This function summarizes the progress level of a work order (released products, materials and operations).


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Screen management

The inquiry screen is comprised of a header (selection criteria) and display tabs presenting the products, materials and operations.



  • Production site: The site associated with the user is proposed by default.
  • Work order: The reference of the work order to be viewed needs to be mentioned.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Type in or select the work order production site. This field is mandatory.

  • Work order (field MFGNUM)

Type in or select the work order number. Only work orders at order status 'Firm' are available for selection.

  • WO status (field XMFGSTA)

Use this field to set the initial status for this work order as 'Firm' or 'Planned'. Planned orders can not be allocated, printed, or tracked. They can, however be scheduled, and can be respected by the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process.



Tab General


This tab presents the work order header and summarizes the general information.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This code is used to identify the planning site.
It can be different from the production site, namely in the case of a centralized planning.

    • Release mode (field XMFGMOD)


    The routing is used to describe the product manufacturing process.
    The routing identifier is a product reference which can be the reference of a manufactured product, or a generic reference (mother routing) linked to several products.

    Multiple routings can be defined for a single product. Each routing code can be assigned specific management features. These include restriction of the routing to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for use in a manufacturing environment, for costing or for capacity planning).

    Block number 2

    • Last tracking (field TRKLAST)


    • Closing date (field CLODAT)


    Lead times

    • Scheduling mode (field XSCDMOD)


    • Start date (field STRDAT)

    This field identifies the 1st day of the period for which the distribution key is defined.
    It is possible to define up to 53 periods.
    Periods must be consecutive with no blank period.
    The curve must be defined from the 01/01 to the 12/31.

    • End date (field ENDDAT)

    This field identifies the last day of the period for which the distribution key is defined.
    The periods must be consecutive and there should not be any empty period.
    The curve should be defined from the 01/01 to 12/31.


    • Status (field XMFGTRKFLG)


    • Scheduling status (field XSCDFLG)


    • Allocation status (field XALLSTA)



    This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

    • The stock
    • The standard price
    • The BOM link quantity, etc.

    This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

    • Planned quantity (field EXTQTY)

    This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
    For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

    • Total actual quantity (field CPLQTY)

    This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit.

    • Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY)



    • A status completed (field OKCPLQTY)


    • Q status completed (field QUACPLQTY)

    This is the actual quantity under control.
    The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the produced quantity.

    • R status completed (field REJCPLQTY)

    This field displays the actual rejected quantity.

    The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the Total completed quantity.



    Tab Products


    This tab displays:

    • Released product grid,
    • a graphic inquiry is used to compare the quantities provided and carried out.



    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Table number 1

    • field AFFFLG


    This field indicates the product reference code. It is generated by a sequence number counter (set up in function Sequence number counters) in the case when the product category has a sequence number counter code.

    The reference cannot be modified. It is automaticaly assigned and displayed at product creation end.

    • Line status (field ITMSTA)

    Use the status to change product availability. The titles in the local menu can be set up and managed as follows:

    • Active. The product is available in all the processes.
    • In development
    • On shortage. The product does not appear in search results, but it can be used by directly entering its code. A non-blocking warning message appears. If the product category creation method is With validation, the status cannot be accessed and its value is forced to the In development value.
    • Not renewed
    • Obsolete
    • Not usable. The product does not appear in search results and cannot be used in scripts. It can however be used in purchase invoices, by directly entering its code. In that case, a non-blocking warning message is displayed.

    Non blocking and blocking messages according to the context and status:

    • Context - Input
      • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage, Not renewed, Obsolete.
      • Blocking message: Not usable.

    • Issues - BOMs
      • Non-blocking message: Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

    • Work order (component)
      • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage.
      • Blocking message: Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable (product not returned).

    • Work order (parent product)
      • Non-blocking message: On shortage.
      • Blocking message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

    • Sales order
      • Non-blocking message: In development, On shortage, Not renewed, Obsolete.
      • Blocking message: Not usable.

    • Purchase order
      • Non-blocking message: On hold.
      • Blocking message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable.

