Purchasing > Inquiries > Returns > List of returns 

This function is used to display all the returns of a specific supplier or all the suppliers. The inquiry of these returns can take place over a given data range, with a restitution that can range from the returns of a storage site to all the returns of the folder without forgetting the returns of a specific company.

Each return can be accessed via a tunnel.


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Screen management



The screen header information is used to specify the principal selection criteria for the enquiry being used.
SEEINFOThe validated returns that are not pending credit memos are considered as being invoiced.

SEEINFOThe company currency and the folder currency are displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The company is automatically loaded with the company of the user's default storage site.
It remains modifiable and can be forced to empty to view the returns of all the companies. In that case, the site is automatically forced to empty.

It is the storage site. This site is automatically loaded with the user's default storage site.
It can be forced to empty. In that case, the inquiry will deal with all the company's returns.



  • From return (field PNHNUMDEB)


  • To return (field PNHNUMFIN)




  • Start date (field RTNDATDEB)

These two fields are used to define the date ranges.
These ranges are used to filter the returns with a return date included within this time interval.
They are initialized by default in the following manner:

  • the end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month,
  • the start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months.
  • End date (field RTNDATFIN)



This code is used to identify the currency for a site, BP, etc. It is managed in the currency table.
The currency proposed by default is that of the budget.
The exchange rate type applied is based on the BUDTYPCUR - Budget conversion rate type (BUD chapter, CMM group) parameter setting.

SEEINFOIt is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

This field displays the folder currency and cannot be modified.


  • Validated (field CFMFLGO)

This check box is used to select the validated returns.

  • Not validated (field CFMFLGN)

This check box is used to select the non validated returns.

Block number 4

  • Invoiced (field INVFLGO)

This check box is used to select the fully invoiced returns

  • Not invoiced (field INVFLGN)

This check box is used to select the returns that are not invoiced or only partly invoiced.



Tab number 1


The displayed information is dependent on the parameters of the inquiry screen.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Return no. (field PNHNUM)



  • Return date (field RTNDAT)



  • Authorization number (field AUZNUM)


  • Validated (field CFMFLG)


  • Invoiced (field INVFLG)


  • Posted (field PSTFLG)


  • Printed (field PRNFLG)





Action icon


This button provides access to the return.

Purchase journal traceability

Click this action to access the Purchase journal traceability inquiry function.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to access the previously defined criteria, but also the additional criteria:

  • Return no.: These criteria are used to define return ranges to be viewed
  • Posted: This check box is used to select the returns for which a credit memo to be received has been generated
  • Not posted: This check box is used to select the returns for which no credit memo to be received has been generated
  • Printed: This check box is used to select the printed returns
  • Not printed: This check box is used to select the non-printed returns

This screen is also used to select the return sort criterion. By default, these are sorted by return number, but they can also be sorted by return date.

It is also possible to save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on.

The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry. For this memo code in particular, the date range is not kept in order to always display by default the returns of the last two months and of the current month.

Menu Bar

Graphics / Return types / period

This graphical inquiry is used to display by period the returned part of the tax excl. amount concerning the returns for replacement and the final returns.

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the return lists, the selection criteria used by the calling inquiry are picked up. As a feedback of this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics / Credits / period

This graphical inquiry is used to display by period the returns pending credit memos, the part of the tax excl. amount having lead to a credit memo and the part still pending a credit memo.

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the return lists, the selection criteria used by the calling inquiry are picked up. As a feedback of this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics / Reason ranking

This graphical inquiry is used to view the credit memo reason ranking in tax excl. amount for those returns recorded over the considered period.

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the return lists, the selection criteria used by the calling inquiry are picked up. As a feedback of this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics/Supplier ranking

This graphical inquiry is used to view the supplier ranking in tax excl. amount for those returns recorded over the considered period.

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the return lists, the selection criteria used by the calling inquiry are picked up. As a feedback of this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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