Purchasing > Inquiries > Shipments > Shipment lines 

Use this function to track the goods shipped by the suppliers.
You can view all the shipment lines that match your selection criteria. The criteria include the shipment site, shipment dates, shipments, containers, orders, the supplier, carrier, etc.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter your selection criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter the company for the report.

Select the shipment site.

  • From shipment (field SHIPNUMSTR)

Enter the shipment number for the selection start range.

  • To shipment (field SHIPNUMEND)

Enter the shipment number for the selection end range.

  • From container (field CTRNUMSTR)

Enter the container number for the selection start range.

  • To container (field CTRNUMEND)

Enter the container number for the selection end range.

  • From order (field POHNUMSTR)

Enter the order number for the selection start range.

  • To order (field POHNUMEND)

Enter the order number for the selection end range.

Enter the identification code of the supplier if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

Enter the identification code of the carrier if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

  • Shipment ID (field SHIPUID)

Enter the identification number of the shipment if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

Enter the product reference if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

Enter the business partner reference if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

  • field CRESFLG

Select this check box to select the shipments at status Created.

  • field SHIPFLG

Select this check box to select the shipments at status Shipped.

  • field PRECFLG

Select this check box to select the shipments at status Pre-received.

  • field RECPFLG

Select this check box to select the shipments at status Received.

  • field SOLDFLG

Select this check box to select the shipments at status Closed.

Expected receipt date

  • Start (field EXTRCPDATS)

Enter the planned receipt date for the selection start range.

  • End (field EXTRCPDATE)

Enter the planned receipt date for the selection end range.



Tab Shipment lines


The displayed columns depend on the setup of the inquiry screen.

Based on the selection criteria, the table recovers by default one line by shipment line, with the following main information:

  • The container number (if the shipment is performed by container).
  • The order number.
  • The supplier.
  • The product.
  • The shipped and pre-received quantities.
  • The line status with respect to the shipment and receipt.
  • The quantities, weights, volumes.
  • The line amount.
  • The departure, arrival and planned arrival dates.
  • etc.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Shipment number (field SHIPNUM)


  • Container no. (field CTRNUM)


  • Order no. (field POHNUM)




  • Description (field ITMDES)


  • Shipped qty. (field SHIQTY)



  • Shipped (field SHIPP)


  • PUR qty. being deliv. (field SHIQTYPUU)



  • STK qty. being deliv. (field SHIQTYSTU)



  • Pre-received qty. (field PRCPQTY)



  • Pre-received PUR qty. (field PRCPQTYPUU)



  • Pre-received STK qty. (field PRCPQTYSTU)



  • Weight (field QTYWEU)



  • Exp. receipt date (field EXTRCPDAT)


  • Volume (field QTYVOU)


  • Received (field RECEIPT)



  • Transport ID (field TRNUID)


  • Line amount - tax (field LINAMT)



  • Closed (field CLEFLG)


  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)


  • Exp. arrival date (field ARVEXPDAT)


  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)




Action icon


Click this action to directly access the Shipment function.


Click this action to directly access the Container function.


Click this action to directly access the Orders function.


Click this action to directly access the Carrier function.




Specific actions

Click this action to:

  • pick the classification criteria for the display of shipment lines. By default, the lines are sorted by shipment line number, but you can also sort them by planned arrival date,
  • save the selection criteria under a memo code so that they can be retrieved later. The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation