Setup > Purchasing > Entry transactions > Subcontract orders 

Use this function to customize the Subcontract orders (GESSCO) function to the needs of your organization and your processes.

Your system is provided with a standard or master Subcontract orders entry format. You can modify the master or create new entry formats to suit your processes, your users or just to make your system more convenient to use. Each format affects the way in which information is entered, displayed and printed.

You create each entry format as a Transaction. Each transaction you define is available for selection when the Subcontract orders function is selected from the menu. You are advised, however, to get a basic understanding of how your system works before changing the master format.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Subcontract orders Entry transactions function contains a header information section and one tab per feature of the functionality:

  • Header information. The header information contains the code and name for this entry transaction, and the user access code.
  • Parameters. Use this tab to describe the functional characteristics of this entry transaction.
  • Input. Use this tab to provide default entry, and display, fields and values.
  • Analytical. Use this tab to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.
  • Documents. Use this tab to define which printed documents are required for this entry transaction.



The header information provides key tracking and access information. The header information is displayed with each tab.

Each transaction code you define is available for selection when the Subcontract orders function is selected from the menu.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Subcontract order trans.

  • Transaction (field PTRNUM)

Code used to identify the transaction set up.

The setup of the entry transactions enables the user to fully set up the entry screens associated with a document (quote, invoice order, request for quotes etc.) or with a stock transaction type (receipt, issue etc.).

For each document or stock transaction type, it is possible to define as many entry transactions as necessary, each one being identified by a code.

Each transaction is used to define, both for fields located on the document header and fields entered in the lines, whether they must be:

  • Entered
  • Only displayed
  • Or hidden

Upon validation of this setup, dedicated entry screens are created, and then can be used by any user having been granted rights on the access code defined on this setup header.

  • If a given user has the right to use several transactions of a given type, the choice is presented to the user when entering the function.
  • If the user is only authorized one transaction, this transaction is automatically taken into account when entering the function.
  • Description (field DESAXX)

Transaction description.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Use this field to activate or deactivate a transaction.
Inactive transactions are not displayed in the transaction selection window.

This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users.
If this field is entered, only users with this access code in their profile can use this transaction.
If several transactions are available, you can choose the transaction you want to use to open the function. If only one transaction is available, there is no selection to be made: the default entry screen opens directly.

The company or site group entered here is used to filter the entries.
These entries can be accessed during the transaction.



Tab Parameters


You use this tab to define functional characteristics for this entry transaction. This includes the following information:

  • The default status of the subcontract orders
  • The default entry processes to be available to the user such as material allocations (global or detailed) and whether requirements are considered.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Transaction reserved for automatic generation (field TRSAUTO)

This flag makes it possible to specify that the transaction is reserved for the automatic subcontract order generation functions.

Authorized statuses

  • Allow status (field SCOSTA)

This field is used to specify the authorized status(es).


  • Allocation method (field MODALL)

Assignment method:
- Manual : allocations are carried out solely upon request.
- Automatic: the assignments are managed automatically upon creation, modification and deletion. They are managed in a global or detailed way.

Requirement considered

  • Requirement considered (field PICRETFLG)

This parameter defines whether the window used to take into account the requirements related to the subcontracted product should open automatically or not when entering field "PUR quantity" for the subcontract order.



Tab Input


You use this tab to provide default entry, and display, fields and values. Where fields can be entered or displayed you can select from the following values:

The associated field is to enable data entry.

The associated field is to be displayed. It is not to be available for data entry.

The associated field is not to be displayed.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Entry parameters

  • Enter PUR qty. (field UOMSAIFLG1)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether or not the entry of the quantity, in purchase unit, is authorized in the subcontract order entry screen.

  • PUR quantity (field QTYPUUCOD)

This setup can only be accessed if it is authorized to enter the quantity in purchase unit. It is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the quantity in purchase unit must be:

  • entered with unit: The field Purchase unit is initialized by the purchase unit of the product but can still be modified. The quantity can be then be entered in the chosen unit.
  • entered without unit: The field Purchase unit is initialized by the purchase unit of the product but cannot be modified. The quantity can be then be entered in the proposed unit.

Release entry

  • Subcontractor site (field MFGFCYCOD)

Setup used to define if the sub-contract site, automatically loaded with the site associated with the supplier (only in inter-site/inter-company mode) must, for this entry transaction, be Displayed or Hidden.

  • Subcontract address (field SCOADDCOD)

Setup that is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the sub-contractor address must be ;

  • Hidden:
    The field does not appear on the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed:
    The default value is attributed to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The default value is attributed to the field and displayed.
    It can be modified and in this case the address must be chosen from the list of addresses of the supplier concerned.

The default value assigned to the field Sub-contractor address corresponds either to the default address of the Sub-contract site in inter-site/inter-company mode, or to the default address of the Supplier concerned in the other cases.

  • Receiving site (field RCPFCYCOD)

Parameter that is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the site for the reception must be:

  • Hidden:
    The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed:
    The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The default value can be modified. In that case, the site must be chosen from the list of sites with which the user normally works.
    If a product is managed in stock, this chosen site must be declared as a warehouse in the site table.

SEEINFO The default value assigned to the Reception site field is the request site (DA)/order entered in the header.

  • Receipt address (field RCPADDCOD)

Parameter that is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the reception address must be ;

  • Hidden:
    The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed:
    The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered :
    The default value can be modified. In this case, the address must be choosen in the list of addresses of the specific reception site.

SEEINFO The default value assigned to the Recption Address field is the address of the specific reception site.

    • Invoicing site (field INVFCYCOD)

    Setup used to define if the invoicing site, automatically loaded with the financial site associated with the Order site  must, for this entry transaction, be Displayed or Hidden.

    • Project (field PJTCOD)

    This parameter is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the project field must be:

    • Hidden:
      The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
    • Displayed:
      The field is displayed and cannot be modified.
    • Entered:
      The field is displayed but can be modified. The value entered is not controlled (free entry).
    • Priority (field PIOCOD)

    This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the priority level must be:

    • Hidden
      :The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
    • Displayed
      : The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entered:
      The default value assigned to the field is displayed but can still be modified.

    The default Priority level is: Standard:

    Materials entry

    • Storage site (field STOFCYCOD)

    Setup used to define if, for this entry transaction, the storage site corresponding to the site where the materials are made available, must be:

    • Hidden:
      The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
    • Displayed:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entered:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified and in this case the site must be chosen from the list of sites with which the user normally works. If the product is managed in stock, this site chosen must be declared as a warehouse in the site table.

    The default storage site corresponds to the order site.

    • field STOFCYSCR

    Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

    • Form and table mode
    • Form mode
    • Table mode.
    • Location (field LOCCOD)

    Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the location must be:

    • Hidden
    • Displayed
    • Entered
    • field LOCSCR

    Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

    • Form and table mode
    • Form mode
    • Table mode.
    • Lot (field LOTCOD)

    Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the lot number must be :

    • Hidden
    • Displayed
    • Entered
    • field LOTSCR

    Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

    • Form and table mode
    • Form mode
    • Table mode.
    • Major version (field ECCCOD)

    Use this field to control entry or modification of the Major version number for a product. You can set this field to one of the following values:

    • Hidden:
      The Major version field is not displayed on the entry screen
    • Displayed
      The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entered
      The version number can be entered. The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed but can be modified.

    • field ECCSCR

    Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

    • Form and table mode
    • Form mode
    • Table mode.
    • Minor version (field ECCCODMIN)

    Use this field to control entry or modification of the Minor version number for a product. You can set this field to one of the following values:

    • Hidden
      The Minor version field is not displayed on the entry screen.
      The minor version is always hidden if the major version is hidden.
    • Displayed
      The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entered
      The version number can be entered. The version number is loaded automatically when a product is version managed but it can be modified.
      You can only select this value if the Major version is set to 'Entered'.

    • field ECCSCRMIN

    Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

    • Form and table mode
    • Form mode
    • Table mode.

    Service entry

    • Subcontract LT (field SCOLTICOD)

    Setup that is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the sub-contractor lead time must be:

    • Hidden:
      The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
    • Displayed:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entered:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.

    The lead time corresponds by default to that specified in the BOM.

    • Start date (field OPESTRCOD)

    Setup used to define, for this entry transaction, if the start date must be:

    • Hidden:
      The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
    • Displayed:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
    • Entry:
      The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.

    The start date is by default calculated as follows: End date (receipt date for the product) - Lead-time.

    • End date (field OPEENDCOD)

    Setup used to define, for this entry transaction, if the end date must be:

      • Hidden:
        The field does not appear in the entry screen but a default value is assigned to it.
      • Displayed:
        The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
      • Entry:
        The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.

    The end date is by default equal to the Receipt dateof the released product.


    Tab Analytical


    You use this tab to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Block number 1

    • Stock movement dimensions (field STOCCECOD)

    Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:

    • Hidden
    • Displayed: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed but cannot be accessed.
    • Entered: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed and can be accessed.
    This screen is common to the entry transactions for the orders and open orders. In the open orders entry transaction, this field is not available.

    Released product entry

    • field CCESCR

    Parameter invisible and not used.

    Grid Released product

    You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
    You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

    • Method (field CCECOD)

    Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

    • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
    • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
    • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
      The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.

    Material entry

    • field CCESCR2

    Parameter invisible and not used.

    Grid Materials

    You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
    You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

    • Method (field CCECOD2)

    Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

    • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
    • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
    • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
      The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.

    Operation entry

    • field CCESCR3

    Parameter invisible and not used.

    Grid Operations

    You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
    You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

    • Method (field CCECOD3)

    Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

    • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
    • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
    • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
      The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.



    Action icon

    Preload dimensions

    Click the Preload dimensions action to load the default dimensions defined for a selected group of sites or companies.




    Tab Documents


    You use this tab to define which documents to print with each subcontract order and the number of copies required.

    You can also define whether a trace file and a provisional cost calculation is to be generated when the subcontract order is printed.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Subcontract documents

    • Material issue slip (field DOCFLG)

    Click this check box if a Material issue note (BSM) must be printed. If a Material issue note is not required, leave clear.

    If the associated document check box is selected, enter the report code for the standard printed document.

    • Job ticket (field NPRFLG)

    Click this check box if a Job ticket (BONTRV) must be printed. If a Job ticket is not required, leave clear.

    If the associated document check box is selected, enter the report code for the standard printed document.

    • Technical sheet (field TECFLG)

    Click this check box if the Technical sheets (FICHTEC) must be printed. If the Technical sheets are not required, leave clear.

    If the associated document check box is selected, enter the report code for the standard printed document.

    Provisional cost documents

    • Provisional cost (field MCCIMPMOD)

    The provisional cost calculation is launched at the end of creation or modification of a subcontract order.
    It is possible to manage the printing of documents linked to this calculation in the following way:

    • No. No print-out.
    • Report. Print of the summary report on the cost calculation.
    • Trace. Print of the summary log file for the provisional cost calculation.
    • Report and trace. Print of both the report and the log file.




    By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

     PRTSCR : Screen print

    This can be changed using a different setup.

    Specific actions

    Click the Validationaction to save this entry transaction definition. This triggers the corresponding screens to be generated. A warning message is displayed suggesting that you view your results to check the display is as you expected. Should you need to make further adjustments click Cancel, adjust your definition and revalidate until the results you require are displayed.

    Click the Copyaction to copy this entry transaction to a different folder.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    You do not have the access rights for this code

    This message appears when the access code entered does not exist in the user profile. To solve this problem, it is necessary to choose an access code from the list displayed or (provided you have the authorization) to add the requested access code to the user profile.

    Report dictionary: XX Record does not exist

    You have chosen in the tab Documents a report reference that does not exist in the Report dictionary.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation