Financials > Inquiries > Account balance by currency 

This function is used to view the general and auxiliary balances for accounting in currency and to tunnel to the account inquiry (then to journal inquiry by another tunnel).

The specific feature of this inquiry with respect to the balance concerns the role of the currency in the header:

  • Selection currency = empty The amounts recovered are the amounts in original and ledger currencies. The columns in conversion currency are empty.
  • Selection currency = currency of the inquired ledger. The amounts recovered are the amounts in original and ledger currencies.
  • Selection currency <> currency of the inquired ledger. The recovered converted amounts result from the conversion into this currency of the amounts expressed in the ledger currency, at the rate in force at the moment of the inquiry, for the type of exchange rate specified in the CNSTYPCUR general parameter (Common Data module, Chapter CUR, Currency management)..


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Group of companies.
  • Company/Site The inquiry can concern a company or a site. The Site field can be accessed if the inquiry concerns a group of companies.


  • Ledger type (field LEDTYP)

This field is used to define the ledger type concerned by the inquiry.
In this function, only the 'General' ledgers can be accessed.

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

Date from which the records are selected. This date can only correspond to the beginning of a period.

  • End date (field DATFIN)

Date until which the records are selected. This date can only correspond to the end of a period.

Other criteria

Field calling the chart of accounts associated to the selected ledger.

  • Control (field SAC)

This field is optional. If it is assigned, the corresponding auxiliary balances are displayed, if not, the general balances are displayed.

  • Filter (field STRFLT)

This field is used to limit the balances displayed to those where the account corresponds to the filter for the general balances, and to the BPs for the auxiliary balances.

The filter specifies the first BP or the first account from which the balance is to be inquired. It can be entered on a specific BP or a general account (or account template using the wildcards * or ?).

The ? and * characters can be used to replace respectively any character or a group of characters. For instance: 4* to only display class 4.

In the absence of the ? or * characters, the filter specifies the display start account or BP.
For instance: 4 to display the classes >= 4.

Requested exchange currency.

Currency used to convert the balance. The converted amounts are displayed in the "conversion" columns. If no currency has been selected, the "conversion" columns are not loaded.

SEEWARNING The currency entered is not used as a filter but as a conversion data. The recovery grid displays all the transactions for the selected period, irrespective of their original currency.
The conversion is performed based on the type of exchange rate entered for the CNSTYPCUR parameter value ("Common Data" chapter, group CUR "Currency management").
Based on the screen code used (to be set up by the GESGTC function), it is possible to display the amounts in the original currency, in ledger currency and in conversion currency

  • Divisor (field DIV)

Used to choose a rounding to display the result. For instance, the value 1,000 displays the result of the inquiry in thousands.



Tab Balance in currency


It is possible to set up the display of the columns and the order in which they are displayed using the GESGTC function.

It is also possible to place the cursor on a line, then access the account inquiry using the right button.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Details

  • Account (field ACC)

Account number.

  • Description (field ACCDES)

Title of the account.

Transaction currency

  • Beginning debit balance (field ANTDEB)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a debit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry..
The carry forward amounts are included or not according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary carry forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Beginning credit balance (field ANTCDT)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a credit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry.
The carry forward amounts are included or not according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary carry forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Debit (field DEB)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded with the total of the debit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry-forward entries are never included.
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the Criteria button and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closure postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Credit (field CDT)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded by the total of credit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry forward entries are never included.
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the Criteria button and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closing postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Debit balance (field DEBBLC)

This field specifies the debit balance of the period in the original currency.

  • Credit balance (field CDTBLC)

This field specifies the credit balance of the period in the original currency.

  • Ending debit balance (field FINDEB)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a debit balance.

  • Ending credit balance (field FINCDT)

Amount expressed in the original currency.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a credit balance.

Conversion currency chosen in the header.
Currency in which the converted amounts are expressed.

  • Beginning debit bal. (conv) (field ANTCNVDEB)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a debit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry.
The carry forward entries are included, or not, according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry impacts several fiscal years, the intermediary carry-forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Beginning credit bal. (conv) (field ANTCNVCDT)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a credit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry.
The carry forward entries are included, or not, according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry impacts several fiscal years, the intermediary carry-forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Begin. progressive bal. (conv) (field ANTCNVPRG)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this column displays the total of the former balances expressed in conversion currency. It is then used to display the former balance in conversion currency, all currencies considered.

  • Debit (conv) (field CNVDEB)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded with the total of the debit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry-forward entries are never included. 
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the criterion ([Criteria] button) and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closing postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Credit (conv) (field CNVCDT)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded with the total of the credit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry-forward entries are never included.
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the Criteria button and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closing postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Debit balance (conv) (field DEBBLCCNV)

This field specifies the debit balance for the period, in conversion currency.

  • Credit balance (conv) (field CDTBLCCNV)

This field specifies the credit balance for the period, in conversion currency.

