Manufacturing > Utilities > Pegging history 

This documentation gives a general presentation of the functionality " Pegging History", such a functionality being presently implemented only for the Manufacturing module.

The "Pegging History" utility makes it possible, from a "pivotal" order, to display the history elements, upstream (what does the order cover?) and downstream (what covers the order?). If the chosen "pivot" is of requirement type, the list of coverages is proposed in the second grid, in multi-level option.

The " Pegging History" functionality tries to meet the following requirements:

  • memorization of the links between requirements and resources,
  • impact of the modifications of resources on the covered requirements,
  • regeneration of the planned quantities.

The following functions are concerned for the moment:

  • workbench,
  • groupings,
  • automatic release,
  • direct order:
  • automatic deletion,
  • WO management.

The table concerned by the memorizations is ORDCOV (Order Coverage).


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

This field specifies the reference of the product to to process.



  • Type (field VCRTYP)

Enter the document type to select

  • Entry (field VCRNUM)

The document type, the document number and the document line number are used to identify the origin of the stock movement:

  • Supplier receipt
  • Customer delivery
  • Work order
  • Receipt movement
  • Line (field VCRLIN)

The number of the journal line to process.

    • Sequence (field VCRSEQ)

    The sequence number of the document to process.

    • Status (field XVCRSTA)


    Grid Backward

    • Order (field WIPTYPSTA1)


    • Entry (field VCRNUM1)


    • Line (field VCRLIN1)


    • Sequence (field VCRSEQ1)


    • Start date (field STRDAT1)


    • End date (field ENDDAT1)


    • Planned quantity (field EXTQTY1)


    • Quantity covered (field COVQTY1)





    • Priority (field PIO1)


    • Product source (field FMI1)


    • Source document type (field VCRTYPORI1)


    • Original document (field VCRNUMORI1)


    Grid Forward

    • Order (field WIPTYPSTA2)


    • Entry (field VCRNUM2)


    • Line (field VCRLIN2)


    • Sequence (field VCRSEQ2)


    • Quantity covered (field COVQTY2)




    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Regenerate the planned quantities covered by this WO?

    This message appears if the following circumstances are gathered:

    • GREGENPLN (planning regeneration) is equal to 2 (manual),
    • The WO being reduced/deleted has been generated by the taking into account of planned orders,
    • The process under progress is interactive.

    Tables used

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