    • Assembly - On shortage
      • Compound assembled:
        • Non-blocking: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.
      • Component:
        • Non-blocking: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.

    • Disassembly - On shortage
      • Compound assembled:
        • No message: In development, Not renewed, Obsolete.
    • Product type (field ITMTYP)

    This is the product type, which can be:

    • standard product,
    • BOM product: an order line will be generated for the parent product and for each component of the kit. These lines will be independent.
    • Kit product: an order line will be generated for the parent product and for each component of the kit. The order lines of this kit are linked.

    On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account.
    The non-financial unit is determined when setting up an account associated with a given value.
    This unit is called upon entry.

    • Release qty (field UOMEXTQTY)

    This field indicates the planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in release unit. The quantity is loaded by default with respect to the chosen transaction.

    From the Actionsicon, the following actions are available:

    • Economic lot and technical lot : use this action to perform the release against the economic lot or the technical lot.
    • Tracking report : use this action to view the progress of the work order with respect to the produced quantity.
    • Component availability : use this action to check the components' availability upon release for the chosen BOM code and released quantity. The system submits a summary of the component stock status, the component requirement and the variance.
    • REL-STK (field UOMSTUCOE)

    This field displays the conversion factor used for the unit of measure of a quantity and the stock unit of the corresponding product.

    • Expected quantity (field EXTQTY)

    This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
    For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

    This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

    • The stock
    • The standard price
    • The BOM link quantity, etc.

    This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

    • Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY)

    This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit.

    • Remaining qty. (field RMNEXTQTY)


    • QC quantity (field QUACPLQTY)

    This is the actual quantity under control.
    The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the produced quantity.

    • Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY)

    This field displays the actual rejected quantity.

    The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the Total completed quantity.

    • Description (field ITMDES1)

    This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line.

    • BOM code (field BOMALT)

    Several BOMs can be defined for a single product reference.
    They can be distinguished via the code, entered on two numbers.

    The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:

    • MRP calculation,
    • sales order entry,
    • manufacturing/production.

    This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded.

    This field contains the reference of the project for which the information has been entered.
    This field is not controlled in a table.

    • In a request for quotes, this field is empty by default.
    • in a purchase order, this field can be initialized by default using the Project reference of the previous line or that of the request for quotes considered.

    It is possible to enter a free code or a project code defined in the Project object in the CRM activities module. In this latter case, the user has two possibilities to enter such a code:

    • the first contextual menu, Selection, is used to select a project from a selection list containing all the projects defined in object Projects,
    • the second contextual menu Projects is used to directly access the Projects object, according to the user's authorizations, and then to carry out a selection.

    If the order arises from a requirement and this requirement has a project code, the project code of the order will be initialized with this project code.

    • Lot (field LOT)

    This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement.

    • Ship-to type (field BPCTYPDEN)

    This code is used to identify the ship-to type of the product stock. The ship-to can be a site or a customer.

    • Destination (field BPCNUM)

    This field is used to enter the code used to identify the customer. It can be entered directly or selected from the Customer table.
    SEEINFO This customer list is not exhaustive, any customer not present in this list can still order the product.

    • WO description (field MFGDES)


    Table number 2



    • Planned quantity (field EXTQTYG)


    • Completed qty. (field CPLQTYG)



    Action icon





    Tab Components


    This tab displays:

    • the WO component table,
    • a graphical inquiry used to compare, for each of the components, the quantity necessary and the one consumed.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Components

    • No. (field NOLIG)


    • field AFFFLG


    • Component type (field CPNTYP)

    Use this field to define what type of component this is. You can set it to one of the following values:

    • Normal. A component of this bill of materials.
    • By-product. An unplanned by-product or secondary product.
    • Text. Free-format text to be displayed on a work order.
    • Costing. When a value must be calculated for the provisional cost and the production cost price of the parent product.

    This field indicates the product reference code. It is generated by a sequence number counter (set up in function Sequence number counters) in the case when the product category has a sequence number counter code.