  • Progressive balance (conv) (field PRGBLCCNV)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this column displays the total of balances for the inquiry period expressed in conversion currency. It is then used to display the balance of the period in conversion currency, all currencies together.

  • Ending debit bal.(conv) (field FINDEBCNV)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a debit balance.

  • Ending credit bal.(conv) (field FINCDTCNV)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a credit balance.

  • Ending progressive bal. (conv) (field FINPRGCNV)

Amount expressed in the conversion currency.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this column displays the total of the end-of-inquiry balances expressed in conversion currency. It is then used to display the end balance in conversion currency, all currencies considered.

Displays the ledger currency for the selected ledger type.

SEEINFO If the inquiry is launched for a group of companies, the ledger currencies do not need to be identical.

  • Ledger beginning debit balance (field ANTDEBLED)

Amount expressed in the currency used to keep the ledger.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a debit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry.
The carry forward entries are included, or not, according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry impacts several fiscal years, the intermediary carry-forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Ledger beginning credit balance (field ANTCDTLED)

Amount expressed in the currency used to keep the ledger.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded if the total of the credit and debit entries displays a credit balance, between the start date of the fiscal year and the start date of the inquiry.
The carry-forward entries are included, or not, according to the criterion selection ([Criteria] button).
If the inquiry impacts several fiscal years, the intermediary carry-forward periods are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the former balances are not displayed.

  • Ledger begin. progressive bal. (field ANTPRGLED)

Amount expressed in the currency used to keep the ledger.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this column displays the total of the former balances expressed in ledger currency. It is then used to display the former balance in ledger currency, all currencies considered.

SEEINFO The closures are not displayed if the inquiry concerns a group of companies with different ledger currencies.

  • Ledger debit (field LEDDEB)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded with the total of the debit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry-forward entries are never included.
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the Criteria button and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closure postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Ledger credit (field LEDCDT)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

Loading of the field

First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, that is, with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The field is loaded with the total of the credit movements carried out during the inquired period.
The carry-forward entries are never included.
The closure postings are included according to the selection of the Criteria button and if the end date of the inquiry corresponds to the fiscal year end date.
If the inquiry concerns several fiscal years, the intermediary closure postings are not taken into account.

Second case: the inquiry concerns a group of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
In that case, the carry-forward entries and the closure entries are not taken into account.

  • Ledger debit balance (field DEBBLCLED)

This field specifies the debit balance for the period, in ledger currency.

  • Ledger credit balance (field CDTBLCLED)

This field specifies the credit balance for the period, in ledger currency.

  • Ledger progressive balance (field PRGBLCLED)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this columns displays the total of closures of the inquiry period expressed in ledger currency. It is then used to display the closure of the period in ledger currency, all currencies together.

SEEINFO The closures are not displayed if the inquiry concerns a group of companies with different ledger currencies.

  • Ledger ending debit balance (field FINDEBLED)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a debit balance.

  • Ledger ending credit balance (field FINCDTLED)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

Loading of the field

The field is loaded if the actual accounting balance (former balances and period balances) displays a credit balance.

  • Ledger ending progressive bal. (field FINPRGLED)

Amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept.

For the accounts containing several lines, and thus several original currencies, this column displays the total of the end-of-inquiry balances expressed in ledger currency. It is then used to display the end balance in ledger currency, all currencies considered.

SEEINFO The closures are not displayed if the inquiry concerns a group of companies with different ledger currencies.



Action icon

Account Inquiry

This button displays the account detail.

Balance inquiry

This button displays the auxiliary balance in the presence of a collective account and if the general balance is being displayed,





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 GLGRPDEV : General ledger/currency

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)

This field is used to define the ledger type concerned by the inquiry.
In this function, only the 'General' ledgers can be accessed.

This field is used to identify the company or group of companies.

This field cannot be accessed of a group of companies has been previously selected.

  • Ledger type (field LEDTYP)

This screen defines the criteria for the selection and display of the general or auxiliary balances.

Selection criteria:
- Company / Group of companies: the company is mandatory,
- site : inaccessible if a group of companies has been previously selected,
- type of ledger: this field is used to define the ledger type concerned by the inquiry. In this function, only the 'General' ledgers can be accessed,
- date ranges: date from which the records are selected (it cannot correspond to a period start) and date up to which the records are selected (can only correspond to a period end),
- Taking into account the carry-forward entries Y/N.
SEEWARNING Beware of the rules for taking into account carry-forward entries Y/N.
- Taking into account the entries period closure Y/N.
SEEWARNING Beware of the rules for taking into account carry-forward entries Y/N, for the group of companies.
- Taking into account the entries passed to the exceptional accounts Y/N.

