Purchasing > Orders > Close and re-open orders 

This function is used to close or cancel the closing of one or several order lines.

When the closing function is launched, the commitments generated by the orders are reversed (in negative amounts).

The closing operation of order lines is processed in two steps:

  • Selection of unpaid order lines via the FUNCLEAR function which is used to specify selection ranges (Purchase/Orders/Order balance),
  • Display of the selection result in a grid. This way, the person in charge of the budget will be able to decide to close order lines or not.

SEEINFOWhen additional invoices on order have been recorded, if an order line is closed then all the additional invoices recorded on this order line are taken into account. In addition, even if the order line has been received (all at once or not) and has been the object of one or several additional invoices, it is only upon closing the order line that these invoices will be taken into account and that stock adjustment movements will be applied. The additional invoices are then distributed with respect to the quantities received for each of the receipts of the order line.

Stages of the budget closing

Stages of the budget closing: 

SEEWARNING The execution of these stages must follow the chronological order above, except:

  • If the renewal of an annual envelope is not preformed, the carry-forward of commitments and pre-commitments will create a new envelope but the renewal will no longer be possible.
  • The carry-forward of commitments can be carried out before or after processing the invoices to receive by the end of the FY.
  • The carry-forward of pluri-annual envelopes must be the last stage of budget closing.

Closing purchase lines (purchase requests and purchase orders) with no object, is the second stage of budget closing.

Order lines are a commitment in budget lines which implies a consumption of the budgeted amount. If these lines no longer have an object, the closing operation of these lines aims at 'uncommiting' the budget line from the amount of planned expenses that will not be consumed and therefore will not be carried forward to the next FY.


The closing of a partially received order is prohibited for Operational Budgets, as long as the receipt is not invoiced, or that a return note is not "Posted" or "Fully Invoiced".

Upon FY end, budget managers should review non-invoiced and partially invoiced order lines in order to decide if they should be closed or carried-forward.


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Screen management

Orders to be processed are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Order sites range
  • Date ranges (order creation date)
  • Order type ranges
  • Range on the number of orders to be processed
  • Supplier ranges
  • Product ranges
  • quantity tolerance %age
  • Orders to be processed

It is possible to enter the various selection criteria of the order lines and to select line for processing purposes.

In the same way, it is possible, during a processing, to close an unclosed line and to cancel the closing of an already closed line.

Among these criteria, some fields must be entered:

Order site range

The start and end sites are initialized to the purchase site associated with the operator being connected. These ranges can be modified according to the user rights: if only one site is authorized, it will be displayed but modification will not be possible.

Orders to be processed

This field is used to define the status of the orders to be processed and consequently the type of action to be conducted. Three choices are offered:

  • Unclosed: to be used to close order lines (default choice)
  • Closed: to be used to cancel a closing
  • All: to close certain lines and cancel others at the same time in a single processing

Other selection criteria are offered but they are not compulsory. They are used to refine the selection, this is namely the case for ranges on Order number, supplier or product.

Among these fields, some have an impact on the processing:

Quantity tolerance %age

This tolerance percentage is used to restrict the number of suggested order lines to process. In effect, if a percentage is mentioned, only those order lines presenting some remaining quantity with respect to the ordered quantity lower than the entered percentage, are offered for processing. It should be noted that if the tolerance percentage remains at zero, only those orders to be closed that have been fully received (received quantity larger than or equal to the ordered quantity) will be processed.

For example:
Entered percentage = 10%
An order line with Ordered Qty=100, Received Qty=92, Remaining Qty=8, RQ/OQ= 8%, is offered for processing

Entry screen



This field is used to decide which type of process should be used among three suggested processes:

  • None: this is the default choice. The line will not be processed upon validation
  • Close: used to close an unclosed line
  • Cancellation: used to cancel the closing of a closed line.

It is also possible to carry out a global process of all the lines in the table. For that purpose, the user needs to place the cursor on the line number and then use the contextual button to choose the "Global process" option. This choice affects the suggested lines differently: for unclosed lines, the "Process" field takes on the value "Close", and for already closed lines, the value becomes "Cancellation".

In any case, the orders are updated after the validation button has been activated.

Contextual buttons, which can be accessed via right click and selection in the list, are used to:

  • To sort order lines by order number, envelope number, entity number or account number.
  • To access the order ("Detail" button), the envelope, the budget line, the budget account and the commitment.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • No. (field NOLIG)


  • Processing (field PRO)

This field is used to select the order lines to close, or which balance has to be cancelled, by unit checking or by global processing.

code of the issuing site of the order line.

  • Order no. (field POHNUM)

Number of the order, used to identify it in a unique way. This number is generated automatically during each order creation according to the associated sequence number counter setup.

Code identifying the supplier to which it is required to pace an initialized order, when creating an order line.

Internal reference of the requested product which exists in the Products table, entered when creating an order line.

  • Closed (field LINCLEFLG)

Order flag: "Closed" or "Open"

  • Ordered qty. (field QTYPUU)

Quantity ordered for the order line.

  • Received qty. (field RCPQTYPUU)

Quantity received for the order line.

  • Invoiced qty. (field INVQTYPUU)

Quantity invoiced for the order line.

Purchase unit of the product, defined at the level of the product record or linked to the supplier.

  • Line amt. - tax (field LINAMT)

Ex-tax amount of the order line in entry currency, corresponding to the ordered quantity.

  • Remaining amt. (field AMT)

Ex tax amount in entry currency, of the not invoiced balance of the order line.

Code of the entry currency of the order line.

Code of the assignment envelope of the order line.

Code of the entity receiving the order line.

Code of the posting budget account of the order line.



Action icon

Base Product Management

Access the entry/inquiry screen of the order.

Standard Rerouting Action

Selection of all displayed order lines.

Sort by order no.

Sort order lines by order number.

Sort by envelope

Sort order lines by envelope number.

Sort by entity

Sort order lines by recipient entity number.

Sort by budget account

Sort order lines by budget account number.

Standard object management

Access entry/inquiry screen of the assignment envelope for the order line.

Standard object management

Access entry/inquiry screen of the budget line of the order line.

Standard object management

Access entry/inquiry screen of the account budget for the order line.

Standard object management

Access the inquiry screen of the commitment which corresponds to the order.




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No record selected

This message appears when validating the selections when there is no order corresponding to the performed selections.

Line already closed, impossible to close it!

This message appears when the selected process type is not compatible with the status of the order line: an attempt is made to close an already closed line.

Unclosed line, impossible to cancel closure!

This message appears when the selected process type is not compatible with the status of the order line: an attempt is made to cancel an unclosed line.

An invoice which contains a non fully invoiced receipt cannot be closed.

This message appears in operational budgets when attempting to close an order with a partial receipt that has not been invoiced yet.

An invoice which contains an unposted return cannot be closed.

This message appears in operational budgets when attempting to close an order subject to a return that has not been posted yet (credit memo receivable not generated ) or not fully invoiced (credit memo on return not entered).

Tables used

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