    The reference cannot be modified. It is automaticaly assigned and displayed at product creation end.

    • Line status (field XMATSTA)


    This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

    • The stock
    • The standard price
    • The BOM link quantity, etc.

    This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

    • Requirement date (field RETDAT)

    This field displays the date on which the requirement arises.

    • Requirement qty. (field RETQTY)

    This field displays the quantity related to the requirement.

    • Type (field TYPQTY)

    This field displays the quantity type.
    Within the framework of the potency management, the quantity can be expressed in physical or active unit.

    • Consumed qty. (field USEQTY)


    • Allocated qty. (field ALLQTY)

    This field displays the quantity allocated to the order line.

    • Shortage (field SHTQTY)

    This field indicates the shortage quantity.

    • Available qty. (field AVAQTY)

    This field displays the available quantity expressed in the stock unit of the components.

    • Description 1 (field ITMDES1)

    This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line.

    • Op. (field BOMOPE)

    The components can be linked to a particular operations in a production route, according to the manufacturing requirements.

    • Shrinkage % (field SCA)

    The loss percentage is used to increase the link quantity in order to take into account the loss due to the production process.
    In the various inquiries, two quantities can be displayed:

    • Net quantity: calculation of the quantity necessary to produce a parent product, without taking the loss into account.
    • Gross quantity: calculation of the quantity necessary to produce a parent product, when taking the loss into account.

    • BOM sequence (field BOMSEQ)

    This field identifies the sequence number of this component in this BOM (bill of materials). It identifies a component where multiple components with the same product code are defined as variants or options.

    The BOMSTE - Component sequence increment parameter (TC chapter, BOM group) defines the first sequence number and the increment applied to subsequent component sequence numbers.

    • WO line (field MFGLIN)

    This field displays the line number of the released product.

    Operator in charge of performing the production planning or product ordering.

    • Total (field CUMFLG)

    Select 'Yes' to display the total available stock at the bottom of the page.

    • Pick list (field PICPRN)

    Use this field to specify if this component must be printed on work order material issue slips.

    • To subcontract (field SCOFLG)

    This field enables the replenishment mode of the component to be specified:

    • made available to the subcontractor,
    • supplied by the subcontractor.

    Table number 2



    • Requirement quantity (field RETQTYG)


    • Consumed quantity (field USEQTYG)




    Action icon





    Tab Operations


    This tab displays:

    • the WO operation table,
    • a graphical inquiry used to compare, for each of the components, the planned quantity and the total quantity realized.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Operations

    • No. (field NOLIG)


    • field AFFFLG


    • No. (field OPENUM)

    This field displays the sequence number of this operation.

    The operations in a routing used for manufacturing a product are assigned operation numbers. Each operation number corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times.

    • Line status (field OPESTA)

    This non-modifiable field displays the service status: Pending, In progress, Ordered, Received or Closed.

    • Work center (field EXTWST)

    The planned work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation is to be carried out.
    It is an entity for which the load needs to be planned and/or the production times need to be tracked.

    The work center group is a physical or fictitious entity grouping several work centers of machine, labor or sub-contracting type.

    • Type (field WSTTYP)

    This field identifies the type of operation that is performed at this work center. This might be a machine, a labor resource, or a subcontracted operation. Work centers of type Subcontracting are managed externally by subcontract suppliers.

    • Description (field ROODES)

    This field indicates the routing operation.

      • Start (field OPESTR)

      This field displays the operation start date.

      • End (field OPEEND)

      This field displays the operation end date.

      • Expected resources (field EXTWSTNBR)

      The number of work centers makes it possible to set up all or part of the resources of a work center with a view to performing an operation.

      Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. Use this operation unit to express operating time in a different unit to that of the product being produced by the routing.

      For example, a product managed by unit is subject to three different operations, none of which produce intermediate stock:

      • Mixing time (operation 1) is expressed for a lot with Kilogram as the unit;
      • Extrusion time (operation 2) is a rate in meters per hour;
      • Cutting time (operation 3) is expressed in hours per unit.

