Purchasing > Price lists > Price search 

Use this function to check before ordering from a supplier, which price will be applied to a product at a given date, for a given currency, for given sites and, if required, for a given quantity.

This function performs a real time data search of the active price lists applicable to a purchase transaction.

This inquiry can only search normal active price lists (single price lists). Grouped price lists that include several transaction lines are not considered.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Enter the search criteria that reflects the purchase transaction. All fields limit the search to price list records that contain the defined values.

The date should match the purchase transaction. It limits the search to price lists with appropriate validity dates.

The currency both limits the search to price list records in the defined currency and displays a price list in the defined currency, if a currency conversion is authorized for the corresponding price list code.

The order site and receipt site limit the search to price list records where the sites defined on the product and supplier records contain the defined values.

The quantity and product unit limit the search to price list records that contain the defined values. If a price list record has been defined with a different unit to the unit defined on the product record, the unit conversion must be authorized for the corresponding price list code for the price list to be included in the search.

 Price list setup

 Conversion factors

Running the inquiry

Click the Applyaction. The Price list block (grid/table) is updated. It contains two lines: one for the unit price; the other for the price appropriate to the defined quantity.

Unit price line:

  • Gross price. Defined on the basis of the value found in the first applicable price list record (notion of priority in order to define the processing order of the price list records).
  • Net price. Calculated by dividing the net price of the n products (global net price) by the quantity defined in the search criteria (in the header information).

Global price line (for the defined quantity):

  • Net price. The global net price is calculated on the basis of the applicable discounts and charges initialized in the Discounts/Charges block.
    The table is initialized based on the applicable price list records. If multiple price list records have the same discount (or charge), the notion of priority linked to the price list code determines which price list record will initialize the field in question. Other setups relating to the initialization of these fields can be defined in the Charges/Discounts tab when the price list record is set up (see Price list setup).
  • Miscellaneous. Corresponds to the amounts entered in price list columns which do not have any impact on the calculation of the net price (these are recorded in the invoice footer).
  • Total. Corresponds to the total of the purchase transaction, including everything that is defined on the line for the defined product.
    Global net price + Miscellaneous.

Price lines block

Click the Price list inquiry action to view the lines from the active price lists that apply to the selected product. The results are displayed in the Price lines block (grid/table).

This table displays for each line selected, information for the record such as the gross price, discount and quantity ranges.

If a quantity has been defined in the selection criteria a formula is applied, as follows, to determine which price list records are to be displayed:

     Quantity x 2 >= minimum quantity defined on the price list for the product
  Quantity / 2 <= maximum quantity defined on the price list for the product

Click the Actionsicon on the individual lines to view the details for the price list and the price list record code.

Occasionally a price list may be displayed purely for information when it is not linked in the Supplier table (BPSUPPLIER). This price list is not applied.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 2

To enter the supplier, enter the supplier code or click the Actions icon to:

  • Select a supplier in the file.
  • Select a supplier from the list of suppliers available for the product-site.
  • Select a back-to-back supplier from the list of back-to-back suppliers available for the product-site, in the case of a back-to-back product.
  • Create, according to the user's access rights, a supplier in the file.
  • View the notes linked to the supplier.
  • View the list of the last order prices.

This supplier cannot be defined as a ‘Prospect’ and must be ‘Active’.

When the supplier entered is of the Miscellaneous type, a window automatically opens for the address to be entered. When the entered supplier is a Normalsupplier, you can view and potentially modify the address from the Actionsicon, as soon as the supplier code has been entered.

After entering or modifying the supplier, the following messages may display:

  • When the supplier is declared to be on hold. This can be a blocking message or a simple warning according to the value given to the dispute code in the Supplier record.

  • When the order for the product is blocked for this supplier, or for this supplier on this particular receiving site. This can be a blocking message or a simple warning according to the value of the blocking code in the Product-Supplier or Product-Site record.
  • When the product is not referenced by this supplier. This message can be blocking or a simple warning according to the choice made at the level of the ITMBPS - Supplier referencing (ACH chapter, REF group) general parameter.
  • When the receipt product-site is not referenced by this supplier. This can be a blocking message or a simple warning according to the value of the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier site referencing parameter. If this message is blocking, you can still proceed with your entry but the Receiving site field must be set as available for entry for the entry transaction. In this case, the Receiving site field is emptied. You must then enter a site where the product-supplier is referenced, or for which the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier-site referencing parameter is not defined as blocking.
    This control does not apply to inter-site orders.
  • When the supplier purchase unit is different from the entered unit, a message is displayed and you can decide whether to perform a conversion.

