Stock > Inquiries > Movements > Stock valuation by period 

Use this inquiry to generate an on-screen look into stock valuation for a selected period of time. You can run the query by site, product, and lot if applicable. The query returns a summary of valuation amounts based on data in the Stock valuation by period tables listed below. You can run the query on an open or closed fiscal year and period.

If the query reveals a discrepancy, during the selected period, you can run the Stock valuation period resync (FUNSYNPIT) in simulation mode to compare the data in the tables listed below against the Stock journal (STOJOU) table. Based on the results of the simulation run, you can perform the resync in Update mode to rewrite data for the selected product or products to the Stock valuation by period table. Note: No changes are made to the STOJOU table.

Stock valuation by period tables:

Average Unit Cost - ITMMVTPIT (ITVP)

Lot Average Unit Cost - STOLOTFCYPIT (SLFP)



Valuation method change

If there was a valuation method change in the selected period, an asterisk displays in the Val. method change column in the results grid for products in the query with a method change. 


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select a site.


Enter or select a product for Site selected. This is optional.

If you enter a product, the Valuation method field defaults to the method assigned to this product.

If you leave this blank, the query results include all products with selected Valuation method.

If the Product field is blank, enter or select a valuation method code to include all products in the selected Site assigned to this valuation method.

If you enter a Product, this field defaults to the valuation method assigned to the product. You still have the option to enter a different valuation method if, for example, the selected product changed valuation methods during the period and you want to see values for the prior valuation method.

This field displays the site currency and cannot be changed.

  • From lot (field LOTF)

Enter a lot number or a range of numbers in the From lot and To lot fields. Only active lots display in the selection list. When running the query, there is a separate record for each lot number in the results grid.

These fields are only available if the Valuation method is Average lot cost (ALC). Otherwise they are greyed out.

  • To lot (field LOTT)


  • Fiscal year (field FIYNUM)

Enter or select a fiscal year, open or closed. This field defaults to the current year.

  • From period (field PERF)

Enter a period or range of periods within the selected fiscal year. Periods can be open or closed.

  • To period (field PERT)


  • Start date (field DATES)

This field displays the start date for the selected Period.

  • End date (field DATEE)

This field displays the end date for the selected Period.



Tab Stock valuation by period


The grid displays the results based on the selected criteria. The columns vary slightly depending on the Valuation method entered for the query.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Period end (field PEREND)

This field displays the selected period end date for all valuation methods.

This field displays the product code based on the selection for all valuation methods.

  • Description (field ITMDES)

This field displays the description for the product on the line for all valuation methods.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

This field only displays if the selected product has an associated Major version record.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

This field only displays if the selected product has an associated Minor version record.

  • Receipt date (field RCPDAT)

This field displays each layer if FIFO or LIFO is the selected valuation method.

  • Chronological costs (field CSTCOU)


  • Lot (field LOT)

This field displays if LOT AUC is the selected valuation method.

  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Beginning std. cost (field STDCSTSTR)

This field only displays if STD or Revised standard is the selected valuation method.

  • Ending std. cost (field STDCSTEND)


  • Beginning avg. cost (field BEGAVC)

This field only displays if Cumulative AUC or LOT AUC is the selected valuation method.

  • Ending average cost (field ENDAVC)


  • Beginning base qty. (field BEGBASQTY)

This field displays for all valuation methods.

  • Beginning base amt. (field BEGBASAMT)


  • Period receipt qty. (field PERRCPQTY)


  • Period receipt amt. (field PERRCPAMT)


  • Period issue qty. (field PERISSQTY)


  • Period issue amt. (field PERISSAMT)


  • Value change quantity (field PERVALCHGQ)

This field displays if FIFO, LIFO, or LOT AUC is the selected valuation method.

  • Value change amount (field PERVALCHG)

This field displays for all valuation methods.

  • Total not absorbed (field PERAMTDEV)


  • Ending base quantity (field ENDBASQTY)


  • Ending base amount (field ENDBASAMT)


  • Val. method change (field VALMTHDCHG)

This field only displays if a valuation method change is detected during the selected period. It is not dependent on the method selected for the query.



Specific actions

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Information message

Valuation method has been changed for one or more products selected

This message displays when the valuation method assignment has been change for one or more product during the inquiry selection period.

Tables used

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