Display criteria:

  • currency of amounts display.
    Requested exchange currency. Currency in which the balance will be converted. The converted amounts are displayed in the "conversion" columns. If no currency has been selected, the "conversion" columns are not loaded.
    SEEWARNING The entered currency is not used as a filter but as a conversion data. The recovery grid displays all the transactions for the selected period, irrespective of their original currency.
    The conversion is performed based on the type of exchange rate entered for the CNSTYPCUR parameter value ("Common Data" chapter, group CUR "Currency management").
    Based on the screen code used (to be set up by the GESGTC function), it is possible to display the amounts in the original currency, in ledger currency and in conversion currency.
  • pre-setup inquiry screen: The preset screen codes (via the GESGTC function for the BAF code) are selected.

On entering the account inquiry function, the parameters stored with code STD(the whole columns are displayed) are recalled by default.
If the criteria are not stored in an STD memo, the submitted default values are the default accounting site for the user (and the corresponding company), the date range matching the last open fiscal year, and the default currency of the company.

All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX on clicking the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY.

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

Date from which the records are selected. This date can only correspond to the beginning of a period.

  • End date (field DATFIN)

Date until which the records are selected. This date can only correspond to the end of a period.

  • Carryforwards (field FIY1)

If the box is checked, the carry-forward entries are taken into account.
SEEWARNING Pay special attention to the rules set forth for the taking into account of the carry-forward entries, for the company groups.

  • Closing (field CLO)

 If the box is checked, the closure entries are taken into account.
SEEWARNING Pay special attention to the rules set forth for the taking into account of the closures for company groups, as detailed beforehand.

  • Off-balance-sheet (field EXC)

If the box is checked, the entries made to the off-balance sheet accounts are taken into account.


This field identifies the requested conversion currency, i.e. the currency to which the balance will be converted. The converted amounts are displayed in the "conversion" columns. If no currency has been selected, the "conversion" columns are not loaded.
SEEWARNING The entered currency is not used as a filter but as a conversion data. The recovery grid displays all the transactions for the selected period, irrespective of their original currency.
The conversion is performed based on the type of exchange rate entered for the CNSTYPCUR parameter value ("Common Data" chapter, group CUR "Currency management").
Based on the screen code used (to be set up by the GESGTC function), it is possible to display the amounts in the original currency, in ledger currency and in conversion currency

The preset screen codes (via the GESGTC function for the BAF code) are selected.


When using the criteria definition function, it is possible to store the modified setups using this button. All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX on clicking the [Memo] button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Recall" and enter YYY.

On entering the account inquiry function, the parameters stored with code STD(the whole columns are displayed) are recalled by default.
If the criteria are not stored in an STD memo, the submitted default values are the default accounting site for the user (and the corresponding company), the date range matching the last open fiscal year, and the default currency of the company.


First case:: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, i.e. with the same fiscal year start and end dates.

The following rules should be followed:

  • the inquiry should be launched on a similar type of ledger,
  • the inquiry must relate to the same chart of accounts, but not necessarily the same ledger (several analytical ledgers refer to the same analytical chart of accounts but the dimension type codes are not necessarily shared),
  • the breakdown of the fiscal years must be identical for all the companies contained in the group.



  • Group 1:
    • Company 1 has a a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2008 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
    • Company 2 has a a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2010 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).

The group 1 can be inquired from the 01/01/2008 on.


  • Group 2:
    • Company 1 has a a first fiscal year date on 01/07/2008. Its 1st fiscal year starts on 01/07/2008 and ends 30/06/2009.
      Its 2nd fiscal year covers the period from 01/07/09 to 31/12/09 and the next fiscal years are calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
    • Company 2 has a a 1st fiscal year date on 01/01/2009 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).

Until 01/01/2010, the inquiry will comply with the rules relating to the groups of companies with fiscal years having different start and end dates.
Starting from 01/01/2010 the inquiry will comply with the rules relating to the groups of companies with fiscal years having identical start and end dates.

Second case::the inquiry concerns a group of companies with shifted fiscal years, that is with the different fiscal year start and end dates.

The same rules have to be respected.

Remember: when the inquiry concerns a group of companies with shifted fiscal years:

  • the earlier balances are not displayed,
  • the carry-forward entries and the closing entries are not taken into account.
  • Examples:

    • Company 1 has a a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2008 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
    • Company 2 has a 1st fiscal year date on 01/09/2009 and fiscal years from September to October.

    The inquiry is requested for the period from 01/01/2010 to 30/06/2010.
    The result will displays the totals of the debit and credit entries as well as the account balances for the requested period.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    All companies do not use the same chart of accounts for this ledger type

    The requested inquiry concerns a group of companies which charts of accounts attached to the type of ledger are different. No inquiry is possible.

    Periods incompatible between the companies of the group

    The requested inquiry concerns a group of companies which fiscal year periods are broken down differently.
    For instance, for company 'A', the fiscal year starts on 01/01/2010; as a result, the periods start on the first day of each month.
    For company 'B', the fiscal year starts on 15/01/2010; as a result, the periods start on the 15th of each month. No inquiry is possible.

    Tables used

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