If the supplier is modified and its units are different from those of the former supplier, the message "Do you want to order in US ?" is displayed. This enables the user to avoid any price setting inconsistency and keep a consistent order unit for the supplier.

  • - If the answer is Yes, the order unit is readjusted into stock unit.
  • - If the answer is No, the quantities are readjusted keeping the supplier units.

In order duplication, changing suppliers is not authorized.

Inter-company specificities: Within the framework of an inter-site or inter-company order, the supplier needs to be declared as being of the inter-site type and the site associated with this supplier must be a sales site (it defines the sales site in the mirror sales contract). The purchase site at the source of the order must determine an inter-site customer so as to define the ship-to customer on the corresponding sales order.

When the supplier is identified as being an inter-site supplier, the inter-site flag of the order is automatically selected. If the site associated with the supplier belongs to another company than the purchase site of the order, the inter-company flag is also selected.

A warning message can be displayed in this context if the customer linked to the purchase site is blocked. The generated sales order displays a blocked status. The inter-site orders are not themselves concerned with this operation. No WIP is managed for internal flows.

  • Date (field ORDDAT)

This is the reference for the search of the price list and the commercial conditions.


This field indicates the code of the currency in which the order or receipt prices and amounts are expressed.

This mandatory information is initialized to the currency of the supplier to which the order is addressed. Provided the order is not yet created, it is possible to modify this currency. If order lines have been entered, or during the copy of an order, a question will be posed to the user about whether to re-calculate the prices and discounts depending on the price lists. If the user decides not to apply the price lists, the prices and discounts will be simply converted into the new currency at the rate determined by the exchange rate type and the order date.
The change of currency is forbidden if at least one line with a cost structure has already been entered.

From this field, it is possible to directly enter a currency code whose existence is controlled in the currency table or to use the contextual button to:

  • select a currency from the table,
  • create, according to the user's authorizations, a currency code in the table.
  • Access the supplier's detailed address and select an alternative address for the supplier if necessary. This is the address to which the order document will be sent.

Specificities linked to the inter-company: Within the framework of an inter-company or inter-site order, the currency entered in the sales order generated is initialized to the currency of the customer associated with the purchase site.

Block number 1

Code of the site issuing the order (request for quote, purchase request, order, subcontract order etc.).
This field is mandatory. It is initialized by default by the purchase site associated with your function profile.
You can modify this code by selecting a code from the list of authorized sites.

This field displays the site where the goods must be delivered by the supplier. It is initialized by the order site if it is also a storage site.
SEEWARNINGThis receipt site must belong to the same legal company as the requesting site for a purchase order or the order site in case of an order.
In the case of a purchase request or an order for a product managed in stock:

  • the receipt site must be a warehouse,
  • the product reference must be defined for this receiving site.

Block number 3

  • Quantity (field XQTY)



Grid Charges/Discounts

  • Description (field COLDES)


  • % (field RAT)


  • Amount (field AMT)


Grid Price list

  • field NOPRIX


  • field XLIBPRIX


  • Gross price (field XGROPRI)


  • Net price (field XNETPRI)


  • Miscellaneous (field XAUTRE)


  • Total (field XTOTAL)


Grid Price lines

  • field NOTAR


  • Start (field VDATDEB)


  • End (field VDATFIN)




  • Minimum quantity (field VMINQTY)


  • Maximum quantity (field VMAXQTY)


  • List price (field VPRI)


  • Coefficient (field VCOE)


  • field VXFRAREM1


  • field VXFRAREM2


  • field VXFRAREM3


  • field VXFRAREM4


  • field VXFRAREM5


  • field VXFRAREM6


  • field VXFRAREM7


  • field VXFRAREM8


  • field VXFRAREM9


  • Search group (field VPLISEA)


  • Price list (field VPLI)


  • Record (field VPLICRD)




Action icon

Purchase Price Detail




Specific actions

Click the Apply action to apply the search (simulation) criteria entered in the header and to display the price list that will be applied.

Click the Price list inquiry action to view the lines from the active price lists that apply to the selected product. The results are displayed in the Price lines block (grid/table).

Click the Available stock action to view the available stock and stock projections for the defined product at the site, and from the date defined in the search criteria.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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