed, Obsolete.
        • Blocking message: Not usable.

      • Issues - BOMs
        • Non-blocking message: Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

      • Work order (component)
        • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage.
        • Blocking message: Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable (product not returned).

      • Work order (parent product)
        • Non-blocking message: On shortage.
        • Blocking message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

      • Sales order
        • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage, Not renewed, Obsolete.
        • Blocking message: Not usable.

      • Purchase order
        • Non-blocking message: On hold.
        • Blocking message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

      • Assembly - On shortage
        • Compound assembled:
          • Non-blocking: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.
        • Component:
          • Non-blocking: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.

      • Disassembly - On shortage
        • Compound assembled:
          • No message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.
      • BOM status (field USESTA)

      This field indicates the status on the shop floor of the preparation of the operations and tools in this routing. This field will be set to one of the following values:

      • 'In development', if the routing is not yet complete.
      • 'Available to use', if the routing is complete and the coherence of the routing operations have been validated.

       A routing can only be assigned to the various manufacturing processes (such as work orders and cost calculations) when its status is 'Available to use'.

       The 'In development' and 'Available to use' sites must be identical.

      • Bought (field PURFLG)

      This checkbox specifies that the site is a purchase site.
      In this case, the data linked to these different management activities can be linked with this site.

      • Manufactured (field MFGFLG)

      When checked, this box specifies that the site is a production site.
      In this case, the data linked to the different management activities can be linked to this site.

      • Subcontracted (field SCPFLG)




      Action icon

      Stock by site
      Component where used




      Tab Anomalies


      The following fields are present on this tab :


      • field LIGNE

      Each of the lines in the grid corresponds to a line in the log file.


      Error messages

      In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

      "Record does not exist (Code)"

      The entered code does not exist in the BOM code table.

      "BOM code not valid for this site."

      The entered BOM code is linked to a site that is different from the one that has been entered.

      "Record does not exist (product)"

      The parent product for which the calculation should be launched does not exist in the product table

      "BOM does not exist"

      The parent product for which the calculation should be launched does not have any BOM in the BOM code specified above.

      "Code does not exist on line XX"

      The parent product entered in the grid is already present on another line.

      "The BOM is not valid on the specified date"

      The BOM of the parent product for which the calculation should be launched is not valid on the reference date entered.

      The log file following the calculation can contain the following messages:

      "Problem on erasing the temporary file"

      The transaction used to erase temporary records is cancelled.

      "Product... No valid BOM link"

      The specified parent product has no valid link on the reference date entered. (only for the last level calculation)

      "Parent product xxx/Component xxx: "Writing error on file STOLOT"

      A problem has occurred when creating the work file: please try again.

      Tables used

      SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation