Costing > Production costs > Calculate expected cost 

This function can be launched on a single WO or on a selection of WOs, using the filters.
It is used to calculate the various costs corresponding to the various stages of the WO in order to analyze the variances and the valuation choices in the production reporting.

These different costs are the following:

Provisional theoretical cost: This corresponds to the standard cost but calculated for the provisional production quantity. This cost is also included on the Production cost detail in the Planned column when the standard data is chosen as the Variance calculation source.

Provisional release cost: This is the planned cost with respect to the WO data. It is equivalent to what is included in the Production cost detail in the Planned column when the WO data is chosen as the Variance calculation source.

Provisional production costs: This cost is similar to the provisional release cost but is calculated using the actual quantity produced.

The theoretical planned costs and the planned release cost serve to value the production reporting (according to the general setup CSTRCPORD). They are calculated either on demand or automatically during the creation and/or modification of the WO (according to the CLCWOCAUT setup). The Provisional production cost can only be calculated for a completed WO.

A print-out can be requested at the end of the calculation (see the Production cost calculation detail report)

A certain number of inquiries are used to understand the production cost and provisional cost history for a product, to compare the production cost with respect to the other cost types for the site or another site (see theCost comparison, Production cost history, Production cost inquiry documentation).



SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is composed of a screen that is used to assign the selection criteria and the different calculation setups.

Entry screen


Selection criteria

It is necessary to specify a site, to indicate a filter criterion (closed or open WO), then indicate a works order.

A tunnel from the Works order field is used to make a selection of closed WOs or to access a selection following on from a filter.


 Cost type: In this section, the cost type that is to be calculated is specified.

 Overhead column choice

By default, the choice displayed corresponds to the choice specified by the OVECOLMFC setup. The choice of column determines the type of overhead cost used.


Either update the cost calculated during the release or make a simple simulation.

 Print choice

This setup is used to indicate the print type required at the end of processing.

None: No print-out will be released at the end of processing

Detailed: A print-out showing the most detailed level of the calculation will be printed

Summary: A print-out summarizing the calculation will be printed.





The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria

Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • Order close (field MFGTYP)

The calculation of the Production Cost can be carried out for WO:
- not closed (the PC is temporary and possibly partial)
- closed (the PC can be permanently stored.
The selection on the Order number depends on the status of this checkbox.

    • Order no. (field VCRNUM)

    WO number or filter. It is possible:

    • to enter a specific WO reference
    • to select a WO (using the 'Selection' contextual menu)
    • to introduce selection criteria (using the 'Filter' contextual menu).
      - upon Product Work Order for an unclosed WO processing
      - upon Header Work Order for a closed WO processing

    • Filter (field FILFLG)



    • Expected cost (field MFCTYP)

    Enter the cost type to be calculated.

    • Printing (field PRNCOD)

    The printing options for the production cost are the following:

    • No: no print-out is proposed upon calculation of the production cost,
    • Detail: a detailed print-out of the production cost is proposed at the end of the calculation,
    • Summary: a print-out summing up the calculations will be proposed.
    • Overhead column (field SLTOVECOL)

    Use this field to define how overheads are valued. The default column is defined in the OVECOLxxx-xxx calc overhead column parameter (GPA chapter, COS group), where xxx corresponds to the type of cost calculation being performed (budget, standard, revised standard, simulation). You can change the default column, if required.

    The value of an overhead is calculated by applying the fixed rate or the formula in the chosen calculation column.

    • Update (field MAJ)

    the update is only possible for cost prices of closed WOs.
    If the box is checked: the update of the Production Cost table is carried out at the end of the process.
    Otherwise: the update can be performed via the 'Update calculated production cost' function:



    Batch task

    This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task CALMFGCOST is provided for that purpose.

    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation