A/P-A/R accounting > Inquiries > Invoices 

The purpose of the Invoice inquiry is to be quickly able to look for invoices and to know any payments associated with them. This inquiry goes hand in hand with the Payment inquiry. it is possible to directly switch from the invoice inquiry to the payment inquiry.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function makes it possible to view the invoices generated by the Purchase, Sales and A/P-A/R Accounting modules. It is limited to a single screen.



Some search criteria are compulsory:

  • The company,
  • the start and end dates of the open items for those invoices to be searched.
  • The other criteria are optional and are used to limit the scope of the data to be searched:
    • Bill-to BP,
    • Pay-by BP,
    • Payment or Invoice Number




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Control (field COLLEC)




Block number 2



  • From open item (field DATDEB)


  • To open item (field DATFIN)


  • From payment (field REGDEB)


  • To payment (field REGFIN)


  • From invoice (field FACDEB)


  • To invoice (field FACFIN)




Tab number 1


The grid depends on the requested parameterization. Among others, it submits for each open item:

  • the amount of the open item in transaction currency,
  • the tax-incl amount of the original invoice in transaction currency,
  • the use of color makes it possible to highlight the non-validated invoices ("Status" field).
  • if the payment has been made, the correspponding payment number is mentioned, otherwise the payment number does not appear.

For any payment made, it is possible to obtain the following information, among others:

  • the global amount for the payment in transaction currency ("Cumulative Amount paid" field) can relate to several open items,
  • the payment amount assigned to the consulted open item ("Amount paid" field),
  • in case of a partial payment, the inquiry subdivides the open item lines into as many payments as necessary to close the open item.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Order no. (field NUM)


  • Type (field TYP)


  • Payment no. (field NUMREG)


  • Paid amount (field AMTLIN)


  • Payment date (field ACCDATREG)


  • Check no. (field CHQNUM)



  • Address (field BPAINV)


  • Invoice amount incl. tax (field AMTATI)


  • Invoice date (field ACCDAT)


  • Due date (field DUDDAT)



  • Business partner address (field BPAPAY)


  • Total paid amount (field PAYCUR)


  • Lot no. (field PAYLOT)



  • Control (field SAC)




  • Statement no. (field SOINUM)


  • Source document (field BPRVCR)


  • Status (field STA)


  • Amount due (field AMTCUR)


  • Source date (field BPRDAT)




Action icon


This zoom is always accessible and makes it possible to go to the original invoice.

Payment inquiry

This zoom is always available in order to rapidly access the Payment inquiry. The header criteria are immediately applied to the payment inquiry (company, site, date and if it exists the payment number).

Entry Inquiry

This zoom is only available when the consulted invoice is validated.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to refine the header criteria. It is possible to make an additional filter on:

  • the currency: if for instance the USD currency is selected, the search will be performed for invoices in dollars only.
  • Include or not in the search the non closed open items,
  • Include or not in the search the non posted invoices.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation