Refer to documentation Implementation
The function submits a selection screen, used to launch the search of the operations to be processed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Selection criteria
| The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations. |
| The work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation is carried out. This is an entity for which it is requested to plan loads and track production times. Each work center is associated with an attachment site. |
| This field identifies the 1st day of the period for which the distribution key is defined. |
| This field identifies the last day of the period for which the distribution key is defined. |
| Filter on the load type. |
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|   |
| Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.
| The number of work centers makes it possible to manage the number of resources for identical resources in order to carry out an operation. For instance, a labor work center may comprise 3 people. This is indicated by entering 3 in the number of resources. |
The different selection criteria are:
When direct access it required to the function, each single selection criterion must be entered. If the function is activated from the Work Center update, some criteria are already entered: the work center, possibly the horizon (if access is possible via right click from a work center capacity variation).
Once the filters are entered, activating the [OK] button submits a table gathering all the selected operations (OWx WIP).
It will then be possible for each operation to modify the number of principal and secondary work center resources requested by the operation. In case of modification, the operation is automatically checked.
The validation of this screen via the [Save] button causes the checked operations to be updated, and the orders concerned to be re-scheduled.
It is possible to check an operation without modifying the number of work center resources, simply to indicate that the corresponding WO should be rescheduled.
The [Abort] button is used to reinitialize the table of the operations to be processed from the selection criteria, by cancelling all the manual modifications performed prior to validation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations. |
|   |
| The planned work center is attached to a work center group. It corresponds to a production resource on which a routing operation is to be carried out. |
| Box checked: Update of the operation corresponding to the line, if the number of lines has been modified and the re-scheduling of the WO. |
|   |
| This field displays the work order number (unique ID). |
| This field displays the sequence number of this operation. The operations in a routing used for manufacturing a product are assigned operation numbers. Each operation number corresponds to a task carried out on a given resource, with given times. |
| The subcontract operation start date is determined by default as follows: This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
| By default the subcontract service end date cannot be entered. It is automatically assigned with the receipt date of the released product. |
| The number of work centers makes it possible to manage the number of resources for identical resources in order to carry out an operation. For instance, a labor work center may comprise 3 people. This is indicated by entering 3 in the number of resources. |
| This is the number of resources of the labor work center. |
| The setting time is a fixed amount of time necessary to prepare the work center. It is part of the work center load. It is expressed in the time unit specified:
| The operation time is the time necessary to manufacture the product described in the routing. The operating time unit can be:
| Work order operation quantities are expressed in the operation unit. Use this operation unit to express operating time in a different unit to that of the product being produced by the routing. For example, a product managed by unit is subject to three different operations, none of which produce intermediate stock:
There is no need to create semi-finished products for each production phase. The operation unit is associated with a conversion coefficient for the stock unit of the product being produced by the routing and the operation unit. |
| It is the allocated quantity expressed in UOM unit. |
The [Include] button is used to check all the operations of the selection. |
The [Exclude] button is used to uncheck all the operations of the selection. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Selection control error message by range.
At least one work center resource is needed to carry out the operation.
In order to be able to uncheck a line, the number of work center resources/Labor work center resources must have retrieved their initial values.