      There is no need to create semi-finished products for each production phase.

      The operation unit is associated with a conversion coefficient for the stock unit of the product being produced by the routing and the operation unit.

      • Actual work center (field CPLWST)

      This field identifies the production resource used for this operation, that is the actual work center used. This work center is the main (principal) work center for this operation. It can be a machine or labor work center. The work center is attached to a work center group.

      • Expected quantity (field EXTQTY)

      This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
      For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

      • Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY)

      This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit.

      • Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY)

      This field displays the actual rejected quantity.

      The sum of the "quantity produced under quality control" plus the "rejected quantity" cannot exceed the Total completed quantity.

      • Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD)

      The time unit defines how time for the operations in this routing is expressed. The time unit can be 'hours' or 'minutes'.

      It applies to the setup time, run time and the rate for all operations in the routing.

      • Setup time (field EXTSETTIM)

      The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center.
      It is part of the work center load.
      It is expressed in the time unit specified in the routing.

      • Actual stp. time (field CPLSETTIM)

      This is the actual setting time.
      The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center.
      It is part of the work center load. It is expressed in the time unit specified in the routing.

        • Run time (field EXTOPETIM)

        The operation time is the time necessary to manufacture the product described in the routing.

        The operating time:

        • in hours or minutes (see the time unit),
        • is expressed for 1, 100, 1,000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
        • can be proportional or fixed, based on the type of operation times.
          Time unit = Hours
          Time type = Proportional
          Management unit = Time for 100
          Operating time = 2
          Operation unit = Kg
          Finished product unit = One
          Conversion coefficient DU-OU = 0.5
          The operating time equals 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work Order is launched for 1,000 units of finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.
        • Actual run time (field CPLOPETIM)

        This is the actual operation time.
        It is possible via a contextual button to enter start and end times.
        In that case, the system automatically calculates the actual operation time.

        The operating time:

        • in hours or minutes (see the time unit),
        • is expressed for 1, 100, 1000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
        • can be proportional or fixed based based on the operating time type.
          Time unit = Hours
          Time type = proportional
          Management unit = Time for 100
          Operating time = 2
          Operating unit = Kg
          Finished product unit = Un
          REL-OPE conversion coefficient = 0.5
          The operation time is equal to 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work Order is launched for 1000 units of finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.


        • Labor wk C (field EXTLAB)

        Planned labor work center.
        A labor work center can be associated with the machine-type principal work center.
        The labor work center times are calculated using two coefficients:

        • Exp. no. labor (field EXTLABNBR)

        The number of work centers makes it possible to set up all or part of the resources of a work center with a view to performing an operation.

        Enter the supplier at the origin of the receipt. The selection lists specific to the intersite and intercompany orders and deliveries available for receipt are filered to those related to the entered supplier.

        From the Selection icon, you can:

        • select a supplier from the list of active suppliers.
        • access, based on your authorizations, the supplier record, and create a new supplier if necessary.

        • Order no. (field POHNUM)

        Each order has its own order number. It is used to identify it.

        If the order sequence number is to be manually assigned, the user must also enter an order number. Where the order number sequence assignment is automatic, a number will be assigned at the end of the creation.

        When you copy a purchase order and its order date is different from the current date, a messages suggests that you recalculate the prices and discounts according to the new order date.

        • Line (field POPLIN)

        This is the purchase order line.

        For an open order, the purchase order line corresponds to the product line.

        • Sequence (field POPSEQ)


        Grid Graph

        • Operation no. (field OPENUMG)

        This field displays the sequence number of this operation.

        The operations in a routing used for manufacturing a product are assigned operation numbers. Each operation number corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times.


        • Expected quantity (field EXTQTYG)

        This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
        For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

        • Total completed qty. (field CPLQTYG)

        This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit.



        Action icon





        Specific Buttons

        This button (activated if a tracking has been performed) is used to access the Tracking by WO.

        Error messages

        The only error messages are the generic ones.

        Tables used

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