Stock > Packing > Parcel content inquiry 

Use this function to view the content of selected parcels and their destination.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter your main criteria for selecting the parcels to display.

To access additional selection criteria, click Criteria from the Actions panel.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Renseignez obligatoirement le site. Il est initialisé par défaut avec le site associé à votre profil fonction.

  • Package no. (field PACNUM)

Enter the number of the parcel which content and destination you want to view.

Enter the ship-to customer reference.

Enter the picker reference.

Block number 2

  • Document type (field VCRTYP)

Select the document type you want to apply the inquiry to.
In order to include all types of documents, select the All documents check box. In this case, the field is automatically disabled and no longer available for entry.

  • All documents (field FLGTYP)

Select this check box to apply the inquiry to all document types.

  • From document (field VCRNUMSTR)

Enter the starting document number used for selecting the records to be processed.

  • To document (field VCRNUMEND)

Enter the ending document number used for selecting the records to be processed.

  • From delivery date (field DLVDATSTR)

Selection criteria used to refine the search on a range of delivery dates.

  • To delivery date (field DLVDATEND)


  • Parcel detail (field SPDFLG)

Select this check box to display the details of the parcels content in the inquiry table. In this case, the check box is automatically enabled on the Criteria screen. You can thus enter the Product, Lot, and Serial number as selection criteria.

  • Sort order (field SRTKEY)

Select the sort criteria to be applied to the display.



Tab Parcel content inquiry


This tab displays the list of selected parcels and their characteristics.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Package no. (field PACNUM)


  • Delivery date (field DLVDAT)



  • Last name (field BPCSHO)



  • Name (field NOMUSR)



  • Description (field SHOAXX)


  • Package weight (field NETWEI)



  • SSCC code (field SCCCOD)


  • Document type (field VCRTYP)


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)



  • Last name (field BPTSHO)



  • Description (field ITMDES1)


  • Line weight (field WEI)



  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)



  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)


  • Ending serial number (field SERFIN)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Expiration (field SHLDAT)


  • UBD (field DLUDAT)


  • Recontrol (field NEWLTIDAT)




Action icon


Click to access the Packing function.

Source document

Click to access the source document management function.




Specific actions

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)

You use a memo code to save the criteria applied to an entry screen. Use this field to find out if a memo code has already been saved for the current screen values.

Use the following buttons to manage memos:

Recall: Recall a previously defined and saved memo.

Memo: Save the current values of the screen in a memo file with a code to be specified.

Del. Memo: Delete a previously saved memo.

If a memo named STD (standard) is associated with the screen, it is loaded when opening the function.

  • Package no. (field PACNUM)

Enter the number of the parcel which content and destination you want to view.

Enter the ship-to customer reference.

Enter the picker reference.

  • SSCC code (field SCCCOD)

Enter the package number, defined using the SSCC codification.
The management of SSCC numbers (Serial Shipping Container Code) is used to trace the shipped logistical units by means of a standardized code compliant with the EAN Gencod standard.

The SSCC contains 18 numbers. It is structured so as to ensure its uniqueness in the international context. This structure is composed of a root and a sequence number counter respectively defined by the parameters SSCCROOT - Root of the SSCC code and SSCCCOU - Counter identifier (STO chapter, MIS group).

  • Document type (field VCRTYP)

Select the document type you want to apply the inquiry to.
In order to include all types of documents, select the All documents check box. In this case, the field is automatically disabled and no longer available for entry.

  • All documents (field FLGTYP)

Select this check box to apply the inquiry to all document types.

  • From document (field VCRNUMSTR)

Enter the starting document number used for selecting the records to be processed.

  • To document (field VCRNUMEND)

Enter the ending document number used for selecting the records to be processed.

  • From delivery date (field DLVDATSTR)

Selection criteria used to refine the search on a range of delivery dates.

  • To delivery date (field DLVDATEND)


Selection criteria used to refine the search in a range of carriers.


  • Parcel detail (field SPDFLG)

Select this check box to access the Product, Lot and Serial number fields.
This check box is automatically enabled if you have selected it on the Selection screen in order to display the details of the packages content in the inquiry table.

Enter the product reference.
This reference can only be entered when you selected the Package detail check box.

  • Lot (field LOT)

Enter the lot reference.
This reference can only be entered when you selected the Package detail check box.

  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

If you entered a product reference, you can refine your selection by entering the serial number of the product.

Enter, select, or use the formula editor to create a filter expression in the Sage X3 language.

An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.


  • Sort order (field SRTKEY)

Select the sort criteria to be applied to the display.

You can chose to display this function using a screen that you preset and customize in the Inquiry screens management.
Use this field to specify the code of this screen.


Click this action to access additional selection criteria based on the criteria entered in the inquiry header.
You can:

  • refine the search, from the SSCC code for example,
  • run a search on parcel details, based on the serial number or lot number for instance.

You can save the selection criteria under a Memo code and recall these criteria later on.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation