Stock > Inquiries > MRP/MPS reorder > MPS results 

The objective of this function is the presentation on screen of the MPS results for a specific product and site.

This inquiry is single site and single product.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management




The header information is used to specify the principal selection criteria for the inquiry used, here the site and the product.

After having indicated the site and the product, it is necessary to validate the search by the button in order to view the results of the MPS on the screen.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Date calculated (field DATREF)


Block number 2

  • Product (field ITMREF)

Reference of the product for which the transaction needs to be carried out. It must be defined for the selected site.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)



  • Lowest level code (field LLC)




Tab MRP - MPS Results


The summary information

For the selected product, the system reproduces the principal information concerning the management method for the product for reordering (BOM having served as an aid to the requirements calculation, management method, suggestion type reproduced by the MPS, possible coverage, reorder site, reorder strategy for the product, demand horizon and firm horizon, starting stock taken into account by the calculation, percentage loss for the product).

The system also reproduces the principal stock data for the product: total internal stock, stock waiting put-away, total loaned stock, total stock at sub-contractor, cumulative allocated quantities, cumulative suspended stock.

The MRP/MPS results table

For each order (demands, resources, suggestions, requirements), the visualization makes it possible to know:

The document number

* The requirement date, end date, start date

* The requirement or resource quantity

* This quantity is negative when it is a requirement, it is positive when it is a resource.

* The projected stock that's used to see the progress of the stock

* The remaining quantity represents the quantity taken into account in the MRP process (resources, demands)

* The allocated quantity on the firm resource or the firm demand

* The order and the order number with the requirement source

* Source product

* The MRP message

* The MRP date (end date calculated at the time of analysis with replanning, uniquely in simulation)

* The MRP quantity (quantity calculated at the time of analysis with replanning, uniquely in simulation)

* Document number





The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • BOM code (field BOMALTTYP)



  • Management mode (field STDFLGDES)


  • Week coverage (field DAYCOV)


  • Suggestion type (field REOCODDES)




  • Description (field TRPAXX)


  • Demand horizon (field FOHENDDAT)


  • Firm horizon (field PLHENDDAT)


  • Starting stock (field STRSTO)


  • Shrinkage percent (field SHR)


Block number 2

  • Total internal stock (field INTSTO)



  • Total stock pending put-away (field PLFSTO)



  • Total loan stock (field BPRSTO)



  • Total subcon. stock (field SCOSTO)



  • Pending issues (field WAISTO)



Block number 3

  • Detail allocation (field ALLSTO)



  • Detail shortage (field DETSHT)


  • Global allocated (field GLOSTO)


  • Global shortage (field GLOSHT)



  • Order (field WIPTYPSTA)


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • Period (field BUC)


  • Requirement date (field REQDAT)


  • Demand/Supply (field REQQTY)


  • Projected stock (field EXTSTO)


  • Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY)


  • Allocated quantity (field ALLQTY)


  • Start date (field STRDAT)


  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Source order type (field WIPTYPSTAO)


  • Source order no. (field WIPNUMORI)



  • MRP message (field MRPMES)


  • MRP date (field MRPDAT)


  • MRP quantity (field MRPQTY)


  • Order no. (field WIPNUM)


  • Coverage quantity (field COVQTY)


  • Allocation status (field ALLSTA)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)






Action icon






Menu Bar

The button button is used to access the additional selection criteria for the screen.

Here the proposed additional functionalities are only a screen code.

Screen code: as a general rule, inquiries can be set up (for the detail, see Inquiry screens). It is possible to call up customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This personalization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.

It is possible to memorize one or more screens by saving the codes. that can be subsequently recalled. or deleted  .


Is used to access an inquiry for the WIP for the product in the inquiry.

Is used to access the site stock inquiry for the selected product.

Is used to consult the detail of the reordering policy used for the reorder calculation for the product.

Is used to consult the detailed description of the product concerned.

Makes it possible to consult the detailed description of the product-site concerned.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation